Show STATE NEW NEWS orlo itofe aged 32 1 2 did disa at OD on the aeilt from smallpox joseph 11 II cullu L bon of apostle john jobe usury hasty smith I 1 is quarantined at allt bilco with the israel L E alley of salt laic lake ha ba been appointed to a position la a tbt th tour darl ment at 1 I A crusade against saloons which sell 11 liquor to minor his ben been begun in aall lake the city ordinances have been generally Reir rally violated violit td la its this repot rep ct ilan P knudson manager ot of the th novelty company salt lake accidentally shot himself I 1 l tight light death resulting la 10 k L fw boar boars president george Q cannon cannoo who IM been ID in feeble health tor for come time ltd left for california last week where he be will spend speed some time recuperating McK loley laley has to jay y it i short abort bialt to salt lake like city when phen beilla the facile coast lie will III licul ably lup stop ou on he cretu retura ras fraiss the cot coast about J auoe one I 1 biro mr ellen wife of apostle lottig and her son on joseph wre were thrown thrown from a buff buggy gy kl it union lut list week the th child sustained severe in n juries mr tire youtie was w not hurt the fall of enow snow monday and tuc day of last areck at salt lake city wa was inches or eighty OD on of an inch of water the torm storm ox x tended throughout the tb mountainous part of the state 1 ilford day a prominent citizen of 0 Ia rowan fell thirty flu give feet down a it well the windlass wi breaking bret liln in hie his as cent it was thought kt it first he h wa was f fatally al tally injured hut but his physician now states be he will be out fain ina in a bort abort time apostle woodruff ie in in wyoming in to pecking pec ting lug the settlements BeUle ments in the ulf big horn country to ice too it 1 ending sending more people there thie this year to reclaim the wate waste places Is I 1 tb the colony colont was established lat last spring 1 and all re arta erta bate have been very favorable F L Parr tott haa has been appointed chief dispatcher of chegan the san redro pedro los angelest Aoge lesA bait balt lake like railway making te third official appointed by deuL dark clark from the santa fe prescott A phoenix he having been dispatcher for that rest road fl U D carpenter a engineer with twenty asal stants will make an official ofil cial survey of the utah arizoca live the work requiring about ten days daytime time thi this will be the first official survey made mad ebythe by abe government of this line at the recent sto meeting of the beach reach company the following board of director directors was elected lorenzo snow joseph F smith jame james jack john henry smith anton 11 lund L john jobe nuttall and john R winder george IA clift of salt lake sul elded friday tight might by shoot hooting ial himself with a revolver 1 be he being delirious from t severe attack of la lit grip ilia his wife bad had j just us t left abe room to secure some medicine when the fatal abbots were fired arad be bailog 1 shot himself three times among the smallpox cases reported to the state board of bellah last week were forty seven from indianola A citizen there who wu wis exposed and vaccinated ted put into the pee heethouse pest bonse with the rost and filled failed to I 1 coma come down with the disease the ute tribes on the reservation received ce alved from the government in january and next month will receive more of v which aich Is for range lenee leases or I 1 gras grass money the indians indiana feel quite wealthy over the possession posses of so much money letter utters are being sent ont out to horsemen in the pirlous parts of the state urging them thern to unite with the ogden horsemen hor lo 10 the organization of a state horse bors jeaa association As soon aa as a sufficient u replies are received organization will be perfected john utah i a veteran postmaster tad end the third oldest in the united states died at st SL george last week aged 85 3 he ile was postmaster at st george for twenty tight years and ut postmaster for the preceding prec edin eight yeam he lie served continuously aluce 1874 gunlock in county Is I 1 under on der strict quarantine the whole town hsi has been exposed to a smallpox m aa as osa well aa as ill all the lo 10 oar r and it Is to coo conjecture jecture bow many cases will result nery ery few people there bite have been vaccina vaccinated ted it Is said an immens sugar factory Is to be built at uintah at the month mouth 0 of f weber canyon county both horgas and weber counties conn ties will be called upon to supply beete fortha the fac factory tury which are to ie to paid for at it 95 83 per ton delivered andrew carnegie hai has freed agreed to donate 25 to the city of ogden for a public library building if the city will agree ly by resolution to appropriate 2500 per yes ye for montana not and provide abitable aji table kite saw the offer will undoubtedly be a accepted lit pleasant farmers will plant of bests besta this season seo that locality affords afford aa an ideal location loc stion or a factory I 1 cent lafor throat Is taken by Us farmers the abar future will probable bly witness the estloa of 0 a carfo factory |