Show illi idaho 9 we tel hoard board of it Th estate board of horticulture ID in held a metlar at caldell cald ell sill rit mat week and appointed the th district inspectors int la in addition to transacting considerable routine budni bul ni th the I 1 inspectors irs are r as follot follows 11 II A ito ruf 8 poll 11 kendrick district no WIlllam It mohl lewiston district nat no 2 A IF alitt walser district no 3 aj J C Q leiser nampa district no 4 ale ales mcpherson boise district no 5 IV P F welman salmon no 6 E Z A dowd district no 7 W V W yoth ers drum no na 1 8 17 2 fisher oxford district no 9 the matler matter of the appointment of oak a tl to Inspector Ini was deterred until site the tb of the proposed delry dalr and pur pure food board at as one OD roan man kr has t to be b inspector for both board boards the tb bar bortl tio cultural board will confer with the mothr u aoa soon asit a it Is I 1 named chehor tb bor ticul taral board feel feels badly crippled beau beaus of the failure of the arditto additional 1211 I 1 appropriation it hao h i a broad field to cover aid wid mat must do the rork worl well if fit it lato to be effective la its it state ut inspector must mu act tor for the other board |