Show NOTICES ahn confer confert nee of the church of jestis christ of letter latter day saints ill III convene in the tabernacle snit balt lake city on friday april esth at 10 a it m As the general conference of tho the mormon church will bo be in session tho tile farist in april tho the monthly fast which would otherwise be held on that day will bo be onnel ed on tho the last sunday lu and the fast meet log bo be bichl ald on that da march 31 1901 awl 1 lie belat annual confere confer cu noo ato of tho moret sunda sunday chool union will winene bunday april le i at 7 p ni in the tabernacle it ie Is demind that fach each stake of zion lo 10 mp resented at chist and that ninko ter dents and teachers attend ing tho the general conference conf crance of tho arch be present tl th utah endeavor Emi cavor society 1 will III hold its com contention antion ut at betit aal yal t lake CIt vArrIl 26 to 28 inclusive and the uta uenh 11 slate sunday school coment lon will hold its meeting atril 29 to may I 1 for thew ther occasions a rat rate of 0 one single fare for or the round tri trip ie Is aut authorized aorl Z I 1 from nil all point in uenh to suit sult lake and return daam of sale 1 from lit points 1 l on park cita DInghAm Sunny ade d 8 san n pete ant seller branche april 25 and 39 29 from tintic gintic brints points AI all 2 and 20 and april 28 a and d 29 from nil ill other points mint april 28 and 29 2 annl return limit may alay those fellow fellows abo ho complain about the intes of thir th ir local paper should glance oer theao jig a I 1 uree which the tile Adio advocate cato clips from a rell ble authority A column one in the louthe loto loi cota costs in like the centura the rates run froin to per page A column in one of the loading leading new now york papers taken talen by the year costs from scow to SS according to location the german kil ll ianco lanco insurance company has assets of eight million of dollar while the connecticut in aurance company of hartford has as seta of over four million dollars both companies are mp represented resented in price by R W crockett resident agent busl bust ness solicited anywhere in eastern utah all policies written at price rates as low as any other agent a or firm in the state and cheerfully given on application the adi bag lately received a alne lino line of box papers and enc encloses lopes ladles and gent lemona alno pocket books bools ledgers journal journals day bo boike boks ks pen pens s inks mu muchal chag library paste letterill letter flies esIn in fact a 0 general line of stationary the ladles ladies are invited es specially ally to call and look through the stock tor k or the annual met mingot the tile west aro Rde federation ration ot miner Miners to bo be held lu at den denser er may blay 37 27 rate of one and one t ith fare for ane trip tickets will ix be sold may SS 25 and ind 24 final F inal return rn lim im I 1 it lt juno june 7 A nice little pill gilt camo a monday tn to the home of mr nir and mrs hyrum frand sen to take up tip her parma ent abode mother and babe doing well mra mrs sarah J warren attending the itic Rb grande Grando western has secured the contract ct of hauling if seventh infantry from Fort Logan colo rolo though ough utah on their way to ho he then there la Is to be a school election at nm stile f this week neck to i 0 ftp o ute on sailing tc maintain the school t I 1 bere iere berron Is quarantined now against castle dale on account of amir 11 pox |