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Show o . . Kindly mention the "Dcseret Farmer' Far-mer' when writing to or doing business busi-ness with our advertisers. a , WILLIAM PERN, jjjjjj I PROMOTER. iPP I FOUND DEAD! I The first of last month a fine specimen of humanity, David Erick- H son, 28 ye.irs old, was found dead on the track of the Salt Lake Route M between Stockton and Tooclc stations. There was not a mark of vio- M Icncc upon him, so it was decided lie died a natural death. In January, H 1905, he covered his cash value with a thousand dollar policy in the M Pcnn Mutual Life. The doctor said he was as fine a specimen of hu- M manity as he ever .examined. In January, 1906, he felt like he had M made a mistake by taking the policy. Said he could use all the money H he could make and more too; the doctor said he was too healthy to die, 'M so he refused to pay the premium. Now his widow is left suddenly to H pay what he left unpaid and to support the family all alone. " Some women do not believe in insurance. Widows, however, all do. M If interested write M WILL G. FARRELL, General Agent I Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia I 411-414 Security & Trust Building Salt Lake City (VQ8ELER SEED AND PRODUCE CO. j I WE SELL ALL KINDS OF I I GRAIN, SEEDSilOTLTRY I SUPPLIES, AND BUR- I I LAP SACKS. I I ; We buy Cjain and Seeds of all kinds, I I : Write us when you have anything to sell I -?t?ttm ae--111 -m - ' ' n "i 'liail 11- M IJ V08ELER SEED AND PRODUCE CO I I SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH I I |