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Show I .THE DESERET FARMER 1 (THAT BIG FARM PAPER.) H- Combined With "Rocky Mountain Hj Farming." H' I Established 1904. I, OfTiclal Organ of the. Hj Utah State Poultry Association. H Utah Horticultural Society. H "Utah State Dairymen's Association. H Utah State Bee Keepers' Association. m 'Bear River Valley Farmers' Protocol Protoc-ol tivc and Commercial Association. H Utah Arid Farming Association. H i Issued .every Saturday by the Des- H ,eret Farmer Pub Co., Salt Lake Sc- H 'Ctirity & Trust Building, Salt Luke City, Utah. H Entered as second class matter Dec. H 27, 1905, at the PostofTicc at Salt Lake City, Utah. Hs Subscription price $1.00 per year H ' (Strictly in Advance.) B Discontinuances. B The publishers must be notified in B writing, at time of expiration, when B discontinuance of subscription is dc- H sired, and all arrears must be paid. B Advertising rates made known upon B aoplication. The right is reserved to B jm reject questionable advertising. B t All communications and remit- B '. tanccs should be addressed to "The Descrct Farmer," Salt Lake Sccuri-B Sccuri-B ' ty & Trust Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. B Lewis A. Merrill Editor. B P. G. Peterson Asst. Editor. J. H. Harper Business Mgr. H Salt Lake City, Utah, B Saturday, November 7, 190S. |