Show dont rub it I 1 is ALL AND PAINS LOOK TO scotch remedy are 14 I or cited reasons wily by crar I 1 aid us thi ready t lill I pone and deep lepor O 0 chaa any ay known remedy blidie Bli dIt it removes jain rain and soreno iu all wnm K wn will Is hotto poll or she kin ar clothing tard dIt il no chloroform other ame e or lodin iodine koj aw to i it Is I 1 the cly f u lif md and harmles found on till th w martet k old by all druggists at U 63 cents o 0 SCOTCH REMEDY COMPANY agency AN the pea green front MINT SALOON J M F fine ine wines bonded whisky eastern beers finest cigars private clot it lanom oms 1 connect on alio also owner dippner nor is hays ilir and tid stabling COLTON UTAH WILLIAM WILLIAA 1 I 1 HOWARD land laud ind and niota notary public lund land pa P ina afif contis and ih ol oil 01 land tn t ali tolor irr I 1 rr ct fl d at any P arv ee la in f apte L alti deeds and legal pa acre gew rally drawn titles abstracts Abstract a furnished castern borms an I 1 caa C lands for or fale or 1 I jetkins li fraile ad e so and n d is geneat lw I 1 labins ne no allate 01 late latel l all allerti ei r n land must be accost ot mp huntington HUNTIN CiTON UTAH I 1 W D LIVI livingston LIVING STOX LAWYER LAX YER M manu anti utah water ant nl mining roren tie aloe land mat viat tereci coll it I 1 it idral KAI bu business alre I 1 rumpt attention ton ID D all tl the 0 arts F E WOODS ATTORNEY AT LAW CASTLE DALE dalr I 1 will pr practice Retice in all the court courts in all civil basee mining dinino Ji ton allot probate mat tn kireo given special altan llon C E FEARSON M D 9 musician and surgeon iotte call calls promptly attended catl ale dah R A K KIRKER I 1 R K E R na M E examines and R deports on mines anil and nydra ca a bon Pro tr let ie in faer faster a d W t rn 0 lo tollice 1 ad 1 dress t i rice utah F F FISK M D Ph ician and burgeon surgeon price utah 4 Office fourd oi tot abe rott office we UPS the delay pneumonia dynamic win will stop A gold cold I 1 in one only 15 too oo 00 for sole sale by pm dilators Evary current time table SALT LAIC ROUTE ITH V A MUM ly l y 1 I I 1 Us 9 isom 1900 1 l karl so and ar 14 l junction lwft nil 1 I 1 beit I 1 ta Is Is All Allm antle llo flippo es so a 11 1 1 juntti iro I ro a enter no I 1 P ill rt V pi W the licelle limited no noa forg I 1 junction denver and all pin 11 katt t 1 lm 05 X mrs tb the All antio r iril IC V I 1 vo 40 I fit limit take n 7 uan and nil adol doi oat oa t into emam M acm I 1 clan no 31 mr limit nit like clr Ilis ln doon and oil I 1 ablao t poll t tr is bo 60 is in tle Neill 19 sir riar no A IA b lir ity den and exl I 1 aulito cocot point id d no t to lipat P ILL r 01 IM M PP P P 4 1 13 53 i a on i tte ile conw nie I 1 amit arfin rf in no ipar 11 olton lion for r 60 farll 01 t a ml not lone I 1 effii r k it 13 Is I 1 m no xa X fur foo alel I 1 I 1 anil amton I 1 00 we m 1 I no WT W 1114 T ir f r 4 undo an I 1 hunn 1 I ie e I 1 1 11 I a in no nos 80 k rom Runny side in to ia Is m for information concern ing route connections rates ete apply to or nd ad drees dress U B it 11 McDo iALo agent agents ire utah THE BARBER SHOP will ber rafter close 1 it its d durs urs berye dollso enli sot all m except tua 13 3 p in 0 1 n aund udy i at t OB m ai st d 4 clevesy at st 1 12 I 1 31 34 noun J A YOUNG till i KUE firo fire 11 W crockett I 1 V olit 10 A 0 T cawi Itt tM faa I 1 0 V A f A X KJ J 7 th th I t be b I 1 the lh iier Kli dinner riner ot iw or rs 1 f J 11 1 lucar l k sie b 1 ir is il IL tie or r tote I 1 as ii i 15 tiuis aa at 1 I jerrald d ol d alsis al sis 11 2 clr tit pay r ill in a 1 I 1 40 Is 9 if ti N 1 1 ell 10 i lorbati u hot ill 1 I I 1 1 im t ed by tim los uso of it 11 lt LL II 11 t fautt arb 1 B aum lo 10 bw w ne no and ab o ib d J IP ce goulf I jay of r kar A I 1 if t 1411 A aja P horry II 11 earth curt cure Is 1 late r rn int internal einal y imad na se di relly so I 1 w Is vid 1 ana buoi buos puos u 0 ir r fiur tir too a te s a send 11 ile f r tto t to alli 0 1 1 r 1 J r fl 0 IS poo 14 ajr all tl hall a najiy puts are tu 0 4 halper i laundry laul ry J hr U UTAH all purer ih ill evil weebo ki as wima is 1 the tb build lall boe knois been 41 0 if f ill the turow tur ur pw 1 I s arsi 4 O 0 ixon its bol pit pt atron ron n soco u abe be N tr tf ir two par beular aar 1 l boss iff f M ober laundry war ark k h ie to prices 11 V lona a 1 guht mind DJ Is 11 in 1 low w r f then than barr nuba U b 1 in na y h klinn t hi is TZ v rahl I 1 tf or u I 1 v 1 aro 1 0 aly ills ib tuut skillet kill work toon give us a trial order no hoi p por 3 U ta 11 GOOD JOBS there will vill bo be civil service examinations in salt tako bako city march for the positions dons of me mechanical hanibal engineer chief engineer and electrician and as biskant engineer la in the united states mint ot at 15 per da do there v will ill also bo be examinations arll 23 for the position Isi tion of topographic draftsman in the land omco emco beri ico ice at 1200 salary lo the coast and anti geodetic eur sur vey cy salary acting assistant n t surgeon in the marine hospital arvice at physician in tho tile indian eer vice vim at 1000 and senior draftsman at 2000 1 I cant we why the government continues to withold tho the gilsonite land of the from entry said indian dlan agent myton Uyton i to a tribune man saturday at the knutsford they are no good goo to the government indians or anybody else the way they are now abero are groat great vellis running clear across aerosol the londa of unknown depth and twenty to thirty feet wide of fine gilsonite aich it it could W put upon the market markes would be of areat reat value I 1 hiro have seen senator rawlins and bo he faron throwing the landi lands open I 1 will am senator kearns tho first chance I 1 get and lay the business before him tho the deposits will enrich tho the parties working tb m bbate superintendent of school schools A C belson of bait balt lake city wae war hero here thesda and gai raen a a lecture at town hull and on n wednesday d the tile price schoola and himself na being favorably impressed Impress ix with tho the 0 o king of them thein lie left fur a visit to lo the different schools rf einer clou ltv mr wr Is a amant gentleman and wo we were pleased to make as acquaintance during his fits short stay ID in our city SheriffS torra returned ahls thi morn in froin from eureka says the pro o ka eu qi cis of Wod noeda having in tit cue cus tody tay goo etli taking wearing apparel 10 in money etc ete from aman earned named smith at salem Lc laonard onard ilaa served a tria torm in the state prison ha wess sant up from emery fc fr hou the theda six aarold en r old cilla child of f mr a and fid MM james mcleon nielson of spring glen died esterday ester day at two of roem I 1 brunious brane brune ous croup and will be burled today 21 2 1 0 spring flug glen this Is the sec anzi ond achl child id they hae lost of the burnes di dying at two week weeks ago ugo the lid slid of wellington gaye adamd ph friday ri evening en at khilch there woe wilts a good goa attendance everybody brought well tilled baskets and a most enjoyable bitne was hul had SALOON HELPER UTAH herman eckstein s PLACE As ideal PI m to spend a few lisure 1 1 emals Der antiles phial glod tb 16 i and 0 ink kotbin but ibe be very verr aws t of goodli Di diepen 44 ell isil given 01 lo 10 the lb our prices will please J ton you I 1 4 AP 4 4 4 40 4 when you want hardware fum furniture iture 4 stoves tools cutlery boot boots 4 I 1 i s and shoes dry goods and groceries 4 t the largest largent stoa stoc lamps and queens 4 j ware in the county 4 za 00 COME ME IN AND EXAMINE p I 1 nt i our furniture in sets or piece carpets malting rugs and lindaw sli ides also a fine line of or coffins and CoAs ketts DONT SEND AWAY FOR GOODS 1 4 4 or 4 T when you c cm in do better with ith us its I 1 II 11 I 1 you 4 want to get posted on any ul of our lines 4 4 W come and see tee us u a 11 T 4 everything carried by a first class 41 me mercantile institution 4 S k 4 se emery county mercantile cor 0 4 4 PRICE UTAH t 1 jl 11 T HE MATHIS ATHIS HOTEL ra raw 10 now under new manage ment a M M RHODES completely renovated and new furnishings added As good a meal and bed as any hotel in the state rates lib cral the 0 f tran im ae and regular boarders solicited e 4 4 4 Is I 1 i 1 1 I 1 C weeter lueter I 1 co I 1 1 44 I 1 I 1 tl lit av V I 1 I 1 A 4 A 1 11 4 with a full line alln or of h dvm remen creen poi pair ore 1141 paver Mould Moul lar dittes cu Cs 4 44 enire 1 alock hiby Hi oy and al pine builders hardware rd wiro wire cloth 44 ln ion l n alf libl wire combination lath renor A complete ilas of t tt 4 harness Harrit ss wagons buggies spring wagons 4 4 gadist na 41 dist a 11 1 II I 1 kirl kip is of pern pars we cepro ent abe mollp wagon and al 4 4 f gat lk lake it Klap in need dofa of a in ouri ouella lase call and od see us u of r 4 write it will be interest todo to aj J C WEETER LUMBER CO 1 l 4 4 6 4 4 S first class livery in connection JH HOTEL OTEL ALFRED D SMITH CLARKE C LARKE t the tible supplied sup liel it bait st thoo ih N 1 arket affords ter teri i tor lor comm acial men nten and the general tT traveling raveling public I 1 the he only up to dat chotI 1 in this part parti fol of eastern utah J IR a t D s E DP 2 per P e r day ID a v sample rooms in S 4 castle valley store orangeville ORANG EVILLE UTAH ia SEW STOCK NEW GOODS NEW PRICES WE H HAVE LEADERS IN EVRY LINE and our low prices will command your att auction antion bring your J cash ind see what dollars will do suits from sr r io 50 to 1 l S el shoes sho s of all kinds and a fit at any price tt moct M AMPA M proprietors X f 1 I ft Z 3 |