Show car octo 1 give Mil lLos intimate friend friends of andrew carneale Cr Car negle say ay that it Is the intention of the th teel steel master to give at least i for the traction lon of buildings and for tho tb enlow endowment Luent of the th proposed technical chool school of pittsburg Pit it Is I 1 alao also declared that he hie intel as to make ma bla his chool school the th flint boost of i 1 4 kind la in the world and that it till end aa as much fame to pittsburg on the theoretical tide of iron and teel steel making ga a hie hi famias works have done in actual no steps have been taken by j the british government to revise 1 the hay ilay treaty but the government la Is sald to be ready to consider la in a way any proposals pro poula aade made toward that object by the united E ete atol 1 Jirm lt report reports dlag tj tie 0 health of president dilz and couitt 1 rits are bas baileu aleca they are stories i belic Ted to har have been fabricated by men man hostile to the mexican go rov ariment and for stock jobbing pos I 1 I 1 balma I 1 I 1 |