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Show WEEKLY P.Lr JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 16, 1978 . ICaysville Police Kaysviile City puLce report 'rcmJan NOTICE TO NOTICE OF BLIC HEARING To Amend the Zoning Ordinance & Subdivision Ordinance RATER USERS County The water is to be diverted from a 2 inch well, 400 bOO ft deep, at a point N 200 ft & W. 70 ft from SE tor Sec 24, T4N, R2W, SLB&M (West Layton), and used from Jan 1 to Dec 31 for the domestic purposes of one family and stotkwatering of 100 cattle, and used from to Oct 31 for the April 1 irrigation of SE4SE4 Set acs 0 25 21, T4N in R2W , SLB&M Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate w.th the State Engineer, Sta'e 442 Capitol, SLC, UT M114, on or befiti e March IS, 197S DIE C. HANSLN State Fngineer Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Feb 2, 1978 Last publication Ftb lb,138 R 262 Farmington, Utah, a public hearing w ill be held before the Board of County Commissioners to as certain the interest in and dt 'ermine the advisability of Amend Zoning Ordinance Add Lot and Banding on Private 1 where the xcept requirements of this section are reduced by permit of the Board of Adjustment the following are the minimum requirements (1) The property cannot be reasonably subdivided with a public street (2) Lot shall tontain one (I) y Right-of-Wa- ,i re (1) Private Right of way hall be approved by the Planning Commission and ret orded (4) Width of (a ) to 4 units 20 feet (b ) 5 to 7 units 25 feet Right-of-wa- A (a) lievelopmeru Plan shall be drawn acto scale on at curately least 18 x 24 paper and shall show, (1) All existing strut tures on the subject property and adjoining , T3N, R1W, SLB&M State 442 Capitol, SLC, UT 84114, on or before March 18, 1978 C, HANSEN State Engineer The Weekly Reflex First publication Feb Last publication Feb 2, 1978 18, 1978 R 263 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Court, before the Honorable K Swan, on February 28, 1978, at the hour of 9 00 oclock a m , then and there to show cause, if any you may have, why the Peti tion for the above mentioned adoption should not be grant ed unimproved real ELEANOR 0. 1LONQUIST 890 Bel Mar Drive Ogden, UT 64403 Published in The Weekly Reflex First publication Feb 18, 1878 Last publication March 2, 1978 R-- 3 lite Two elementary schools in Davis School District have been approved by the school board to initiate teacher planning time, but in both cases permission was given to release children on Monday rather than on Thursday which has been the day approved for other schools requesting permission TEACHERS at Farmington Elementary and Syracuse Elementary Schools were present to request permission for preparation time as were of st W. BRIAN, E Golden tr Fruit Heights, Utah 8 10 )? C FAULT KUNZ, Attorney for Personal Representatw Farmington, action of Davis Countv immisston, January 10, RODNEY W. WALKER Davis County Clerk in The Weekly First publication Feb 2, 1978 last publication March 2, Published in The Davis Niw' journal First publication Feb 2 1978 last publication eb 17, 1978 1 R 267 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No. 272 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE E IERRY, Deceased ROBERT LLOYD RAMS-DELhereby announces his appointment as Executor of It s hat k to black powder rifles fo and muzzle-londin- g some Davis ( ounty hunters who like Scott I arkin, whi operates the Bear Canyoi modern life and la planning time Meadowbrook School was the fourth schoo in the district to receive per mission to implement plan J A. Taylor ning time Elemi ntary School in Center ville and Sunset Elementarv School began a pilot program last year to try the planning time concept BASED ON negotiati ins with the school board the planning time proposal was initiated in October at those two schools this year when parental response to the pilot program was favorable Centerville Elementary Scnool also received permission this fall to initiate teacher planning time Farmington and Syracuse Schools plans will be similar to those approved in the other schools, but the plan is set for a different day The preparation time proposal nils for students to be releasee about two hours early one day a week to allow teachers to plan together The time is made up during the other four days by having children come to school early or stav a few minutes later each dav bellied stoves in their houses and are ready for pot anything Scott said There are a few collectors who have original muzzle Most owners of bidders muzzle load.ng guns either nave custom made replicas which are quite expensive or lut'ory made models Some ouy kits and put the guns 1 THINK the world is too (implicated People want a way out Those who are into olack powder are self suf-- t ic lent Lots of them also nav i claims against the above tate are required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 22nd day of May, 1978, or said claims shall be forever barred See IN ALL 1978 C 9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS G BRIAN, Douglas George Brian, Deceased cases, sihoois asking for preparation time had to make the request before the Nov 3 deadline and then conduct a suro if parents to see it they approved of the project The parent survey at Farmington School showed that two thirds of the parents approved of the either plan while expressed opposition or disagreed on the day the planning time was scheduled Ninety percent of the parents responded to the survey, Mr Merchant said Mr Marchant said that most objections from parents had argued that Thursday was an awkward day because of conflicts with LDS Primary and Relief Society meetings which are held on Thm sddy in the Farmington schoo1 area He, along with several parents, suggesed that either Thursday or Fridays were better days to implement the teacher planning time d schedule SCHOOL board member. Telephone (801) 825-220- 1978 R 5 THE authentic replicas mostly date from the period Horn 1820 to 1840 when such men as Jed Smith, John olter and Jim Bridger were using the guns in the fur trade in western mounts. ns All of ihe muzzle loading rifles were i Sheryl Allen, suggested that teachers were more produr live on Monday and the board went along with that recommendation The faculties from both schools applauded -- flintlocks Both schools will initiate the planning time this year on a trial basis Dee Davis Education Association executive director, suggested that it would be more efliuent if the district allowed the preparation time on a fall scale basis Earlier, Superintendem Lawrence Welling said that a request for teacher prepara tton time from the faculty at Burton Elementary School in Kaysviile had not been received m time for the Nov . 3 deadline Two other schools, E G King School, Layton, and Hilltop Elementary School in Clearfield were turned down before a parent survey was requested Dr Welling said since E G King School had just opened, other problems needed to be resolved first Hilltop School was already on an early morning schedule and the earlier hour would not be feasible, the administration said MR. Burmngham pointed out that in cases where other large school districts such as Salt Lake and Granite have mitia'ed the program, it has been on a district wide basis ositeii Sixty-fiv- e Air Force tracts, totaling con- 12,270,648, were awarded by K.II AF B in January to Utah Concerns THE largest contract of the lot went to Moi- tain Fuel Supply Co for 75 372 for - Red Ball Weld.rg ( o , Qg den, received a 1248,670 award to repair an exhaust system in a base bulldtrg MOLLERUP VAN & Storage received a 1135,408 contract for packing and crating services. Great Western Electric of Brigham City will install automatic furnace igniters and flue dampers in a base building under (3,190 contract IBM CORP., Sait Lake City a $71,034 office, received award for equipment rental Other contracts were with businesses in the Ogden to Sandy area loaded lamming the ammunition That same method is used by modern muzzle-loadin- g rifle enthusiasts who also go on a special deer hunt during a season set aside by The F ish and Game Department SCOTT TOOK several of the muzzle loaders from the wall and explained that they were known by such names as Foot Boy, Tennessee Mountain or Kentucky rifles In some cases they were named for the men who made them such as the Hawkins Rifle or the eman or the Thompson In addition to owning a muzzle loading rifle himself, siott is also a member of a group known as the American Mountain Men who hold a lendezvous on the Henrys ork in the Umtas near one ree every summer on July 4 1 1 1 1 that request, saying they required about 65 to 90 percent approval from parents before okaying the request wee down with a ramrod Bur-mngha- THE BOARD voted against They pouring powder down the barrel of the gun, then placing the patch between the powder and the ball and by the decision iKaSi hsu utilities Published m the Davis News Journal First pubhcation Feb 18, 19'78 Last publication March 2, carefully f.tting the parts of me guns in plate AS A memt-e- r Scott has of done that group, a lot of tesearch on rifles He said when a treaty was concluded with the Souix Indians in 1865, ihat almost 80 percent of the Indians had Tennessee rifles made by Henry Leman These guns were put to use by the Indians but had other uses not discovered by the fur traders Indians cut off the long barrels of the muzzle-loadin- g guns so they could be loaded irom a horse and sometimes used the butt plate for a skin scraper, Scott said In many cases the butt end ot the guns were burned off because the braves would use them to stir the fires But all were in shooting condition and fired whether the Indians used a round ball or a handful of rocks to load the rifles TODAY THE owners of lepltcas are more careful with their guns Steve keeks, 189 South Mam, Layton, said i hat he constructed places you can touch the gun, ihe moie accurate the shoot mg," Steve said According to Scott, shooting contests are a bg part of the mountain men rendezvous He talked of one contest , called the big toe shoot, an authentic event held by the mountain men A crude foot with a large big toe is pinned up at about 50 yards The trick is to pull the trigger of the muzzle-loadin- g gun and hit a target on the big toe with the marksman squeezing the trigger with his own big toe ACCORDING to Scott, the marksmen lie on their backs tor this trick and slightly raise their foot to pull the trigger This authentic con test is similar to many others such as shooting out a candle 35 to 50 yards or shooting the nead off a cattail Other shoots require musket load mg marksmen to split the bullet by shooting it into the blade of an exe or to split a playing card from 25 to F0 yards away According to Scott, one of the marksmen can split a card Shoot ing contests are not the only activities at the mountain men rendezvous where those attending also dress in authentic deer skin outfits and camp in replicas of Indian tepees ONE modern dav mountain man, a school teacher by oc cupation, rode a horse all me way from Cody, Wyo Anothet arrived at the rendezvous site, playing his bagpipe But now during Ue winter when the many rendezvous is still in the planning stages, ihe muzzle loading riflemen stay at home and work, put ting together their rifles In me winter time people buy Kits, during the shooting seasons, they buy rifles, Scott aid ONE problem that muzzle loading rifle experts fai e is imding a place to shoot, according to Glen Austin, FO North 600 East, Kaysviile shooting is illegal in Davis county unless the marksmen shoot on rifle ranges Glenn nas been interested in the muzzle loading rifles for about D4 years now and made i Gust c H a w1 ,5xui but ms gun from a Hawkins He said m order to sho it cgaHv, riflemen are fore ed i go out of the eountv to private gun clubs S( OTT became fascinated with the workings of the about four flintlock riflt-- s years ego He pointed out that i hey require skill in shooting since the powder to ignite the inside the muzzle is placed in a flash pan near the triggei When ihe tr.gger is pulled, it strikes ihe frizzer, striking a spark which ignites the powder in ihe gun barrel All fhntlocK i dies work on the same prtn c iple, he said, although some ammunition nave two SCOTT EVEN takes orders lor Indian moccasins and just recently sold ten pair to the students at the Intermountain Indian School in Brigham city Only a handful of Indians know how to make moccasins any more, he said But even though many of die old customs are forgotten oy some, they are being pic! ed up by o' hers who wa it to go back to a sirrplei wav of life 003 OILY 1S28 N. 440 W. Layton, Lit 84041 (801) SCOTT SAID that the cheek pieces on the old muzzle-loaderwhere the marksmen rested their cheeks to shoot, were often made of unusual 773-448- SERVICES, IRC. Sail Lake City, Utah (801)266-351- 5 Hardanger ) m Cloth Aida Cloth Kits Graphs ( ounting unit t rossing is it materials Jim Bridgers hat it s all about Onte u get hooked there s no uoi out Tapestry Yarn CLOSEOUT tod of dye lot, dtw colors Rg.80 25' Pb e still have stitchery kit on sale The s, cheek piece was made from beaver tail This keeps the gun from moving "The more 4 I.TTER-TA- X his and weekends to sand and finish the walnut stock and put the muzzle-loadin- g rifle together The stock has a curly grain which Steve is pleased with since that kind of grain is unusual in walnut. After Steve finished the wood and assembled the guns, he polished the brass So far he hasnt had a chance to shoot ihe gun, but says it will have less kick than a shot gun or a nigh powered rifle trggers addition to his muzzle-loadinrifle, Scott has alsc made himself a hunting pouch copied from an otigmal Virginia pouch In it he carries buffalo jerky, powder, nails and patch materials He said, "I dont think it realty matters why people want to go back, but the people who do are increasing every year Business is so good at the Bear Canyon Sporting Goods that plans are being made to increase the size of the business later this year In tin J s evenings rifU ivit You're never too Old and net er too 1 oung So Cross sour StiU hes and have some Fun Hawkins rifle from a kit that ne received for Christmas It took him about a month, working Utah Code Annotated ROBERT LLOYD RAMSDELL By his attorneys KING & KING By William H King 251 East 200 South Clearfield, Utah 84015 themselves, uigether polishing the stocks and the question of preparation time very early," he said Only ore elementary school which met the November request deadline has been turned down South Weber Elementary School presented a survey of 138 families whose children attended thet school Out of the 103 who responded to the survey, 49 7 percent approved the change, 35 8 percent said they were undecided, while 23 3 percent said they did not approve f Replicas f id into IT WOULD be helpful i! next year you could work on yl v 3shsmAM making and shooting replicas of guns used in another age the Estate of Beatrice E Terry All persons having es- Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication Feb 3, 1978 Last publication March 3, aka Jir, I fjppewali L R 2h4 of DOUGLAS of N KIRK By ROSEI 1378 Estate 1 MaEiirag one-thir- Suite 3(i0 Bank of Utah Bldg 2605 Washington Rlvd Ogden, Utah 84401 Bv Reflex the board 3, 1381 1 Published Jan RAE1FNE available for examination in 'he Davis County Planning C ounty ( ommission, C Elementary barred information exhibits are I nth MUiteaMuiUMl Os By RONELYN KIRK persons interested will or more specific heard Courthouse, V Sporting Good, in Kaysviile, got tired ot the omphcatiom np All NOTICE TO CREDITORS against the above estate are required to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 22nd day of May, 1378, or said claims shall be forever barred. 1 and ungoverna Clerk of the Court on or before the 10th day of May, 1978, or said claims shall be fo ever the fair of or the 2 Probate No persons having claim-againthe above estate art required to present them to the undersigned or to the ex- market value prohibited parking 13, speeding 10, stop sign 2, traversing eluded road All retention of 50, overnight 2751 1978 Estate of SYLVIA M DIXON, Deceased Probate No. 2748 All persons having claims parking 1, ue outfall lines and (b) Subdivider shall or developer construct its own inter nal system for oiler tior. and distribution of such waters b 4 illegal left turn 635 North 290 West, Bountiful, to allow teachers there to property be developed, for the construction o! written comments at the R per cent fr 2, registration improper On (2) Pay to the county 7 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of a public hearing to take place February 28, 1978, at 7 30 p m in East Layton City Hall, 1010 North Emerald Drive, for the purpose of specifying an expenditure of funds from the office of Revenue Sharing The public is invited to present oral and Published in the Davs News Journal First publication Feb 18 1978 Last publication Feb 23, 1378 unaway 1 impound served suspicious circumstance 3, tht ft - 8, gas skip 2, hub caps 1, purse 1, power wn rake 1, flute 1, shop!, fling 1 and gas 1 TRAFFIC - 109, driving without license 1, driving on suspension or revocation 1, DUI 1, expired registration 3, expired safety inspection 18, failuie to yield right of way 2, l education approved a request from Meadowbrook School, ponds or basins to de tain or temporarily store the storm and flocgi waters 2, 1978 Z3, 1978 R 241 1 1, driving returned, state 2, summons 4, Or-dit- h sub-divid- Journal j Reckless Principal George Merchant and Syracuse Principal Burgess two-tenth- in the Davis News e Kays-vill- Medical Center, Kays-vill- e Theater, public address church and school, 4, tecovered property - 5, bike, dog and money, gun and ammunition Farmington ceeds the coefficient of s cubic feet per second of water per acre, unless the or developer (1) Construct the necessary DEANE H. RIGBY City Recorder Private water generated SCOTT W. HOLT Attorney hearing Burton Elementary, ueseiSE PtaBMui (a) Subdivision shall be submitted to the County Engineer for who will review examine and analyze the development, con sidering the number of units per acre, the grade and other factors, and apply the formula as hereto attached and marked Exhibit A The proposed development will be disallowed if, based on the formula in Exhibit A, the run off Thornley First publication f eb Last publication Feb medical emergency 3, miss 1, open door 3, irg person tr3i Amend Subdivision Ordinance Section 11 Improvements A 5 Storm Sewers All Subdivisions of land shall comply with the following that you are hereby required to appear before the above entitled Published narassment 2, phone and juveniles, loose stock 2; tile ways and will be so stated on plans and permits Rex Smith, - 1, at2, d startling peace Trespass Ripht-o- f IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH IN THE MATTER OF THF ADOPTION OF TRISHA A SMITH and JASON A. SMITH, Minors Notice is hereby given to 1, a (3) Development Plan when approved shall be signed by Planning Commission and put on fne m the Davis County Flanntng Office (10) County will not be do to any required on 7, DUI hree solved, home tempt record d) maintenance 1, ASSIST public - 8, funerals, vt hides and personal , Burglary - 7, business - 5, with lots (2) Proposed Pnvait Right-o- f way (3) Lot divisions utilities (4) All (Easemeni shall be horses and used from April 1 to Oct 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 acs in SWSE1 Sec. 4, Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefore musf be filed in duplicate with the urcery 1 (5) Building shall be a of 70 feet from y center line of (6) Must meet requirement to an approved sewer and water system (7) The minimum side yards shall be the minimum side yards for the zone (8) Development Plan 100-60- Published in y 1 County The water is to be diverted from a 2 inch well, ft deep, at a point S 2310 ft & E. 150 ft from N' Cor Sec 4, T3N, R1W, SLB&M (1 mile SW of Kays ville), and used for the domestic purposes of one family and stockwatermg of 10 1, warrants 2, pe'ty 1, shoplift. ng 1, gas skip 1, and burglary 1, ass st other departments - 6 DCSO, trespass, UHP, injury accident Bountiful P D - surveillance, ELPD - suspicious circumstance, Layton P D alarm and DCSO - medical Arrests - Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 17 27 14 UCA 1953, that on the 7th day March, lSS, at 2 30 p m m Room 108, Davis County Courthouse, alcohol violation 2, luvemie, Right-of-wa- Harlow Peterson, 988 West Smith Lane, Kaysviile, UT has filed with the State En gineer Appl No 50714 (31 4491) to appropriate 0 015 sec ft of water in Davis DEE alarm minimum NOTICE TO WATT R USERS State Engineer, arner Foods 2, Davis County bus Shop I, home smoke l PI Lowell Johnson, 5100 South 1050 West No 40E, Riverdale, UT has filed with the State Engineer Appl No 50M4 to appropriate 0 015 (31 sec. ft of water in Davis 16-3- ACCIDENTS - 6, State leport 2, short form, 4, and injury 0, alarms - 10, Clover c lub 2, First Security 3 V". V 76 South Main, Bountiful |