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Show EEKLY REFLEX LEA.D-E- DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. FEBRUARY 16, 1978 CHOPPING PRICES ON. . P LOADS OF SA WHIGS . ITS PRESIDENTS DAY SALE CAMPBELL KID CREWEL KITS A SPECIAL 1 Gin foa DaDY NYU li'K ki 1 JHrtnd liiin - a. C c i HI ChJKs I s . J V f f f0 Mi J sr $nun 15 CO Regular Save plenty at rv OFF ,00 Pafr till ill New numbers for lYEIlS SALE Long or short spring sleeves Regulai 9 00 to 6 00 Value Buy first at regular price and second one for 1 CLOCKS Yarn N Things 23 East Gentile St Layton , 766-063- dd ,"t LEES V 'rr - Boot Cut Value Jeans Lee Rider NEEDLEPOINT 5 Some New 4 DAYS OF SAVINGS QHiLT ratted jewelry! Q & d COMPLETE STOCK Very Newest Fabric Pattern or Pla.n 3 w Li? event for this Mens Pants Reduced Again etc. Cotton Denims, Corduroys, Values to 22.50 Pair Now Clean-uPrice & Polyester Pair IS08 p 2pfra Mens Tube Socks Ideal for long wear 7 20th are back for spring Reg. 2.38 to 3.49 or Less SPECIAL PURCHASE New for spring with Collars Short or long sleeves Regular 2.99 Value ea. Your Choice 88 KSmJ? 2 for 3 Mens Shoes 50 pairs only While they last Only If they fit Values to 32 98 Q83 pair you can save plenty ONE GROUP Mens Odds and Ends liiOS PI003S Canvas Keds 35 pairs only Values to 12.93 Now Clean-u- p price - 45" Wide Polycotton Great for Easter & Party Dresses ' Yd. LADIES SHOES Black, Navy, Brown, White Values to 11.99 While they last Only 60 Pairs CHILDRENS SHOES odds and ends pairs Values to 14 98 For this sale Broken sizes and styles Pair BOYS SHOES REDUCED Canvas and leather Patriot Thread & Zippers only 58 pairs Regular price 12.98 Size 7 to 4 While they last JI44 W Pair Merchandise is First Quality Vz Price CLEAN-U- P A or loss 4 DAYS ONLY Sheets and Cases White or Fancies Twin, full or Queen No Layaways Reduced 15 on each h Plains and Fancies good value at 8 98 each o 555 each 4 (toy. only Save big at m Idea! for summer wear y2 Now m reduced si price LANGE SELECTION Bras Ladles Playtex Regular to Discontinued numbers D m 95 r Q h MOO each Save Plenty et THKCSlfcbftTSWEAR REDUCED Pants, Tops, Vests, Dresses, Overalls, Jumpsuits O CO Now 45 V2 D H or less WENT SPECIAL liKiain' Sapphire Cloth Ideal for Quilts etc. Regular 1 tn .79 Yard s I 22 4 days only yard LARGE SELECTION Regular Bed Size regular to 1 1 98 Values 4 oCo Solids or Fancies Blankets 8 98 r 66 days only O eeeh INFANTS SPECIALS 6 Birdseye Diapers Only 4" Stretch Creeper with Booties I" T.V. Booties Colors Only Only GIFT DEPT. 49JL Reg. 13.00 Each For this Sale only CO 2.. o 98. Jars Large Selectionto Cookie from Many Patterns D CO S Select p77 Three Specials Gift Dept.18 1 Sunbeam Shot of Steam iron Sunbeam Hand Mixer Only Manning Bowman Waffle Baker Only Only 7 1 o Co a. 0 99 a. IS5 ta r O o on CO Basement Dept. Simplicity Patterns New for Spring Price o n SELECTION LAAu Ladies Culottes and Gaucho Skirts Reduced VALUES Vz o SAVE PLENTY Complete stock for this sate All KOW YOU REALLY SAVE Only price only Ed Large Selection Complete Stock for this event f Ladles Dusters Remnants Now Reduced and Ends Now reduced Clean-u- p Quilted price 99 1 llOWi Vz Of reg. ocn Regular Values to 30.03 Each Ctearvur) Price SPECIAL PURCHASE Final Clearance Vz s LADIES DEPT. Jump Suits Reduced Corduroys, Velours and Denims CSSS AND ENDS pair 91 Yd. Item Girls Pants, Tops, Odds Oxford Ties em &' d Off Price or ion 12 Now You Save M M !2ow LINGERIE BASEMENT SPECIAL Boys Knit Shirts Co) csy Vz Men s, Womens and Childrens Winter Coats Reduced New Spring goods arriving daily. Vz om o n 2 ALL THAT'S LEFT You Save Big Here - Odds and ends Gowns, Robes to Match D THIS MERCHANDISE SHOULDNT LAST LONG Hurry for this one Mens and Bop Sweaters Your Cardigans, Slipovers, Sleeveless Row All si zl Sportswear, Jackets Blouses, Tops Bras. Handbags etc All reduced to ridiculous low prices Famous Brands Pr Choice Assorted type fabrics 1 to 3 Yd. Pcs. Reg. 1.98 to 3.98 o u 2 RUMMAGE TABLE OUTSTANDING VALUES Tremendous savings throughout the whole store Ladies Sportswear All Pair 3 1" COMPLETE STOCK while they last 16th-Mond- ay DAWS esch SPECIAL PURCHASE giSSSsi 4 DBG Clean-u- p Tte O TACLES for the Soft look so popular for spring. Reg. 3.98 LAYTCM All Top Quality Goods Clean-u- p LADIES Mens Sport Coats Values to 70.03 Your Choice Prices good Thur. pi INCQttKTQVfN KliS l A'Cj 3 ism U MUCH Cv(,-- o A t iii IT Size 26 to 42 waiM - V f J EMMET K on i. i (iifi y. I $ LOADS OF SA WHIGS LOADS OF SA VINGS CB9 (LSTiKoXB 2 5 |