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Show H H EXCURSION TO THE AGRICUL- f TURAL COLLEGE. - H On September 7th the farmers pl M thc$north,crn part of the state; wilra H have an opportunity to see " Utah's i H graTt industrial school, the grounds, H 'farm, livestock, conservatories, etc. , H A special excursion1 train will leave - M Salt Lake about 7 o'clock a. m. on j M September 7th, and as this is Labor j H day a legal holiday, it as expected H that a largq crowd vill be in attend- H ance. The, excursion oaainot help but m be a most instructive one. The train P H ill imas through some of the finest Q orchards ami most fruitful fields, m Davis, Weber, $ox Elder, and Cache IH coupue& The Cache Commercial I CluJL' will taike the visitors in charge, L3 andj" free transportation will be given M to lhe College. At the College the H excursionists will Ijc taken in charge H by the officials, and a free lunch :on H will be served. The party will be H shown around the grounds, -buildings, H etc , and a "booster" " -meeting will 1 be held in the Logun tabernacle, and GfTohcj county twill show hcr,,SppJfcSia-A tiou of the grcatk State Institution locac'dJlwitHin Micr bordkfrs, fgi thisjb occasion. Xhc fare for thc rounds f trio from Salt Lake CJty will only! t be $2.25, and there will be no otherj expense. Everybody should accomp-i? any the. excursionists to the A'gricul tural College on September 7th. I |