Show terrorizing FILIPINOS terrible 1 A of Druta brutality lity to pro P vat wait qa 11 art ea eon authority the records in the cei cases of thirty 1 four filipino ngit charged with offenses against military daliot pline la in the ib philippines including murder treason and nd other acts tot of vl ali bocc have bc at received lit at ur the wr war those tb records make plain tiac pursued by the tb ln in sur gents t terrorize ur the natlia teat tants of the th ild and hon show cases of comm licad upon tb the latter where they doe deell billed Ltd to comply with th the ext z of the co so called la in oa one ca nta nine fully armed seized axed in the right a t family of ave persons and killed them with bo loa IOL the motive for the th burder murder tw was the punishment of the tb family for ra r to pay taxes in support of the th insurgent the guilty natives 11 were vr sentenced nate need to hard bird labor for ifor thirty years I 1 |