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Show ' 1 . v. w H THE SCENIC LINE . M Connecting at Ogden Union H Depot with all H SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND M OREGON SHORT LINE M TRAINS. M The Only Transcontinental I H Line Passing Directly I H Through Salt Lake City. I M Splendidly Equipped Fasti Jfe B Trains Daily Between If H Ogden and Denver C H Via Three Separate and III H Distinct Scenic Routes. I w H THROUGH PULLMAN AND H ORDINARY SLEEPING M CARS, DENVER, OMAHA, H KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS H AND CHICAGO WITHOUT CHANGE. FREE RE- CLINING CHAIR CARS. Personally Conducted Excur- H sions. M DINING CARS, SERVICE A LA CARTE ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. For rates, folders, free illuatrat- M ed booklets, etc., inquire of your M nearest ticket agent, specifying H Rio Grande Route, or address H I. A. BENTON, H I G. A. P. D. Salt Lake City H DR. W. H. STROTHER, O. D. H Authority on Eye Troubles . M Broken Leases Duplicated By Mail M ALL, WORK GUARANTEED Call, or Write to Me if Your Eyes 1 Trouble You. H Examination and Consultation Free 1 With C E. W. BOWERS, Jeweler 73 Main St. Salt Lake City OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UTAH BEB-KEEPBRt AifOCIATION. President, E. S. Lovesy, 355 Sixth East Street, Salt Lake City. First Vice-President, R. T. Rhees, View, "Weber County. H Second Vice-President, W. B elite ton, Nephi. Secretary, A. Fawson, Grantsvllle. H Asst. Sec'y, Jas. Neilsen, HoIHday. H County Vice-Presidtata: Salt Lake W. C. B ergon, MM Creek. Utah George Hone, Payson. M Wasatch J. A. Smith, Helsw City. Davis -H. J. Butcher, Kaysvila. M Box Elder J Hansen, Bear Riverr CHfy H Juab. Thomas Bolliston, Neph5. M Washington J. L. Bunting, St Genrge M Cache Nfephi filler, Providence. 1 Morgan T. R, t. Welch, Mefii. M Emery Chris Ottoson, Hjuntiftglen. M Carbon. W. H. Horaley, Price. Sevier R. A. Lowe, Austin. 1 Saapete Walter Cox, Fairview. H Webr Mrs R. T. Rhees, View. M . j. H DeBouzek-Huntze S Engravers and Electrotypes H Successors to M DE BOUZEK ENG. CO., 27-29 W. Temple St., H SALT LAKE CITY |