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Show H 1 Of all the people k the f 1 world who M Ought Not I tokwkbcmtaMBQH 1 m Telephone m I It is the Farmer! M ' There arc ifcnee wben a frU- M pboae is ao much needed, that C B bag without it might aknoetC M ba ckseur Ha criminal egX- H gence, H Whatever the emergency rnarm H b, if a telephone at hand, aid M M oaa b aurnmened instantly. W H Oftimaa the rnfcmtea the! eared murk the AvkKng Ikia be-m tween loaa of Ufa and property, ad-4ta preeerration. m H S la yoar kotiaehold preparedV H for eraergenciee -Have you a 7 H , BELL telephone? M H Gat a "BalT nowDon't pro-B j , craatkwta and regret f I i H Everybody eietj where rioge , THIS BaU. 1 1 Rocky MoMtttaia Ml 1 I TsitpkoMt Co. 1 1 I iMimanMiJil H THE SCENIC LINE H Connecting at Ogdea Union Depot with all tOUTHERN PACIFIC AND OREGON SHORT LINE TRAINS. Tha Only Transcontinental Line Pawing Directly Throuch Salt Laka City. JBplaaalaly aa(W Faat Jfc Trakas Dally fcetweeei ( Ogden and Denver Via Three Stparata ad ll I DiaaiaKi Sceaic Xxwtea. W THROUGH PULLMAN AND ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY. ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. FREE RECLIN- ING CHAIR CARS. - - - H Paraonally Conducted Kxcac- b atone, DINIMQ CABS, SEBVICX A LA CATE OK ALL THROUGH TISAJNS. H For raAee, folder, to Hhat- tratad booklets, ato, kqttkw of your naaraat ticket agaac, apad- tying the Rio Grande Kotrtt, or aiddrees If X. K BENTOH, H O.A.I.D, Salt Lake City. Hi DR. W. H. STROTHER, O. D. Authority on Eye Troublea Broken Leases Duplicated By Mail ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call, or Write to Me if Your Eyes Trouble You. Examination and Consultation Free Wi th C. E. W. BOWERS, Jeweler 73 Main St, Salt Lake City aa ; ; He Who Travels I VIA THE J PASSES THROUGH THE 1 i BEST DRY FARMING f DISTRICTS IN UTAH 1 AND NEVADA. 1 FOR INFORMATION RE- 1 i GARDING RATES AND 1 ; LAND WRITE OR CALL f ON ff J. H. BURTNER, D. P. A. 1 (xte Main St, Safe Lake Ciay. f m0m0mmm0mmi0m OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UTAH BEE-KEEPERS' ASSOCIATION. President, E. S. Lovesy, 3SS Sixth East Street, Salt Lake City. First Vice-President, R. T. Rhecs, View, Weber County. ' Second Vice-President, W. Belliston, Neplu Secretary, A. Fawsoa, Grantsville. Asst. Scc'y, Jas. Neilsen, HollidayT County Vice-Preaidents: 9alt Lake W. C. B ergon, Mill Creek. Utah George Hone, Payson. Wasatch J. A. Smith, Heber City. Davis H. J. Butcher, KaysvHlc. Box Elder J Hansen, Bear River City Tuab. Thomas Belliston, Nephi. Washington J. L. Bunting, St George ' Cache Nephi Miller, Providence, Morgan T. R. G. Welch, Morgan. Em. -Chris Ottoson, Huntington. ' Carbc. W. H. Horsfcy, Price. Sevier R. A. Lowe, Austin. Sanpete Walter Cox, Fairview. Wfcbar Mra R. T. Rkeaa, View. DcBonzck- Huntzc S Engravers and Electrotypes Successors to DE BOUZEK ENG. CO., a7-9 W. South Temple St SALT LAKE CITY , |