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Show A WORD FROM OLD MEXICO. Editor Dcserct Farmer: I wish to congratulate you upon the valuable magazine issued by you on Sept. 26th. The articles arc all of high-class quality qual-ity and extremely helpful to the farmers far-mers of the West. Especially interesting inter-esting to me was Prof. Sanborn's article ar-ticle on "The Importance of Proper Farm Management." The Descrct Farmer is daily becoming be-coming of greater interest to me in my farm wqrk, and although I am in th school room most of the time, yet I find pleasure, and profit in conducting con-ducting a small farm. I try to apply as far as ppssiblc, the suggestions made in the "Farmer" wherever applicable ap-plicable to the conditions in our country, coun-try, Our crops this year have been unusually un-usually good, especially w.hcftt anjl corn; oats and potatoes arc up to the ,., standard of former years. The greatest great-est problem in farming that we. have to deal with, is to secure varieties that will endure dry wea'thcr until July and thcivpass successfully through three month's, of precipitation. Our spring is usually too cold to enable grains to mature prior to the rainy season, and thai the haa.vy rain fall is likely to prove injurious to many kinds of grains. BarTcyappcars to be a sure :rop when planted after the rains begin, be-gin, but cunts will not (mature unless planted in the spring. We have been able to grow wheat if planted sufficiently, suf-ficiently, early to mature before the rainy season begins. tiitWdqri? MAJVT.INEAU.' 1 I |