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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL FEBRUARY 1o lyfc Kaysville Births Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ci.nton D Zollinger, KaysvJit, and Mr and Mrs Union Wraudfield of DuBois, Welcoming their second in Id are Mr ard Mrs David Dud of Clinton A 6 lb 1 oz si.n was bora on Jan 29 at Re i OS Hospital in Salt Lake ( ny and will be named Ryan ciark He has a brother J i ii Announce Engagement o o banders of K 194 2 (' . tjra'i 'parents are Mr and s DeAuvne Garrett of r t 1 Kaysville, to kev.n l sen, son of Mr and Vra F R Oakridge 1 Di- , I ai , n Chrtstensei if . j svihe and Mi and Mrs t 'y Du of Cl rton rti ,.ua Vrt harlHawkins V ph' are the great grand the arrival of first child, a daughter, r Mi f - ai 2 a i 'k i it groom graduated Iron. tun H gh Sthc i and tab State Cmm n employed wth Forest Serve e JUKI SANDERS i lit-- i i !re 7 ghirg le named Mr and HiiChmsun of nd Mrs Mi ' L m ah Great a i are Mr and It u Snow of d pi ospei U n we it w U i Lofean THF , on he McKay Dee at r b i i N K) t 'no' William K uid Mrs 1(11.1 ,if bs F 2 e She arrived ,s -- A - I i J s t j' Di t - , mil a j i , ! s rta Canada Ui'i iiMin of t r t s t t Mr and - ki vser L Me ib H !iii of girl 2 at the H spital ibs and will be At home are , P lly and John h is A in. i I ,n h aci nts are Mr and W bur kiisitr of Ogden Mr and Mrs Johnnie f Sal' I ake C ' ity i d I as bt en received .s m n, Wash of the i Pu ri fa ddagKerW bom to Mrs P air oodGeld ( s1 e we'ghed in at 8 i , a u is iheir third ' o me are Jenmfer ' i i i tit mother is V a a Zollinger of a ! i ( i s i id i i i id $ vStob W f m mm. id & atkirs - ,v a t w f! te . f-- 'Sks 1 A k s u! t tb of who is part alum was known on paid ising and the operation t JEANNE VAN VELKINBDKGH Jeanne VanVelkinburgh has been picked as sweethc art of Xi Chi C hapter of Beta sigma Phi JEANNE resides in Kays-me with her husband Bob she has worked for Clover L lub Foods Company as ad mimstrative assistant for the past 18 years Jeanne joined Beta Sigma Phi in 1918 and has been a very active member, holding i he office of president three limes She was presented the Order of the Rose in 1977 j j rzpairikq MAKFS ALL Cals 5" Anytime BRANDENBURG TV flea onaW Kat 141 West 1900 North, Sunset 825-367- 6 825-622- 3 , t.r I r f. v r House in Arrow Pre-Square after the ceremony A reception will be held at the Eldredge House m Grandmother's s Our It will be given by Town Mrs Pngmore and Cara! Bountiful Duckworth JODY graduated from Davis High and is attending Southern Utah State College Rk hard is attending Southern Utah State College and filled an LDS mission to Tennessee, Nashville THE center will be dosed beb 20 For lunch reservations, please call the day before Call Layton Eagles, or dmg 36-90C- 376-891- ( I SUNGLASSES ARE GREAT FOR ANY SEASON i , 1 1 ayton mutuum e 'n S Che the.r daughtei to tii c m i y H oy at House, who is stiG of C n-- d HAF B du Prf r sn MR. HOC St is t'e Mr and Mrs Wa't-- i f I house of W i s f u d M The couple is plann ng a June 17 wedd pg in the Cieai field Commumiy ( hurch to be performed by Re, creed llarley Hunt CHER1 IS a graduate id 1 ayton High Si hool Gregory is a graduate of Westford Atademv and is a number if the US AF Fell ows hip To Be Awarded Announcement of a $2,000 ellowship, to be awarded by the Rocky Mountain Region of the Soroptimist International has been sent to all accredited One of the factors in making the award is that the winner must be accepted for graduate study or actually enrolled in graduate school in an accredited institution where a high standard of ad vanced study is offered in her chosen field THE Regional Fellowship was established in 1949, and awards have been made each biennium, beginning in 1950 It is available to any woman resident or graduate of an accredited college or nursing school in the states of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, and that portion of Western Nebraska included in the Rocky Mountain Region and APPLICATIONS Rocky Mountain Regional visit oua 'pteifit i&h Dilor UIiOSiTY KAcL CBEM. UTAH 225 3920 t t r 1 U cD tr he Si l a! a no ru v sp 1 1 D i r uiirt ( )f SEAFOOD OGDEN tsdlcil Distil Bi!dli 393-343- 9 - I- ,jn h sum- i ' - ( ! 1 1 1 , ! h , 1 ' r U h 1 i ;i i i i i ! 1 El EAGLE Stout Awards went David ( haniberlain, Kevin ira'es and Don Stewart and were presented by Joe t,i i i it BirigdTl Star awards were presented ) James Castano and Ferre! stine while Charles Edwards 1 a in in to step Jural! igh school otto sunn mte i s' ng and well pain r jobs 1 rt SjXi lal tra rung ,s enab i g ' fror liable - slu Mrtl'Xli a e to kn, a w h 111 t w for i rnjlo v here were awards presented men ' ai n f 'epartiiy i si h i h leceived first class award id about twenty young h g Wd ! s rt the skins . c to any GARY SMITH was in barge of the banquet and nrent Tennant assisted with the activities Troop 103 of the Farming ion First Ward held a Court of Honor on Friday evening in the Rock Chapel with Kennt th ! i i th tl ' AV idiia .on g . t t T' 5 exi Hipg program is All'll the v ationa! oiler id of the Davis ( ounty s xi svstem and is free to who have no! y o Tlb pa-- t f voi JuateJ from IN program high school is (ailed )tratif n ,he name nimra fr,,ni t'e f i t that any student wdh a vi ational intt rest that Can at thi n t be satisfied t dents high school mav iGjei t C tnroll in through Project Cooperation inti any one of n inv technica training 'it Ids at the Davis Vocational Area Center, Wtber State College, Utah Technical College and Skill Ctnier in Ogden N THE training mav consist classroom vocational training, on the job 'raimrg and work experience Path of ' i h , i a W ' - il' .1' a r v vocational offerings available through this school district ' "a '' AK ' 'yj n hi p jik h ' i ii du a p ocl , ' y ' - h ing hig h spr i d should contact the Project (ooperation director, Jav Fisher, telephone s k 976-422- 5 I ! I k who will be happy to respond to your inquiries i . id r c WIN A spring program is designed to give ihe student the skills and at titudes that will enable the 'tudent to get a job in his or her chosen career field and to by TAMI These courses are simply an extension of the regular high school curriculum, thus a student will continue to earn the credits needed for graduation from high school Mens Ls j J 1 4 gal on fcon. thru Sat. I0A.M.-6P.- CUSSED SUNDAY ST' Mi & Womens Fashions ialh for the u . . February 20th D(,TUV.S m RT1I I) A) every young man and young lady should learn a technical trade that will provide employment if the need THE courses are unique in that they are individualized so that a student may enter at FREE orbing gat Lome in and browse through our beautiiui sprin; clothing lines and register for the drawing for a spring outfit from lami to he given away to the lucky 11 Jay Fisher, suggests that arises The vocational skills developed in the Proiect Cooperation Program could be the means of a college or professionally bound student earning the funds in the summer and part time employment to put the student through school OUTFIT THE IMPULSE keep the job once it has been obtained THE Project Cooperation student enjoys an advantage over other high school students inasmuch as he or she is not only meeting graduation requirements but is developing the employable skills that can lead to a well paving job right out of high school The program director, Ralph charge i Kt Ira k ' ' , ' rt 1 i i i in Uakeson was presented his Fagle Award and several other awards were given to scouts kj ' Ilf ' ' n t t ) i'n ,rt ' ' i I - Vkatts I l , t t i Cjl tf I! r , K i i ' . a gr F i s i t uri (tic i - in a, ura to ai ou rt 'ri.nmg that i 24 Striit-Sii- ti jf R iior was hid urmirgion F iflh ard Fhurxdav eventing, at the Maxe t enter Rex FJancev, v outmasrer of Troop 2'8was as'tr (f ceranitimes for the anque t and program i SALE 12 of2 Sale 50 to 75 on all winter stock REMEMBER! ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO LEAVE THE IMPULSE WITHOUT SOMETHING IMPRESSING IMPULSE MENS & WOMENS FASHIONS 1966 West 5700 South North Medical Canter 958 Z5tk ny hute J LaytonClearfield PROVOOREM c r' r Honor Held PLATE OY Come Experience the New Styles At. IQughtori Optical I dV" ' i Conference in April of Devi Ki f u 1 i !ibrK t'Xfieru i " ili She t r ma in the hands of the Chairman, Mrs Grace J Flinders, 101 South 8th East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102, by March 1, 1978 The award will be presented at the Just west M .nJdV rt e dc C p I t S OPIH tts h credentials must be 2179 N. 1700 mime .derm if Htu receive information abou' presentation entitled I s r V 1 he couple will be honored ai a wedding breakfast at 1 i lood laws On Tuesday Feb 28, there will be a sink rtt r rr ' i ai a t t, Vs a' Hi 7i R t J ci f ( ( bR H ( x . BLOOD pressure is tak-- ! every Monday at noiin Tuesday, Feb 21 will it t'e monthly birthday party starts at 12 15 p m , ridov Feb 17 the senior citizens will f ' r ro "b- A THIS Fellowship is to en courage qualified and worthv women to continue gradda'e study in accepted academic fields in which there is a ner d for leadership f N 1 Is? i 'K. AND Mrs Joseph T Graves of 673 N 100 E , (va,svi!le, are parents of the ' ,t ire bride Richard is the on f Mr and Mrs Lewis lx llert Heaps of W'heatland, ties for all senior utizer remainder of the month 1 ebruary fTie group meets the Layton Eagles Building ' 1 i t colleges and universities in the region, according to Loa Wilbert, president of the Soroptimist Club of Bountiful s I , rdf nn Graves and gw ard Richins Heaps are pi inning a March 11 wedding ,i, the Salt i ake LDS Temple J ) F RADIO & TV i red Schroader up ram chairman np C engsement heri Lea was Plans Wedding Senior Citizen Activities Set The senior citizens of lj' ton will hove several acti.. ...t'v 1 ; G.l U Weddi lljr Da ip A v SHE IS truly the sweetheart ui Xi Chi and will represent ihe chapter at the Valentine the wt'on Bft. CLYDE Marx, Rotary id ball to te held f t b 18 a, Llks lodge m Bountiful Davis County Chapters attend , 11 Mrs Larry Arnva Ida and Mrs M a etiln of 1 Wi F u pirsident conducted Thirty-- ii n embers and guests at- Sweetheart Kavss die , a! Lukev'ew HiWpitdl we,ghirg in at 9 ,t 7 oz and will be named Amv At bimi-- a re two s.sters, Stt j t an e on-FI vt he Grandparaii'a a u 1 725 F Watkins talked Mr 250 S She was born Saturday C to fore as KSL but after t hat gink, ownership was named KSI I , the SFI for Simmons Family Incorporat- - f .. Is 7a hi Kentucky are the trand parents rp Parents of their tt, rd ih. J and thmd daaghter are Mr and Mrs Kan linco'n of hair N Mam aytnn ar d r unnir g' am Mary 'it KSF1 stai"n if I If F r 7, Ad? c 5 I 1 4 i us N 71b Che itralJ the it. l Rotary Club was held A t J,.esday at the Chateau ( e ic m Ley ton Following 0 nm (hi g aest sjvt aker was h quia1 met ting e 1 E- K .raafy In J Ullt Tvieets i S 37d ra'y - f? Ft' r tr Ft Lt 1 Layton Rotary i ' 24tu Su r T a a of KavsviMe cz daughter was Dora on Jan 2a at the Davis North Medical Center m Layton She is being named sai ah There aie two brothers ul home, Matthew and Adam and Mis Samuel Mr Nic isia of New Yi rk ard Mrs Morjorie Fseskirs it Fucson, Ariz and Mr FesKirs of Jusejh 1 rW t 'i- - Calf are grandparents Mrs Wa'lare F. ht of I arrriingon is the grad! grandmother Happy over the arrival of a ddugfter are Mr and Mrs 1 1 i 15dJ 4, 1278 - ft rLes v tf w pc i Fa- ErOdJreaJ r.d a N i n THE C01PLF is i t an April 2b wed 1 g ret option foil 'a ng The bride eb t graduate of Pa. si U s and is a jun or I ! a h S ' a e Li c i s of KavsviHe Garnett ie s s Adyae Ida Westey Nt'son of Lcgan is ihe great grandfather Mr and Mrs Rardy Malan of San Diego, C ahf , former Kay svrSSe residents, are parents of a daughter Sara Lye, was born on Jan 23 we gh.tig 7 lb 9 uz She has a Kane, a1 home sister, And-tThe r oAer is me former Chris Rasmussen of Kays-ihe Mr and Mrs James Rasmussen of Kaysville, Mr and Mrs Lex Malan of San Diego, ball was the former M s Announcement is br pf n ade of the erj.at.cn tut aiu lorthcorrung marriaira if Miss Jeri Sarders u r of Mr and Mrs Davu I February 3, 1378 h! X 3W 13S5 S. 5D0 West- - Bountital S Roy Shopping Center Remember its IMPossible to leave the IMPulse without something IMPressive |