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Show I WEEKLY REFLEX I DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. FEBRUARY 16. 1978 Named United I'Jay President For Davis raised in lrs, This includes the combined Federal campaign at Hill AFB MR. SMEDLEY also recognized the following campaign leaders for their leadership on the campaign: Almon Flake, Bruce Barton and Calvin J UJv. Farmington, was installed Wednesday, I eb 15 at the third annual meeting of the United Way at Brattens Seatove Restaurant, as the president of the United Wav of Davis County Mr Udy is employed by Western 1 lectric ( o of f ii ers OTHER and members of the executive committee include Stanley M Smedley, Bountiful, president elect, W Mack Watkins, Kaysville, past president; Simmons, Bountiful, A B secretary treasurer, Loren D, Martin, Bountiful, campaign chairman Norman Beers, enterville, planning and allocations chairman, Margaret Adams, Lawton, information and rtferral, committee chairman, and Sheryl Allen, agency relations and communications chairman C OTHER members of the for board renominated another term were lone Pennion, Clearfield, Henry Heath (past president), Kaysville, Donald Nielson, Bountiful , Shirl Randall, (enterville, Nathaniel Johnson, Layton, Roy Evans, Bountiful New board members nominated and approved Bruce Barton, Layton, Robert Benzley, Bountiful, Center-ii!e- . iiary Lawson DDS, Mack Smith, Clearfield, Vicki Johnson, North Salt Lake, and Col James R were Bassett, Hill AFB BOARD members currently ser tng two year terms whic h expire December 31, 1978 are , Robert Goldsberry, Farming-tonSheryl Allen, Bountiful; Walt Batrf, ' Farmington;! Bruce Thoren, Centerville; Jean Green, Bountiful, Eldon Barlow, Clearfield and Almon J Make, Centerville Henry Heath, nominating chairman of the United Way, presented the new officers and board membeis He was also recognized for the service rendered as campaign chairman, president and past president He has served for the past three years on the executive committee LOREN D Martin, secretary treasurer reported that the United Way operation ended the year within the approved budget Stan Smedley reported that $121, (XX) has been raised during the 1977 campaign which is 121 percent of goal Claude Mangum. vice chairchairmen men, Division Spence Wright, Gary Spick-nal- l, Gerald Hess, Bruce Watkins, Mack Smith, John Brough, Robert Dewey, lvo Mills and Arlin Mecham. Norman Beers reported on the progress of the planning allocations process and coordination with Salt Lake and Ogden United Ways He indicated that volunteers were reviewing agency budgets, visiting agency staff in order to become familiar with program accomplishments and needs TOE following persons are serving on the Planning and Allocations committee lone LaRue Hugoe, Bennion, Nathaniel Johnson, Donald Nielsen, Shirl Randall, Walt Bain, Jean Green, Wayne Saltzgiver, Gary Porter and Eldon Barlow Allocations have been approved for the following agencies for 1978 North Davis County Dental Health program $4,000, and the North Davis Alcoholism and Drug services program $5,000 HE indicated that the Davis County Youth Counseling program and Home Health Care program would be reviewed this month regarding their allocation request. He also told the board that the Davis Development Center has purchased special testing equipment to be used for testing and evaluating the handicapped persons at the center TOE United Way allocated them funds over increase of he amount Let Us Show You Our New ELEGANTLY AFFORDABLE Custom Built BOISE CASCADE HOKES Phone 773-661- an walnut oesks hardwood witn tormica toes 140.00 to $6500. Hotel Saies, Sol 4 ft ond 5 ft R2 W 100 N , Bountiful 8QFA LOVISEAT with choir ottoman ond tomp table velvet herculon and In Hotel Sale;. noueahvde 562 W Bountiful R2 MATTRESS Queen sets 12tt00 with frame A full sets 54 00 twin headboard set new S77 50l Hotel Sales 5e2 W 100 N . Bountiful R2 new typewriter Musi Sell 100 N , also, new open arm sewing machine Phone 773 464a R2 Fender Mustang guitar A small Amp MS oa Call after 5 p m Ph R 2 3? Ferguson 20 Diesel Troclor with front end loader and MF Scoriter Scraper oniv 200 Coll hrs excellent condition Dove 825 2525 R2 Mossev toot oluminum M'rro Crott Boat ond Evlnruae it Ho Motor S6a00 3763433. R 2 Trl Power. Edeibrock FM3..4 Ford 2975tromberg carburetors 160 00 Call after 5pm Ph ct u x e reTersVe aJorT treener corrportrrerit $230 00 376 9364. R 2 l965Greot Lakes Mobile Home 12x70 double wide living room, 2 Must sell at o bedrooms socrlflce See at Al s Apple Acres 975 E 1175 So No 38 Ca.l 376 4389 R2 1972 Gentry 17x65' Mobile Home 2 bedrooms, swomp cooler, tip out living room skirling Ex Cond Call 376 294 R2 f our 158 five lug while spoxe Wheels $7500 6'S618i R2 P I A N,0 IN STORAGE oenp e respond, please 376 0704 625 series New condition $ 20a oa Coll 825 2525 R2 R2 t Worn before n hi hi , real full tilt boogie rock n x nd tor your next stomp itt party concert or any oc jn7 Then Lazer1 Is your id We have the sound gear & Mv to bring you the best for r r c v v eusonabie price a We are musicians A will , anytime anywhere Call our , Mountain Rocky jri 292 7v?9 or 292 4354 n wing u R 2 ' so e 1970 Honda 90 excellent curd $20a0. Call 376 4545 R2 Fd AVON Meet irterefno people and eorn money doing it if you emoy il e you love being meeting pe-on Avon kepresentotive And seiilng Avon quo hy products 0 real echoing opportunity, too Co 376 3352. 394 527 35S5W? R 7 Davis C ounv Recorders U?le is in need of an exre!lent typist to Recorder position II Knowledge of fond fe'pfut Must have with genera office y,2 Ford XLT short bed pick up n shell v, Very good conddion 3 t OIL Coll 376 958Z R 2 Pord piikuO, 4Z0O0 miles ou t i t, latic plus, power steering eat condition 3760132. R75 description experience machines 2 It was once thought that shooting stars foretold 9 passenger, need bigger jst sacrifice best otter for 1975 SAAB must see to i l 99 4 Dr lixe new o.uielcate 3764270 or 376 531l S x Datsun pickup white, 4 c v white spoke wneeis spoMy 95 ixxSo Main Bountiful 297 44 BOUHTSFUL HILLS 1 the oak brush secluded in the summer time, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces Cathediai ce! ngs, 2 car garage AC Must sell by March 1st All offers will be 4 Leaving on mission, must sell 19 C L. Honda 175cc Scrambler runs great, low mileage new battery. Best ofter. Call osx tor left R 18 197tTDodoe cnarger St, Brown, Mag wheels air sharp 8j95 1830 So Mam, Bountiful looked at For more 292-869- 6, ino Call Bob Reed at Eldon 295-941- 8 or 295-455- we hoe choice 6 FOB SALES REP APPOINTMENT reported briefly on SLC f r r A a chotce trooe for at BILL REALTY in or 376 , carpel, drapes I 3271960 R2 R2 3 bedroom home In south end of Ogden 8150 Fully equipped, plush corpetsdropes A lovely fenced yard Ideal area, kids pets singles ok United Rentols 399627 R 2 Layton, spacious 3 bedroom home In beoutlful setting near HAFB, double carport, modern oppllances A large fenced yard K Ids pets singles ok United Rentals 399627 R2 r3ri I BILL BROWN REALTY 1 Br Apt 8110 Clearfield, oil utilities paid, pets ok Super Sharp, bachelor pad In choice location near HAFB! United Rentals 399627 BROWN North Main, Kaysville 3 R 2 bedroom home in Layton r A trldg Fireplace, washer-dryecompletely carpeted Lg yard A garden spot, 27500 per month. Coll 825 4671 R 2 - DELUXE DUPLEX Luxury living at bargain prices! Cory fireplace, covered polio A parking New appliances, many extras. Pets okl $180 Neor HAFB United Rentols 399627 Extra Shorp $200 Sunset home In quiet area Recently remodeled A panelled, deluxe appliances, ond huge fenced vord Neor schools A shopping Kids Pets Singles ok! United Rentals, 399627 R 2 Kaysville $200.00. Two bedroom duplex Corpet, stove A trig Nice yard, no smokers, or drinkers Coll 376 8485 376 0704 or Ogden R2 1 2 fuImThed 0021 5 7732912 or 3768695 Beautiful large almost new 3 bedroom house for lease 2 baths, formal dining, flrepioce kitchen, built Ins double Insulated win dows. full walkout basement, cooler, potlo, deck, double goroge Fine neighborhood near H A F B 8325 Call 3768434, 290 1028 evenings R52 (mexe or less) parcel that is on outstordifTg m Condo for rent, Koys , 2 bedrooms, 1bath, swimming pool, tennis court, full basement Aesniis WHe IWf H-.-T Ideal location next to post office In Farmington, Utah Coll 977 6780 for Information R 24 2 bedroom opt 382 E large yard, fruit trees, available Immediately 1140 mo 297 3074 (Bountiful Phone R2 Kovsvlile. 200 N , f.wu6rw jnsksf, FOR RENT Commercial Space in Layton Inquire at 376-422-1 j Has expanded and is looking for good sales people in the LaytonKaysville area. Experienced & new licensees welcome. We offer an excellent training program. Get a good start at No. 1 (ojs(ain!D ROY REALTY 370-344- 3 1 Courtesy Automatic Transfer How REAL ESTATE SALES MORE. Complete prochcol training program (Exclusive Dovis County Office for TOM HOPKINS Video Trowing Program) Accelerated Commission Schedule Grroup Insurance Advertising that pulls Company Leods New Construction the Program land Development Opportunities For Personal & Confktonttat Interview Call Ron Pearson 37S-12- o Bill BROWN REALTY North Main, Kaysville 1 does a young couple afford a second honeymoon after only five years of marriage? Its simple. When the husband first got out of college, he had First Security Bank transfer thirty dollars out of each paycheck from his checking account to his savings account. Its called Automatic Transfer. And its just one of the advantages you get with a checking account at First Security Bank. At First Security, all the personalized checks you need are free. And by maintaining a $300 minimum balance each month, there is no charge for your checking service. And as weve said before, what good are your checks if no one will cash them? First Security offers you Check Protection Plus, the check guarantee card thats honored by over 12,000 businesses. And the only one thats also good in area. a BILL BROWN OFFERS LARRY Burdett, United Way executive director progress the United Way has made since it was organized in September of 1974 The United Way truly is the community united to help people help themselves jeC r r f) stove, trldg , hookups, extra storage no pets 99 Egan St Call Ac Includes water R2 Choice mercial iond that you can lease or we w li txnd to $19(300 mo 7737494 R 2 REALTY W Mack W'atkins, outgoing for their cooperation and support He also called on the board to do a better job of telling the United Way story to the public and to recruit additional volunteers to the program fast service, reosonobie price signs by Phil 376 040(3 R2 Professional sewing done Wed for dings, tailoring, alterations men as well as women A children etc Call 3769947 R29 R1 com- 1 Coll 3761437 Custom dress rooking, also alterations and repairs Coll Jeon Lunogreen 7734335 R 34 Lokewood ROY answerphone during evenings and weekends Marilyn Kelsey is the new coordinator for the information and referral service MEMBERS of the I & R Advisory committee are Spence Kinard, Commissioner Wendell Zaugg, Grace Steed, Art Nielsen, Perry Jordan, Bruce Thoren, Mary Ellen Smoot, Rev. Harley Hunt, Richard Nelson, Ruby Price, Ardell Larson and Fram Dixon Way in Salt Lake and Ogden 3 drooet, ond oil oppllonces, fireplace, air conditioning cor8195 00 poris ond storoge Pearson 362 So. Main, Bountiful Phone 297 4121 R51 LAYTON 41 PL EX New luxury 2 B R with corpefj, property would be Ron Call considered BE SURE DEAL WITH SECURE Save during February upholstery cleaning Rudman Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning 85 131 5 COWFv'.CRClAL LAND AND FOR LEASE This beautitul three bedroom executive home on the east bench In Eost Layton, hos on all elecbaths, drapes tric kitchen, ond carpets, fireplaces and a of only 8375 00 o valley viewmonth in advance, on month, one a minimum six months lease No pets, references requested Coll N E I Realty, 3761097 R2 Three bedroom home In Clearfield, lust ptf base, close to schools, safe neighborhood Call on 20 3?6 0706 R 2 1964 Chevelie Malibu SS Ex ce'lent condition stereo chrome SECURE REALTY o ing remarks expressed appreciation to the United 297 4431 lore 2 0oor, overdrive Irons 6 cyl Folding back seat Am Fm radio, close to 13000 ml 83300. Good mileage come or 295-941- 8 PuvuciHTT Logo design and sign painting WILLEY FORD vestment in babysit In my home while you work days Preferably girl, oge 35 Fruit Heigbfs, 3760132. R 7S speed low miles, 84495 WILLEY FORD 1800 So Main Bount'tut 274431 camper special, 73 Will deck, atr, raalals perfect cond R 2 QCC Parti. E ves 775 9g? 1976 Ford F250, pickup white, ACREAGE 33 R lake Yes WILLEY FORD home Naps, Kaysville Playroom, Playmates 3761697 bedroom 2 nome, 8180 bills paid! Excellent location near HAFB Perfect tor family or singles United Rentals, 399627 R2 ; R2 Loving LDS mother would love to tend your child PT, FT In my 2974431 i 4jt, Coll 7736311 76 Comoro, beige, P S rt B 83425 00 all Allen, days 777 7964 nights, 7 58418 R 2 77 Toyota Corolla lifrback, AM FM Mlpx stereo radlo.-cosseft- e suit We also hov Topgrae home care for your children home week days Hot lunches served plus lots of fun games etc In my Will WILLEY FORD 1800 So Main, Bountiful V f disaster. FURNlSHtD Clearfield, deluxe Cali 8252525 I)8CXL00l I 7 1 newlyweds, will be considered new t mMIUV . 4 R2 booxs Sm7 mo Aopi catim $ will te token througn Fho 2 ncl ct the Courthouse in For mogton room 214 R2 R2 190 VW Bus, new Missionary couple hos home In Fruit No Heights for right couple smoking, no pets, no small children. All otters. Including three-bedroo- 376 380GR2 hai radial tires, excellent wheels Ph IftUmo Applications will be eo 2Aid at the (owthoise nFarn nylon room Dovis Couriv Lbrury in For miogton has on opening for o Clerk II Requires seme typing (minimum 45 worn) neatness ogCiuocv artishc ability Mist be phys rally obte to ft boxes of "1 (Muter Maverlk, 2 door silver, nice cor, 1215 WILLEY QRO So Main, Bountiful 297 4431 nd SZ295 ' J ,y $j l?&4 1 Chev Impola 4 door hord top. Very good condition, but Point All accessories 150.00 1974 Dodge Dart SE, Green, 2 door, loaded, luxury- - Interior, ROCK MUSIC 2 6 1830 R2 traction Guaranteed choice of 3 coiors Salt Lake 297 2373, ug ' den 82523.3 R 2 For Sale 974 Malibu (lassie In excellent condition Also sond pine wooa sofa an chair w th bead to, cushions $o0d DO 3 1975 Ford low miles 19e2 condition Llttie Harvey Food Dehydiuturs buy at wholesale S eel cons Coll 4 2924433. 1800 So Main, Bountiful, engine, Beautiful samel console stored mcollv Reported like new Res ponsibie party con take at big saving on low payment balance Wi ite Jopnn Piano In,. PO Box B63U2, Lose Havasu City, Aru 864C1 R Ford Pinto Wagon, yellow, speed Economy $sv5 WILLEY FORD 4 v tuxen tnrocyf F(ve hundred forty-twchlls fcere received on the United Way President, was master of ceremonies for the annual meeting He was presented with a plaque for his leadership and the time devoted during his term of office vae party wants to buy 3 letroom nome, Layton, Kays-e Farmington area Need .omp etely finished basement yy pay cash No real estate 14 that the information and referral service program p 1973 cyl. p emergency this needed p DO YOU NEED TO SELL FOR CASH evenings j769j48. R2 2 bottom 7way Jonn Deere bio $2,000 in which is administered out of the United W'ay office has had a successful year in 1977. MORE than 5,000 contacts were made which includes 1,479 information calls, 1,450 referral calls, 744 follow-ucalls with clients and 777 follow-ucalls with agencies. " c '1001 MR. WATKINS in his clos- is an $17 3h0 R2 KovsvMle 3763793, pridgida r ovocaoo co for program service Margaret Adams reported ($100 OOP) THIS btue-pree- DllKS ($83,640) He also indicated that more than $300,000 has been contributed by employees, and employers in Davis County CALVIN UDY Corner bed group, includes two n covers twin beets wltn ond tobie, tlOQi Girl s bike SIS. te checking account at First Security Bank. Its just one of the ways the heads up people at First Security are putting you ahead. A FEBRUARY... YEULW m THE HILLS IN BOUNTIFUL the setting for this 1600 sq ft superb home built by is LARCON a rend 11 North Main Kaysville, Ut. 376 3306 A truly gorgeous home with o spectoculor view Priced in the mid 70 s You must see this to believe the volue Coll Ron Pearson at BILL BROWN REALTY 376 2 1201 or 376-00- 1 FV - BILL BROWN REALTY 1 North Mam, Kaysville Z .iriiwiltfiaigrf.aKaakiBaiii Fus! Secuny Stae Bank 0t He-P- Wvo Fust Security Bank o! Murray Fust Secunly Bank of Logan N A N A First Security Bank ot Orem Members FDIC N A 2 First Secunly Stale Bank San Lake City Utah First Security Bank ot Utah. N A First Security Bank ot Idaho, N A Fust Security Stale Bank ot Kaysville |