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Show o BLACKHEAD IN TURKEYS. Editor Dcserct Farmer: From the description given in the "Farm Paper" June 20, 1908, page 10, we lirxvc the blackhead among our turkeys. Can you give us any remedy thnit will chock this terrible disease? About s ten days ago we bad 140 small turkeys tur-keys that would average about two pounds each, and now we can't count 75.WALTER ROBERTS, Monroe, Utah. . . Answer by C. S. Gorline, Poultry Editor. Your case is most urgent and only quick action will save balance of your poults. Put a tcaspoonful of Calomel in oi gallon of water, add a tablespoon ful of Tincture of Aconite and clean up premises. Give no other drinking water than above. Feed boiled corn mical mixed with stiff sour milk curds, two parts or measures of the curds to one part of the corn meal. Sprinkle Sprin-kle air Fkickcd lime and' ashe n and around roosting quarters. Perfect sanitary conditions and quick action alone may do some good. The disease dis-ease is caused by filth and improper diet whiohj results in fermentation in tlvccrop causing' indigestion VQSiUting -),JH in fever of the most malignant type. It is very contageous and -birds not yet affected must be strictly quaran- i tincd and kept clear away fromi the sick ones. There isn't much you can .(lb for the sick ones. Sec that plenty of grit fine, sharp gravel is placed where all the poults may help themselves. them-selves. Blackhead is nothing but indigestion in-digestion combined with fever, both the result of over feeding and lack of sufficient grit. Cleanliness will - '""stop fermentation and likewise the growth of baccilli fever germs. Plenty or grit, exercise and sour milk curds may save the balance, but I1 you arc up against ais hard a proposi-' proposi-' lion in turkey raising tas the chicken man is when Roup or Cholera tackles his flock. |