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Show ;; fGRONtMY'-f I i '1 rvrf -' ,: " '" ' , - EMERSON ALFALFA RENOVATOR , MACHINES FOR ALFALFA AND BROME GRASS. ,,, A machine has recently come to my , , notice which I am rur-c will soon be ,,,,uscd considerably by the farmers of .thc west, especially those 'engaged in ., growing dry farm alfalfa, cither for ,,Jiay or seed. This machine is called ,',thc Emerson Alfalfa Renovator. In l nQthcr words it is a spike toothed disc. ..,;fiTluc spikes arc in the shape of Ivor- ., row teeth with the exception that thc 3 . arc slightly curved to give the wheel p M i , which twenty of them form, a slight . disc. The machine has twelve of , .. these wheels making 240 spikes. Each individual spike is bolted on so that if -one is broken another can be readily read-ily put on. It works in the same man-'ncr man-'ncr as docs a regular disc and so can ,be made to .cut cither deep or shallow. shal-low. Two good horses will pull the machine readily. h.fcl.JT,hc,5iadvantagft which this machine Uajs, oyer the ordinary disc is that it f-pulverizes the ground much better, thus forming a better imulch for the conservation of moisture. It tears up , all shallow rooted plants better than ! does the disc, thus dtstroyjng June. 1 5i?iGlieat grass 'more effectively. It I ' dotynor cut off the robots oT alfalfa I ! as dots ..the: 'disc, but splits the 1 . i wow and causes tjie alfalfa to ! spread a-nd thus thicken tine stand. ! ' 'Me -only disadvantage which it has I! is' that' it is a little heavier pulling thaiifthc .ordinary disc,..but wlten wc ' consider that going, over 'the field - once with the Alfa.l?a Renovator dqes , 'aVtiio7o"iigh work ks" going over the field1 three times with live ordinary-disc ordinary-disc a great deal of labor and time is saved by using this machine. Not only this, but more moisture is conserved, con-served, no alfalfa roots -cut off or destroyed de-stroyed and all June grass and other shallow rooted weeds arc killed which is quite a consideration. A cut of this Alfalfa Renovator accompanies ac-companies this article. It is sold in t:liisf state by the MiJlcrCaJpon Co., ...Murray,. Utah. ..... . i... . , : - - W -. ..,,o- I It has always been a hard matter! to seed Bromc grass properly, owing! to the chaffy nature of the seed. If a J, grain drill is used it is continually clogging and is therefore not satis-f factory. If the seed is sown brond-' cast by hand, it is not evenly distributed dis-tributed over the land -and an. uneven stand is the ncsult. A small machine, known as Thompson's Wheelbarrow Grass Seeder, No. 8, is especially dc-1 signed fpr sowing Bromc grass. The 1 hopper is ten feet long and is fitted with a rak5 or agitator preventing clogging and' insuring an even distri-$ bulion of the seed. The quantity oH seed to, the acre 011 be regulated as desired. These seeders do not run , hard as they weigh only fifty pounds. A big wheel and a long hub make them, push easy and balance nicely. They can easily be thrown out of gear. A' man can readily seed from 30 to 40 acres a day. This machine has the advantage of not clogging, of sowing the seed evenly over the ground, thus wasting no seed. The wind docs not effect the work as the hopper is carried close to the ground. This machine is manufactured by O. E. Thompson and Sonst . Ypsilaiifi, M HAI'icli., and can be obtained atcosl M "P $10.00, J C. HOGENSONr& 4 |