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Show I 4 ?" i rjfeff. THE 1 0 f 11 JktZ. "jjph . ' - 'cr k " w H Group of' Main Buildings . ' W Wk I !S! TANDS for broad, liberal training in all the industrial f I l5 ? arts "" s "ie sc1l or t"ie masses. It teaches the 1 I aPI Q wk PTesent ancl future farmers, dairymen and ranchers I I IS 113 Utah and adjacent states how to get the greatest I I W Wl returns, in pleasure and profit, from their fields and - 1 I ll flocks. It teaches the fruit growers how to raise the 1 I best fruit and get the best prices. It teaches the blacksmith, car- I I penter, machinist and carriage builder how to climb to the top of ; I his profession. tifcb i I ? 1 I It teaches the present and especially the fa- (n ' ' JriMNH!llii 1 tiire house-wives and mothers of Utah how .HBWaBllilB " ! I I to decrease the routine and drudgery, and 0 BBBBMt iAsr'' ' WSImmm 1 I how to increase the enjoyment of the pro ' , - MSmmmW "' W&m$mm . ?! I feasion of home-making. It turns out an JEw9kmwr- ' - -$38BL li nually large numbers of trained busines j JmmWn9ffU ' ST k 1 I men. It has provided the State and also jBSISJSfc,, Bjff -.B 1 fWk the Nation with many agricultural experts. ?. HLflFf4 r" - 8HHHBI IHfe H I I ;: NOW IS THE TIME fc ' '. i - I I For the young men and women of Utah to KB m jjk ,, -JfiJli . . Z. JLf H begin planning where they will go for next KKfti, jKJBBiniuUiriltfclHHHBM year's ichooling. In planning be sure to VlHBHHHJIlV"Jl!jHPiiV 1 give the A. C. U. all due consideration. TJBHIK3K3BitidXrEJaV I ' Remember, it is the great industrial school tJE-SSSSEkM 1 of the Intermountain Region. Yet the LwUlWBkWSU I : culture studies are by no means neglected. BHBBKSBB- The student's training in Literature, Hist- pPBP li'mjttr 11 ory, Art and Music runs parallel with the V 'fSMPHBHr i I kitchens. Tuition is free. Entrance FeeC-Ui mmWmWBiSmammmmW I I $5.00. Send for an illustrated circular. Ad- EQFIiBHH j dress The Registrar, A. C.U., Logan, Utah, f"ff' mmmmWmwt W' ' 1 I ; College opens, Tuesday, September 15th. viw on Grounds,..&xPeriment station " I M I p- ' . I V L mmaimmmt |