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Show o . DRY FARMING. We mrft in receipt of a number of. rcrlics to inquiries recently sent out regarding the returns froim dry farming farm-ing during the past season. In the main, dry fanning has been carried on very satisfactorily and the returns justify unlimited faith in the future of this industry. From Cache Coun ty on the north to Washington County Coun-ty on the South, the yields have been very satisfactory. More and more faith is being developed in the possibilities pos-sibilities of arid farming and everywhere every-where confidence is taking the place of uncertainty and doubt. An average aver-age of 22 bushels of wheat is reported from San Pete County, 28 bushels from Cache County, 17 bushels from Tooele County, 12 bushels from- Sc-vJer Sc-vJer County, 25 bushels from Washington Wash-ington County, 25 bushels from Juab County and so on. It is evident that these yields on land worth but a few years ago, but $1.50 per acre arc encouraging en-couraging and we have no doubt that with better methods and choicer varieties varie-ties these average yields oan be made much hotter. The year in dry fanning fann-ing has been so satisfactory that even the most pessimistic arc beginning to realize its wonderous possibilities. . o |