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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. FEBRUARY 16, 1978 Viewmont Wins Region One Wrestling Tourney By DAVE WIGHAM Chambers, Hitwell, Viewmont High rode De wave of three individual champions and a couple i.f runner ups to Wu k awj y w tr tre Region Oi e wrest irg l 'ie last week in the meet fit id at Region One Tourney: 1st Class All The Hay DAE By hao TAIGHAM m off 10 112- - 1 Jackson. Weber, 2. Gunderson, Bonnevine, 3 Stott, Layton, 4 Moore, 5 Viewmont, Bjrnson, - "'leld C Hi ten - I Schoiberg V Morns, Weber, sew-tnun- i, 2 1 il G eav er w for the op on at the I n' . t ts ' V ses w be turisi b red 0 of the top dubs m the Md t k meet and with some g xnl the slate i row n uist n tome out norm n Srisaad, 5 1 THE V ikmgs their tvM.be aies the people who were responsible for the Oie wrestling tournament last week at Layton gh Sth.ml The tournament was first class all the way Rei H Lavt Clearfield 4 View, Sky Roy, Skv V lew ' r K tun I ay 3 , 5 , A 11 THREE people were primarily responsible for the way everyone was treated. Mrs Dugmore, Mrs Betty Ehm and Mrs Mae Kittrell All have sons on the Layton team, in fact Dugmore won the 126 title, Kittrell the 167 title and thin was fourth in the heavyweight class These three lovely ladies were responsible for running the two day event They got the usher, the food and everything else that it takes to put on a tournament of this stature There were a lot of other people behind the scenes hclptd with the tournament but these three ladies should be congratulated for their efforts -v 1 If the V king-- - v 1 run at trie ta'e Bountiful and W t t u ro t i hanipuiti' .rau Inn r i r 1 View, y M 1 M.s bountiful 2 Clearf'eid 3 lewmon' 4 tH i'g r, V ks Bi nnev lit 1 avion 5 1 r ow w fj- - tr teil, l ri ' a d s (l a w (rl ta'f, J l W i be' BouiHif D Buun , , w is jl i lavt'1 TH Hi t I i . m-- Hdt Set ond plat . un'O he H i ANOTHER AWARD, voted by the wrestlers them selves, went to Rud Housley the 132 pounder from Sky View Ih's award was for sportsmanship What swung this award m Pod's favor was a great act of sportsmanship on his part In a consolation match Housley was losing to Tory' with about ten seconds to go in Berger of Viewmnnt the match Th r Burger slammed him to the mat, not 'O'Ttumalh out f happened Housley came down on his ' ad and he was obviius'y hurt The rules state that if a wrestler cant conti .ue because of an injury suffered w ih an illfgal move, like a slam, then that wrestler would wu. 'he match This meant that if Rod couldn't ti ntmue ne v. ild win tne match ' .an tit tit r groba I i jv ton, 2 3 Finch Taylor, Bountiful, ).an Clearfield N 4 i a D Muort 1 Wt r s fm 'h, d wih 1 he sei ond in he ft g on met they ts si. ( rowned t hampions win (he Warriors in thud plait a si whttret bl fat L Stupe w r ht; wiestler VIEWMONT t 1 A DOCTOR determined that, at first he could continue, bji then Housley was still d.zzy His coach didnt want mm to continue and risk any further injury Rod Housley r alued though that he hadn't won the match the way he wnu'd have liked to and he made the decision to go out and just stand the final ten seconds and then allow the n a'ch to bmsh and r win FoMowing 'he match, Mr Berger went over and Marked both the Skv View wrestler and hi- - roach for their decision I t t s r , lake the c.i l III t the u 1.1 fiur .1st . i 'S5 n i nt S i CHAMPION View e rst pGce fi.iisOi s out o' r ' b, f t , n t ( Sweat' dd ( " ShuV.btrg (list) ard Bt ng Bountdu! ftiu(lvj of Pe it wu AIL IN all the tournament was a success, some caches might not think so, but this reporter was thankful for the hospitality shown him by the Layton people These three Davis High School wrt Frank TTromfison, front, have quahlit-.- l State Class 3 A wrestling tournamt nt and Sat ,rday at RVUs Marriott t peting .re M.ke Moll kit Hint vuhun for state Braves o yvith coach ompete in thu t i 1 arsd n , f i 1 Duen ( r iler IV Hi st laivton cn wped tw of the r own tn (126) and Kitut H (fiairpuns v 16') All ce threukb the atches were g he wire with day the m g di wn ro me poirt going all the ttn.e a dime a dozen in the n ce! Some f the best grappic-rin the stale were present at th.s meet decisions Overtimes were fOViOPil By DAVE WIGHAM Last Wednesday following a couple of defeats people around the city were talking like this weeks Viewmont-Bountifmatchup would be a dud After all the Braves had just lost to Bonneville while the Vikes lost to Roy. BUT THEN on Friday the Braves showed they havent given up hope of a state berth yet by taking Clearfield into three overtimes before bowing out Meanwhile the Vikes were downing the Layton crew to enhance their chances uf that state berth The first outing between these two clubs provided one of the typical games between Both led the schools throughout the contest but only one, Viewmont, could be ahead at the buzzer This contest shapes up as another classic, this go round is up in the Brave wigwam BOUNTIFUL was a little like day and night in their two games last week First the embarrassment to Bonneville then the great game up in Clearfield The Braves are very capable of playing good ball, for them to win all of their players have to play well The Braves have had some frustrating games this year, a couple of one pointers to Weber, the three overtimer to the the Falcons and Bonneville loss Not since their win m preseason, their win over Granger, have the Braves played a super game All this means that they are overdue to play one great game, and they are running 8 nn By 4f , p i out of chances, the Viewmort game would be the idea! si tuation for them if youre a Brave fan By GARY R. Hi i Vw at p & a d J v it cm Davis High School uu v.J fETL I BITCIIIF must Ameruan tennis players so ofbn display the manners of street fighters? In Why IF YOU happen to be a Viking at heart then you would just as soon the Braves hold off for another week Viewmont has been much like the Braves in that they havent really played up to their potential yet Last great game for them would prnba bly go back to the Skyline tennis, especially, tional game of a tradi sports-narwhi- why rnuM so many Americans make so many enemies? JIMMY has improyt-- his manners ion still siderably, but there's i d win some of the gufer his behavior basically what we have this rematch is a couple of teams ready to explode on someone Chances are they will both explode on each other. As one Bountiful So in gHer his recent Gr u d Siam match with Piorn Borg. ( on nors only shghtly showed bad manners some half duzen times, an improvement (1! J lost, standings or state invitations go but both clubs will battle each other out of pride 6-- 6-- 1 6) WHY IS this necessary? And as de from the bad man nered Ri mspian Ille Natase its aln' ist always the American, wt. r display poor manners (Udf Richiy seems to utanti unis as a tat tic ) SENIORS Chris Davies, Brian Slagowski, Scott Pendleton, Scott Crowther and Irvy Williams for the -e Bo1,, as do Wes! Braves along with Vikings Cal F uropi ans with m1) the rareM exiep tion conducts hrrscif as a Curtis, Gil Hodges, Mike Yates, Kevin Hess, Cory gentleman John Higley, John Skedros, along with some junior talent arent about to let a rivalry like this one pass by without a few heart attacks The other added incentive is that the key to the city goes to the winner of this one Each year the winner of the most games between the two schools in varsity football and basketball owns the bragging rights to the city Football went to the Braves, the first basketball game to the Vikes This game is the deciding Hanks, HE DOFSNT use cheap psyching p tai tics, mb n tionail irr, are his opp "in' etc He dotsn t shout crude remarks or po nt his racket that he s bragging !e e going to get h's ipponcnt This is chi'd sn of course, in addition to poor tennis manners I brow, pg rackets, stalking off court without all shaking hands, etc , etc this is too often "made in the USA Its been harmful to the U S image abroad, and has no place in tennis rt vote Your First Call For Jkitiddeu jot Specializing in Inturonc Claims WINDOWS MIRRORS STOREFRONTS TABLETOPS ORIGINAL EOUIPMLNT RtPLACf MINTS AMSC0 & RA0C0 tournament were cfininy in region coir pt it k n BART HAD an ov i i al recoi d of 20 w ins, 2 losses and 2 ues and was undefeated but hal two ties in region action A son of the wrestling coach, P mt won the crown wuh three detiSijRS in the Region I our touiney, the last match by a 12 2 1 d DAVIS, AS a team, pilaced third be hind Rc gion 4 c lumps b ix I kltr and second place Bear River M.ke captured top honors with two pins and a decision while Bart won all his bouts by decision Alan took two matches ty pins and ap e peared to be on his way to tf title when he was upset in the final match, losing a close 6 4 decision MIKE GAINED pins in minute 32 seconds over his South High opponent and in minute 56 seconds again ,t hi 1 1 w r i i si F t s f hi i think he wi ! ( .itl( h h. i s n i, I 'I nd ind IP i (hit he su, down sa d his hi arh i,t ly . $ i 1 Storm Window Plate A Obscure Class Mirrors Window Glass Sliding Glass Window A Doors i & i ott I Nuorday night Who won the Super Bowl clash5 1 Mario Andretti is known in what sport? 3 Name the new coach of the Buffalo Bills 4 Who was the NF1 leading 'usher for 1977? 1 Viewmont, I avion, 5 145- - 1 2 mark 4 Lance Olson, Fibs, Welier Sweatfield, View-mo.Gadegos, Layton, 3 Answers; Dallas 27, Denver 2 Race car driver 3 Chuck Knox 1 DIVISION of Resources W i Id Bears iisfcs: Im really upset for losing that match in the Region custom I Tournament, said Alan was undefeated (6 0 1) in region and had a 20-- 2 iei ord for the season I just lit that Bear River athlete sl.j) SUPERIOR 1370 West Gentile St., Layton Ph""? away MIKE SAID he is confident that the three Dart wrestlers will make a good showirg in the state finals 378-45- 10 t Bacon Sliced 1st grade Chuck Roast Bone 80e Chuck Steak 89?b Weve been strong all season, he said If we do cur best, give 110 percent, I knuw we can hung home the trophies BART SAID he has been home with the flu the past few days but should be primed for the state meet Bart has not felt well over We Will Age and Custom Cut Your Own Beet. Polyester Vacuum Sealed Wrapping fe personnel 1 2 3 4 5 6 The goal of this survey is to get the best state coverage oi eagles wintering in Utah eagles m 7 8 9 10 areas 1 1 of Utah 12 13 IDENTIFICATION on some birds in dicate that some of the eagles markers from traveled Saskatchewan Province in have Th Canada Last year over 600 bald eagles wintered in Ltah from late November to External or internal leaks in master cylinder Faulty power brake unit Malfunctioning brake control valve Scored or out ot parallel discs Sticking or leaking caliper pistons Frayed or cracked hydraulic lines and hoses Contaminated brake fluid Sticking or hanging brake shoes Scored out of round or bellmouth drums Worn, glazed or greasy linings Sticking or leaking wheel cylinders Sticking self adjusters Bargain brake jobs Incomple'e service and low quality materials are a common cause ot brake failure Compare prices but know what you get Why save a lew bucks and lose your life? danger signal Loss of pedal Spongy pedal Pulsating pedal Hard pedal Vehicle pulls to one Squealing or squeaking side One or more brakes drag Brakes grab Pedal gradually goes to floor Low pedal March Free brake safety inspection takss 1 5 minutes interest of your safety Mr Brake offers complete brake safety inspection free of charge and without any obligation All causes of brake failure are checked, and inspection takes only fifteen minutes We then tell you the condition of your brakes, and advise you as to when brake service will probably become necessary If your vehicle requires brake service at the time of inspection, we tell you what it will cost, and we guarantee the price in advance You make an appointment and most jobs are finished within ninety minutes (Saving time can actually earn you money if you depend upon your vehicle for your livelihood ) In the D. Construction Co. Uc. Gf .i. Contractor825-93- CLEARFIELD 825-748- 4 tm 1 - 2 Custom Homes, Additions, Remodel Build with someone who Cares 1b. 7 together with Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service employees, will observe and classify bald eagles in Utah throughout the month uf February of 10 Walter,Pay ton, Chicago 4 month "PHONE US YOUR GLASS TROUBLES 123 CROSS ST i s ports Quiz State and federal land d'M wi.dlife agencies wiH be .n volved in a comprehensive winter bald eagje survrv th -- DELIVERY RFTAIL M and Sa'urday schedules calling for matches at 1pm he finals being and 6 p rr McQuade PICKUP t. n'c t Dii r .day will begin at 1 I nday j) m an 7 p m with HERE ARE the f.nal five in each weight, a1! qualified foi the sta'e meet this n k OH Merrill, Bountiful, 2 Arove, Clearf,eld, 3 Snow, 1 2. Surj?1' John WHOLESALE be Ihursoa, MATO'FS . n s Layton Farmer, Pov, 3 Smith, Viewmont, 4 Ehm Layton, 5 Cartwright, Sky v View ebers Russ Camp bell was voted outstanding wres'ler Buant fui, Genie iifBS 123 CROSS ST M rn nrd with nnlv one In" M,ke Moll, 145 pounds, and Bart Thompson, 12 pounds Alan Porter took runnerup c lass honois in the north MQPAR AUTO A TRUCK CLASS tatlolied WK le toe Wo.l by Trorned fenennel 376-427- 1 4 au gh opponent In between, 11 TWO OF the matmen won the Region 4 title while the third placed second losu g by two points in the final Jtnml F mishing first in the success GLASS LAYTON - KAYSVILLE i Tied n H l Classifications of the eagles as to number of subadults per adult will indicate the nesting FOR ALL gfaSS NEEDS AUTO for t ke wor 'sided 12 1 decision over his 0 sieet from B'x t Ider He had a 17 7 0 seas, n tine in In resident noted, this game mean absolutely could nothing as far as region t TI thiee wrestlers f i o n Rig.on Tour to compete in the Class I A Wrestling ( hampiondnps Ihuisday, Friday and Saturday at the Marru tt t .ter on BYU's campus Region t on nut' UG c.t 1 iew HVYRGT s Merrill b others it Pudrey tSS) and P n (132) .nd beavyweigflt Dian la, W V 1 a. t s ihrt-- e ( U itt ck, 1 'etnlWTtH- junt.ful Bedding'.eld View 2 hammer, Bount.fu! 4 Storey, Vieber, t field last m, 5 Jens n B tr n. r w Open Sam until 5 Fod Lane Layton through Friday Sam until 5pm Saturday T elephone 376 3468 53 North 30 p m Monday a |