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Show l . o . INPUTTING IT jUST right. ! ; i WHcre arc Splendid words that ought ' $ W be burnt into the mind of every public-spirited citizen who loves the cauty of his town. They were dc- v livcred by Judge Welch, of the Su- ' '&. lpcrior Court, when he decided that , 1 all advertising billboards should be i ;"' removed from the highways of the , "I beautiful town of San Jose, Califor- "rtiar: ' y Ika glaring Ibillboa.d, ;ct opposite '. "man's house in a vacant lot, bordering bor-dering upon a public highway in a ' 's?Gountry town devoted to homes, is just as offensive to the immediate residents as would be the mainten- anqe of a pigsty giving forth offensive offen-sive odors, or the maintenance of a stonebreaking machine, or the chime of hoarse bells. In principle, there is no difference between themi "It would be a singular result of your law if relief could not be had "against the maintenance, for purely advertising purposes, of an uncouth billboard erected opposite my house, having painted upon it grotesque advertisements ad-vertisements of wines,- beers and whiskies, and constantly, hourly and daily adctriment to my property and a serious.. mmy toSh$L feelings. aL myself and my family." Affcer ironing linen, place it near a H good fire or in the heat of the sun un- H til perfectly dry, as the garments will 'H then be made stifFer than if allowed to H dry slowly If the linen is a bit H scoj-clisd, -wiel iOith, cold Yaernd H hang it fn the sun. H |