Show ITS TEETH the defeat of the great gretat river and harbor bill carrying has caused no little bitterness of spirit among those thaise who fa ored the resulting improvements to the lb various rivers creeks and harbors in the bill the suggestion has been made that eastern who have hava been favorably disposed towards the tile irrigation measures pro for tho west will bo be alienated by this method which has been denoun denounced cod as it dog lu la the manger policy on tho the part of senator carter who nho held the floor of the bante nate the houra hours of its caslon ta eslon and thus prevented anted tho ilie passage of the bill because they say the louism refused to allow the irrigation senator carter express ly stated that be he undertook the defeat f the measure without an n rag motive ive of revenge rc enge but becaas ho he b lyl ildved loved it hia tile pAt patriotic duty to work bla his utmost to prevent such wasta full and extrac a gant expenditures and to draw the line against such abuse as bad had crept into a policy of national government that the river and harbor bills which hav havo camato coma to known as th the government pork bills have grown groan to be outrageous extravagances ie Is well recognized and it is probable hat the defeat of this measure will be a warning to Con congress greess in future to Il mit tb them called so national aids to navigation where a channel to be 11 improved rd starts with only six inches if of wat r as was the ca cae in one in tance in the defeated 4 b bill and find to frome the bills on the line of improve nent to thin great harbors and water as which really affect the united lates and at the same time to rt alze 1 the sentiment of the co coi otry aich demands that the great arid rea of the west lying a vast fortune to 10 trust shall be developed and made 0 contribute cos tribute its shae sha c e to t the e u wealth the I 1 tab th legislature must bo be a vigo igo ruu lot of old bucks they have haie just passed passa a jaw legalizing a luttery lul tery the same thing under mother name or r what amounts to the same thing again declaring that it shall not bo be punishable except upon oom complaint plaint of the mans wife no bondor woric lor cup cupl dene idene I 1 and kindred rem idles don t advertise in the utah pa pers the dont need veed it telluride moto journal the strip inart go D bishop ishop bill bli ings the uintah touty t a aimeda a death blo alov at it this di district strick w where herat ar lr liquid arf dispensed tle w dierso 0 fort Duct maue ue he introduced a u bill which has been approved by the it lich ItAta the tile mifoo ale of liquor within ten cilles miles of the indian rese reservation ration this hit tb incorv incorporated abed cities anil and town are am ex exem emited ted from the pru ismons of this act the ft 11 extern has ha just placed lu in ser i ice tor for pat t nw new compound of the tile makes me ibey have but tout two exhausts va where bere the other engines have four cum pound engines aro are in use ube between this city and helper rtuh I 1 they are speedy end and sai euve e coul water to oa on the braad buia |