Show THE TOWN AND chukly judge Xe mcconnel Connel ot of vernal and thomaas 0 connell af denser denaer hae liase form formed edit luw low partnership and will practice at geraid Ver iHil any poll alt lake tribune william will lam warren Warr enof of the nine mile country line has bought forty head of stock frona matt rhomas of price mostly cows which ho lie has lion taken out olit to hiss range there la Is to bo be a masquerade ball at of castle cute cate saturday c cuang march 23 at knights of pythias 11 tick ete ets arc are buom and a charge of 25 23 mute fur for spectators sp coutore costumes o 0 inay be rented of james jaines A harrison at hie his rez residence ilden assistant Attl ray rende IC ton of salt bait luke lake baa has filed suit in the united sluice states court against the arroyo and sailous sax logs bank for the petition claims that this of money la due the gobern government as alie alue of gilsonite which the bunk wilk took charge chargo of and sold R G 0 W engineer plunkett has haa one of the new electrical headlights on no so 72 storks Ito it norka like a charm and throws a flood of light onto tile track for a distance or of over 1200 feet it la Is easily taken care of and costs it Is belie believed set abo will equip all of its passenger loco locomotives mothes with this light grand junction sun J M beatty manager of the was atch store at scofield Is in thie this cit says tuesdays tribune lie saya says all traced of tho late strike la Is da d out rapidly and that the coal output la is very large business gen generally crall Is also ns as good aa as could be desired and the snow piled up la in the mountains insures a EL goodly supply of water senator tom kearns recently wrote rote Represent athe mcmillan Me Millan asking that be forward to washington a list of the district and county 8 awls of utah in response replying to the request vord rord v ord has been received from senator kearns to the ef feet that each school would shortly bo be supplied with government maps representative joe was interviewed br by the tribu tribune no on the governors veto neta of the abel john evans polygamy bill and this Is 13 what be he hod had to eay say 1 I had bad lettera letters from soine of my constituents in carbon county asking if it viero necessary sary to offer any moral support to be help p a toba eto of this bill I 1 wrote back that it was not I 1 eald said I 1 had lad no in the tile matter but I 1 judged from my knowle knowledge olgo of at thol tb straight americanism of gov wells that tie lis action rould would meet the approve ul al of tho the american people hta ilia etu Is right in accord with my views of the matter Represent athe harmia of emery county is thus individually I 1 think the veto Is all right as the measure may ahme been uncalled cal ledfor for I 1 think the whole hole thing will BOOB soon blow ocr M ala A clarke lindsay such ie Is the name she ho gave worked the people ot of Sunn ysido the other day to a finish if reborn be true her graft is the cir of ft a subscription paper stating that ber her husband lost a leg 10 g in Is mine disaster abtin attin at tinus je and anatro oe fit ads she Is securing are to bo bc applied n piled to purchasing a cork one for him hia sho she is the salue person who lately dell ered it temperance lecture ledure here to a lare audience of empty beli clies and a few small kids V bile ber hert eho she attempted to rathe turtle oft off a an exaggerated alue and after dark bowled up at the back dobrof until she on several occasion comfortable jags bags she site ie Is a bilk jf of the first waar end and 1 I Lell eved to ill il it from chicago she bile to I 1 cow bea ed for colorado |