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Show TO TAKE "POT-LUCK." J 'When we ask some one to our table to share our mean we show that pcr- 1 son the highest compliment we can pay. Hospitality can go no further than a sharing of the most intimate domestic part of our home into wjiicji, another can enter, A guest appre-v ciatesj this Sand 'feelsnt. Does it not ncfcessarily follow, then, that we should keep that time honestly rc- 7 " flectfvc of ourselves and of our real ltvjng? But the moment wc introduce: intro-duce: cpmpany manners, company didshes, wq change from the rtcal to the unheals it ceases to 'be thevery thing which we have? asked the friend tesliajgIeis,no longer dining with us Jptikwej vith liimjthough-in. our own house. Can anything be more incohsistcn; more destrictuve of the very courtesy wc would show him? Wc rob the greatest compliment wc can show a friend of its very essence. Many a man lias gone to a home filled with the joy of being asked to dine with the family, only to have the whole glow of his pleasure taken away by sitting down to a meal which as is always and at once apparent is not out of the ordinary and has been "created for him. ' To take "pot-luck;" "pot-luck;" that is to enjoy true hospitality; hospitali-ty; aught else is but a sham, and what is intended as a courtesy becomes be-comes a discourtesy 'because it is not honest. THE SANE WOMAN'S CLUB. If the average woman's club were carried out along sane lines: along lines of actual benefit to the community commun-ity in which its members live, it would be a factor for power and for good which this magazine would be th: first to applaud. Just fancy, for a moment, a State Federation of Woman's Wom-an's Clubs offering a substantial prize for the prettiest, best-kept and most attractive town or village of a certain cer-tain size within its State bordcrj. Just calculate the valuable anJ attractive attrac-tive enterprises that such an offer would .set in motion: what interesting expeditions, communions and acquaintanceships, ac-quaintanceships, and all on a sane, healthy basis, it would develop and bring about. To make the young people of our small towns in love with their surroundings, tan actual part of their village life, imibucd with ' thespirit to make their homes more attractive is there a finer spirit, a higher ambition to cultivate? Of what value arc papers, copied from Egyptian art, mediaeval literature and what-not, compared, to such a community work that would make the face ofvthc earth more beautiful and .the people more content? m --Ladies' liomc Journal. |