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Show I "Tour of the Tourist" K ; IJSSMj REMARKABLE event in the history of automobiledom was the tour of H, ' hffiMj more than thirty Tourist cars from Los Angeles to San Francisco and return, ; I 1 :iWJBi August 12th to 22d, 1908, carrying 94 men, women and children. f I This tour differs radically from any previous automobile run in that practically! H 1 , very car was operated by its owner instead of a professional driver, thus demonstrating I - ; implicity and ease of operation, and proving forcibly that the Tourist is an owner's I I ar so simple in operation and mechanism as to enable the novice to negotiate the f H 1 , everest test to which an automobile could be put. H j This more-than-a-thousand-mile-run was successfully accomplished without mishap f I ; r accident, andJJ.live long in the annals of automobiledom as a glowing testimonial H , o mechanical geriiftsand constructional ability. 1 M ; ; The Type "K" Touring Car, that powerful, sturdy TT The Type "O" Tourist Roadster represents the cul- B H Western giant which earned such an enviable reputation ruination point in two-cylinder automobile construction. at H the past lew years, is a two-cylinder car of remarkable All the features of the now famous model "K" are her m H ability. ... blended with the racy, chic lines of the high-priced V H m Its construction is the yery acme of simplicity, audits roadster. m I accomplishments have earned for its makers world-wide Nothing on the market today can compare favorably m renown. I J with the type " O " for all around V This car, beautifully finished in a serviceability, style, reliability and low 9 choice of four colors 22 H. P. I J DRllFflRD P"ce . , , r . . j t five-passenger removable tonneau, is Jl UllllllOI UIIU This car with a finely finished m $1300 at Los Angeles. trunk on rear sells for $1300. With m Tourist Cars are covered by a very fKALT LAKE CITY Wo rumble seat on trunk, $1325; f liberal guarantee, and with the factory nd with double individual seats oa m close at hand to replace all parts quickly, UTAH war, $1350. F. O. D. Los Anfalea. . ' .- |