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Show fSHIpfY.OUR CREAM IN 5 BLUE I ! "rcP CANS. ' f iSalt Lake City, Utah, Aug.tf9C? H m 'v tt ?9 v m I To Cream Producers Everywhere: H 1 Cash For Cream 1 I JTHE JENSEN CREAMERY CO. H 1 furnish the cans. If you do not-hava M Pcans in which to ship your Cretan, H writc, telephone, or telegraph for H J11!6"1, -ut your crcam m tnc JEN- I I SEN "Blue Top" cans. Take the H S"Bluc Top" cans to the nearest rail- H aroad station. Sec that your name and H address is plainly marked on the H wsliipping tag, as wejhjis that? of, 'the H, Ijcnsen Creamery Co. Ship once or H lltwice eyery week. H I Just as- often as you ship a can of H cceami, you will get a check for it. tj goes back the next. If the cream I keeps coming the checks will keep going; We arc now paying 25 cents u pound for buttcrfat. If you are already sending us your crcam, help us to get new patrons. Help us to establish the cash system by telling your neighbors what wc arc doing. Wc already have nearly 1000 crcam patrons. We want to get 2000 by the 15th of August. We will appreciate ap-preciate it if you will send us the name and postoffice address of every crcam producer that you arc ac quaintcd with. We arc determined to establish in this and adjoining states a cash system in paying for cream. There would be no failures of creameries cream-eries with a cash paying system in force. We guarantee satisfaction. We so-Jiciti so-Jiciti your patronage and correspondence. correspond-ence. Very respectfully, JENSEN CREAMERY CO. |