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Show I CHRISTMAS IS COMING! B . I WE NEED SOME MORE NEW SUBSCRIBERS I TO MVKE 10,000 BY JANUARY 1, 1909. I WE MUST HAVE THEM I I You want some Christmas Presents! I LET US CO-OPERATE! I HOW TO SUPPLY OUR MUTUAL WANTS Hm If you will send us in some subscriptions you may avail yourself of , the following list of valuable articles as per each offer contained therein. H These articles arc bought by us from the great AUERBACH store, Salt H 1 Lake City, and have their guarantee of being standards for the prices. H . No. 1. Men's unlincd tan kid gloves, No. 10. Boy's Golf caps, No. 4817, 4 fancy silk-stitched corded backs; cheviots, cassimcrcs and tweeds, a lf snap fasteners; beauties, and just topnotchcr, for only two subscribers. H J the correct, swell thing for a young No. 11. Pair beautiful imitation tor-H tor-H , gentleman's present. Given for toisc shell side combs, No. 4352, H t three new cash subscribers. heavy top, highly polished given No. a.-Boys' tan-colored gauntlet for only one new subscription. j gloves, No. 5004; strongly made, soft No. 12. Back comb, handsome, imi- ; and pliable; two bright red stripes tation tortoise shell, ornamented, 1 across tops. Just what every boy for one new subscription. ; needs at this season. Send in three No. 13. The famous 'Sun brand new subscriptions and get a pair; or, boric hairpins, extra quality, y2 dozen one subscription and so cents; two n box, one box for a new subscriber. subscriptions and 25 cents. No. 14. Ladies' Hand-bag, 7 inches j iu. - ..i:f Mr. long, strongly made, very handsome ?k ?fLern?, w2 nncMor' and serviceable, for only three new 5006, California goatskin and horse- . ' hide gauntlet gloves, with reinforced n " p lone u-- No -,6a M thumbs; a splendid work ng glove- c;5aEpn;Cn1gneckba0?; p $ HI the very t lung for father -or big blcsforl four sub3criptions; a W brother a Christmas present. You onc six x ' fcr No. u Get busyl Send in the No l6,Ladic3. bclt in finC soft subscriptions! kid blackf tan and broyn, 2 in-H in-H l No. 4. Plain gold-plated collar but- cbes w-lcjc r0Und, gilt buckles 2x2 M tons, strong and serviceable, set ot inches only two new subscribers B three for one new cash subscriber. gctg jt M No. 5. Handsomely designed gold No i7. Ladies' fast-black, two-M two-M plated cuff buttons good ones, one casp cashmerc gloves, No. 3420, B pair for onc new subscriber. warm and fine, each new subscripts subscrip-ts No. 6. The famous "Uncle Sam" tion gets one pair. Bt suspender, for men or boys, one pair No. 18. The swell "Famosa" ladies' H' for each new subscription. ovcrseam sewed glace kid gloves, B No. 7. French elastic webb suspen- a-clasp wrist, perfect fitting, excel-H excel-H der, No. 5072, a pair for two new lent wearing, black, white, brown, Hi subscribers. red, a delight to the fancy of wo-M wo-M No. 8. Boy's knee pants, No. 4807, man-kind, given for five new sub-H sub-H 4 to 16 years, black and brown with scnptions. H "gray mixtures and strirtaand drab No. 19. Fancy tapestry cushion H corduroy scnt for wrLjmljS&t)3" cover, No. 2212, tassels on corners, H scribers. v - ready for use, one new subscriber. H No. g. Boy's Yacht caps, No. 4813. No. 20 Ladies' patent tip "Juliet" H all wool cheviots and homespun house .slippers, black kid, medium H mixtures, a delight to any boy, a heel, a beauty, and comfortable, b serviceable article and a fine present get together six new subscribers for m for two new subscribers. us and we'll send you a pair. M Provision: Owing to the great number of premiums to be awarded un- M der these offers, it is within the range of possibility that our supply on 1 some particular article may at times be 'exhausted, in which event we will H; at once communicate that fact to our subscribers and allow them a second B choice. m Be sure to give size, age and pattern in ordering articles of wearing ap- B parel. Always give number of article on this list. B If you do nut see what you wmt in the aibovc list, write us, we will get B it for you and make you an offer. I ANY MAN OR WOMAN, ANY SOY OR GIRL H can procur subscribers by a little effort at odd times. Show your ac- H quaintances the Deseret Farmer urge upon them the value of the pub- H lication don't cease your efforts until you have their subscription. H( Send remittances by P. O. Money-order where convenient. Address", H THE DESERET FARMER SECURITY AND TRUST BLDG. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH J 1 M. CHRISTOPHERSON, Mgr. ' SALT LAKE NURSERY GO. LARGFa STOCK OF WINTER APP?ES BUDDED FROM BEARING TREES AND TRUE TO NAMSfi State Road, betSxth and 12th So. Salt Lake City, Utah. PARK AND LANDSCAPE GARDENING. GROWERS AND IMPORTERS I OF CHOICE NURSERY STOCK I |