Show OLD PANAMA CANAL ROUTE DI disatell Patell T the tk old coast reste I 1 Is coning into 1 A washington dispatch ry says if tbs 1 the administration Is by the next congress f the ardnt Adent will atala obtain discretionary authority to ao zo quire either tic the or tbt lb panama canal rout routs oa on this bount nO the ati at af the tb panama canal hk has alsen ra taw sines the tb adjourn ment of several 81 n members of 0 the th senate t fereira ipas committee eor cor bially flavor the idea of oring the president to choose choo the th rot roste he b think thinks abe iab mote advantageous oun although the bill 1 which pd passed the house boa and ad WM wea pending before the senate nt daring during the lut last session provided for ur the adoption I 1 of be the ITIc aragus project secretary ausy has requested mr 19 mawe the colombian minister t to still ab nb bait suit a formal memorandum explaining the verbal apropo proposals pr opo regarding anari 1 ean son sitton of the panama canal route which was wa submits ad roat jr mr core corso tb nicaraguan minister e and mr clyo calro the cot costs rican mints 11 tr ter both of 1001 have worked energetically getic ally to promote the nicaraguan 1 canal will leave 1 next wel week for their respective countries count rit and ivill return charged with DW now instructions relative to the concessions their governments ar are willing ito to make to th the united buto |