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Show H Bn uvestock otj I With Th DESER.ET FAR.MER M , For Om Yar I $3.90 V- TK rgulcr prt f thto wrk 1 la $4.50, but with aplsxl r- H rangmnta wkh thm Publisher H w ar able to offer It together H with a Year'a Subeerlptlon to H Lhe DESCR.ET FAK.MER fer I $3.90 H Srd in yeir OnUr NOW I GO WEST i H AND SEE WHAT : IDAHO INVITES YOU H to share as an JTAtoitfoM B ttete; the best waterlg, H in the Union. Vffl H 1 ; 1 ; HOMES FOR THOU. M ANDt OF SETTLEKI H . M GOOD LAND M GOOD WATER 1 M GOOD CLIMATE 1 H , , GOOD PEOPLE f H Go to tb Goldan Wt 1 H For Ratci and Deacriptiya H Literature, Atfdrect ft B ! D. E. BURLEY. G. F. A. 1 M , D. & SPENCER, A G. P. A f ' OREGON SHORT LINE I RAILROAD I COMPANY I B SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH I HMfc- ........ . Oil ICnDaJII Wcnra like "old time" uALiPUnniA silk bccnuFc it is pure. nunc ril V Mother will tell you Hint PURE SILK Uieallk of onRnRrt-dlfI not break nnd go to mcccs. A Dlnck Silk dress for Mother for Christmas she will appreciate It. It.oo A YARD -Ucautlful black tafleta, 27 INCUIiS. Cocoon cover rta-logue rta-logue nnd Souvenir pout card fret. Rf, A'nt. Hank of California. Dept. S. Curtis Silk Farm. Us Angeles. Cat. California Christmas Box SOMETHING WORTH WHILE DIRECT TO YOU or to any point in the country on your order, with holly berry label with Merry Christmas and your name. THIS BOX COSTS $7.50, and contains con-tains DRIED FRUIT, 25 lbs., fine quality, put up in 2 lb. cartons. Figs, Prunes, Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Muscatel, also seedless and seeded Raisins, Plums, Grapes, CANNED FRUIT, 12 cans. Peaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Apricots, put up in heavy cane syrup. NUTS, 8 lbs., Almonds Al-monds and Walnuts. ORANGE-SAGE ORANGE-SAGE HONEY, J4 gal. All guaranteed guaran-teed first-class and this year's crop. We Pay the Freight Our Reference; First National Bank Colton, California. Two of Our Regular Assortments So lbs. Dried Fruit, 6 kinds, packed in 2 lb. cartons, $6.00 box. Canned Fruit Assortment Fancy fruit, put up in heavy cane syrup, 24 cans, 5 kinds, $4.75. Combination 50 lbs. Dried Fruit, 24 cans Canned Fruit, all for $10.50. WE PAY THE FREIGHT Write for price list and full particulars particu-lars of all assortments; also THREE COLORED SOUVENIR POST CARDS FREE. CALIFORNIA FRUIT PRODUCTS CO. Avenue S, COLTON, CALIFORNIA |