Show V a I 1 jj Y jf 6 JAIL 11 I 1 leht lf ht T 4 a flroa of t vistre the 11 15 1 5 As A huk of tl no I 1 V I 1 A central ajril delivery at e idaho was wa frustrated Ila monday night F 1 by sheriff jones and deputy art lifur ray tray some ebarbo tr tore confined in the jail the officers coal I 1 eluded to milks a careful search of the tb all with the result lull that they discor red twenty four tl steel saw a blades ino iwa ti teel law saw franr frames a file all kod and a eta tx hooter shooter and nd plenty of ammunition two bare of the steel cf cate had ba been I 1 sawed entirely through and dil six alx lx other 11 I 1 lar bare partly through th the tool toole la in tb the possess po uloa loa oath of tb prisoners 1 wr war bret elf elites aad and another nights work would bavo liberated tho them among the prisoners tooer it Is oa abo 14 I 1 t of 0 being tb the ladr leader of a gang of stock rustier ru butr tr operating op in southern oa thera idaho fur a number of years and acid ala wl it to don now loir trial for stealing aal shipping sixty five bixl bead of tore borses to Minnes cito lat feet augast knowing Koon loff there was DO to show of 1 cocilo ton tion hi his friends proposed to fr free him and nd furnished him the tools to kr saw out of tb As there are others 1 liall bated la in this oswe horse and nd who have not yet been arrested lorn pow sensational developments arm looted looked for at the trial the tb off leers fearing a break OD on the tb jail now bar have guards posted n ight and nd day aed and will continue then until after court la in april |