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Show 0 ' ''lh BRIGHAM CITY tEACH ,DAY. v . Since oiir last issue, plans have , been -crystnli'ing looking to the erection erec-tion of stands and l)ootli6 on the square north of the court house. Mr. Funk was over the grounds last Tucs-' Tucs-' day estimating the amount of space we can utilize to advantage there , with a view io providing suitable ) quarters for exhibitions of frivits and novelty stands, etc. We shall be in position very soon o receive applications applica-tions for apace. Wc moft si'necrcly believe that every ev-ery man, wonian and child Svill take such an intiorcst in, this celebration that everything wc have .planned shall pan out entirely satisfactory. Show everybody the cheerful face and extend the glad hand. Send out your invitations, everybody, everywhere, every-where, so that all may know. Then when our friends come let us isec to it that every mother's son of them and daughter, tpo, gets some of the very best peaches wc can produce. Before very long, the special boxes for Peach Day will be ncady for distribution dis-tribution among the multitude of growers 'round about. Each grower will take ia delight in filling the boxes with good peaches that will fit snug. This year there will be no such tiling as one person getting credit for the good work or the good fruit put up by another, but each will receive ls proper credit. A neat card will accompany every box upon which the contributor 'will tsign his or her name. ThUs each 'person who leccives a box will know just where it came from and where to look when good peaches arc Wntcd hereafter, either this year or next, September 16th js the day, and """don't be backward about giving out the good word. ft Dr. Ball of the Agricultural College I at Logan was visiting the State Ex- E periment Farm in the Washington 1 field the latter part of last week. He was here on Pioneer Day and! was out collecting bugs, in the evening when Ivc was caught in the heavy storm and got a good bath. Washington County Coun-ty News. It will be a matter of much congratulation con-gratulation to Dr. Ball's many friends to know that he survived the bath alright. Ed. m , |