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Show 1 j FARMERS, ATTENTION! Wc are in the market at all times for , Wheat, Oats and Barley. Write to us for prices. We pay Spot Cash. DAVID ROBBINS & CO. Salt Lake City, Utah. : GO WEST - : AND SEE WHAT IDAHO INVITES YOU 1 , ' to share as an irrigation 1 state; the best watered statt ' ' ' I in the Union. ' : ; HOMES FOR THOUSANDS THOUS-ANDS OF SETTLERS , GOOD LAND GOOD WATER ' GOOD CLIMATE GOOD PEOPLE I Go to the Golden West 1 ' For Rates and Descriptive Literature, Address J ! D. E. BURLEY, G. P. A. 1 D. S. SPENCER, A.G.P.A. 1 ' OREGON SHORT LINE I RAILROAD I COMPANY I SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH I JOSEPH BARKER is sellint Pork at the Highest High-est Price, and Feeds no Grainl Get some of his DUROC JERSEY BLOOD and do the samd R. F. D. No. 3 OGDF"" SQUABS PAY HOMER Why send away for breeding stock? Start right Get them from us, save express and be sure of getting mated birds Our birds are acclimated. Bonneville Ranch Coi WOOD'S CROSS, UTAH. MEMBERS OF UTAH STAT M POULTRY. ASSOCIATION. M (Partial List ' f: M Rhode Island, Red. if H Anderson. E. W 234 S. 10th East. H Barnes, W. D., Kaysvlllc H Coulam, Geo., 751 E. 2nd Smith:. Cramer, C, 15th South and 3rd East S Cox., J. H., 2140 S. 9th East. M Duncan, L. C, 1075 8th East. H Druk, J. W., 1885 S. 7th .East. $ M Farley, A. B., 1325 State. H Hewlett, O. H. 125 E. 7th South! M Home, J. L., 235 E. nth South. $ H Hyde, Frank, Kaysville. H Larscn, E., 346 18th -St., Ogden. jj H Parsons, E. A., 79 N. 7th West a H Poulter, Geo. A., Ogden. H Simmons, A. F., 2456 Pine St. If H Smith, Hugh W., 858 E. 1st South M Sharman, Geo., 716 E. 1st SoutlA H Thomas, M., 468 7th St. M Woodficld. Win,, Ogden. R. D. 3. M Vadncr, C. S., Forestdale. ' M Leghorns. H Anderson, J. H., 665 5th Ave. A H Bird J. W. & Sons, 2222 S. W. Temple M Crawford Bros., Manti. If H Carter F Provo. " H Cox, J. H., 2140 S. 9th East. M Day, S. O., 72S 7th Ave. f M Erickson, C. E., 875 E. 5th South.. M Gorlinc, C. S., 1224 E. 12th South. H Haslam, J. W., 544 W. 3rd NortlO M Hagman, J. D., 226 N. 2nd Wests, M Hyde, Frank, Kaysville. . M Maxson Hy., 2009 E. 12th South. t H Peterson, John, 1608 S. 3rd East. M Sheffield, Geo. B., Kaysville. 7 H Stewart, W. W Kaysville. 4 H Ward, Fred, 354 E. nth South. H Vawdrcy, Thos., Draper. H Plymouth Rocks. Bird J. W. & Sons, 2222 S. W. Temple H Cramer, G, 15th bouth and 3rd East. M Day, S. O., 725 7th Ave. Duncan, D., 234 S. 7th East Linncll, W. H., 209 E. 12th South. Maxson, Hy., 2009 E. 12th South. H Pinnock, H. H., 870 E. 4th South. Spiers, Geo. A., 824 E.,6th South. Trump, C. J., rear 451 S. 8th East Wyandottes. - . M Adams, J. M., 357 S. 5th East f Anderson, J. H., 665 5th Ave. H Aldrich. Ira R., Rupert, Ida. H Bctts, A., Galder's Station. Cartwright T. H., 29 N. West Temple Kcndricks, J. H., rear 836 S. 5th East Solomon, R. H 1756 S. 5th East. H Simmons, A. F., 2456 Pine St Sander. C. J., 906 Lincoln Ave. i Sheffield, Geo. B., Kaysville. Stewart, W. W., Kaysville. Strickley, Geo. F., 711 6th Ave. Young, H. J., 229 East nth South. White, Chas. T., 843 E, 3rd South. Black Minorcas. Haslam, J. W., 544 W. 3rd North. Kcndricks, J. H rear 836 S. 5th East Solomon, R. H.. 1756 S. 5th East Smith, Hugh W 858 E. 1st South. Vogeler, A. H., 74 Q. St. Orpingtons. , Plummer, Dr. C. G., 535 E. 1st Soutk. Cook, A. R., 1 129 E. 6th South. Gorlinc, C. S., 1224 E. 12th South. Turkeys. Vawdrcy, Thos., Draper. Houdans. McGhic, R. L.f 1464 State St Games. Aj Bergen, F., Centcrville. rf K Smith L. L., Calder's Sta. U f M J Springer, S., Turpin Geo. M., Logan. M FOR SALE. H Registered Duroc Jersey Swine. For inform"aion, write or phone , CALVIN WHEELER. M Collhiston - - Utak 3 |