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Show TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CUPPER, g ,g& BENCHMARK REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE HOMES Over 1550 total, 295-098- 4 LAYTON BRAND new home with the basement almost finished for you. When do you ever buy a brand new home, and find the basement ready for you to move in. The family room is all done except for the carpet. Also an extra bedroom. Upstairs are two more bedrooms, with 1 bath and fireplace. Also a $66,900 . Bee 7 292-500- 2 WOODS CROSS xious and will surprise you with some great financing ideas. Call me for details and let's get you into the investors market today. Anna 295-580Brent 295-119- 4. close to schools, bus line, stores, by owner $72,900. Call 142 C7-1- 0 292-754- $3300 DOWN NEW HOMES for sale in new W.X. area. Will build to your specs. Our models as low as $65,900 buy in Feb. or March and get free air cond. Robert C5-- 9 Holmes 298-016142 298-454- C6-- 2 142 C7-1 JUST RIGHT for a large family. 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, good view. Choice neighborhood, Bntfl East Bench $73,500. Don Geo 292-700- 292-717- Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342- 1. C7-- 8 $56,500 GREAT BUY 3 BDRMS, 1 car carport, 12x30 work shop, storage bldg. Hurry this one won't last. Lance 292-830- 8, Rick or Bambi 298-011Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342- schools and church. 332 West 250 North. $73,900 real estate sales person to help start new brokerage on 5th South. Call Marv. C8 1&2 292-288- Farmington location. Area of new homes. 2 bedrooms up, full bath. Full bsmt. Double garage. Owner transferred, anxious. Price only $68,000. Call Bill Packard 292-040- 1 295-354- 9 Inc. C8 FORECLOSURE PENDMG OWNER NEEDS quick sale, have been transferred. Will bargain on price, terms. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large lot, Vi acre. East side location. Price $68,900. Call Bill 292-040- 1 295-354- 9 Packard Inc. C8 TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT FREE WRITTEN appraisal on your home or commercial property. Allow 5 days from date of inspection. FOR SALE: Bountiful East side 4 plexes. Brick and in excellent location. FOR SALE: Nice brick, side by side duplex, QOO FOR SALE: 11 year old 4 WHAT A BARGAM! 4 BEDROOM, 3 bath, brick rambler with mother-in-laapartment. Centrally located. Will pay points. Must sell fasti Only $63,000. Call George Haddad 292-448- 292-119- Cen- tury 21 Grimshaw. C8 FOR SALE OR RENT 292-448- tury 21 Grimshaw. C8 LARGE HOME ON HUGE Loti Fruit trees, garden area, needs some work. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces. Priced to sell fasti Call Tom Baker Century 21 Gnmshaw. C8 292-219- 292-446- MRS. CLEAN'S HOME! MUST SEE this 4 bedroom, 3 bath rambler on quiet street, fenced yard, covered patio, central vacuum, solar heated water, cozy family room. All for only $74,800. Call Paul Thompson 292-448- 298-065- Cen- tury 21 Grimshaw. C8 NEW RETIREMENT LEVEL double SINGLE car garage, just off Orchard Dr. Call Chad for details at broker. C8-- tnree bedrooms, great family room, full base- ment, double garage, large yard, owner agent. Don Lucie Canyon Oaks 292-166- 295-052- Realtors 1IQH OR BOUNTIFUL EAST BEHCH- 2 large family room& i rambler, 4 large bedroom bathrooms, formal dining room with beautifully bordered vaulted ceilings and coved carpets, main floor laundry. Mom's apt. or extra bedrooms, 2 kitchens or a stove. hobby-craf- t center, fireplace and Lots of STORAGE area. Large HAT, 511 East Chelsea Or. (2800 So.). yard! $111,500.00, appt. 2M-87S- LUXURY NEW A view. Many extras. Dnve by at 3862 S. Bountiful Blvd. Priced nght at $159,900 or call WITH Chad at er. Brok- 292-968- 9 142 C8-- 9 FOR SALE 5 bedroom 1 bath, low 60 s, 854 West 2000 South, Woods Cross 142 home, C8-1- 2 292-783- RAMBLER WX 1130 SQUARE feet, three bedrooms, one bath upstairs, bedroom, bath, laundry down, double garage, new paint and wall paper $77,900 or C8-- 1 2 offer 298-168CENTERVILLE BRAND NEW 2 STORY unfinished basement, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, din- ing, kitchen, family room Realtors 298-342- C8-- 9 OWNER BY C7-- 8 298-342- MATURE OUTLOOK WTTH YOUNG DEAS DOUBLE GARAGE, gourmet kitchen, den, large bedrooms, over 1600 sq. ft. on main and much more for only $71,900. Call Century 21 GrimC8 shaw 292-448- Vaulted ceiling, 4 bedroom, fenced yard, gar- den, possible horse property $68,000 C8-- $62,900 or make offer. Days LOOKING FOR a real doll house? This is it. Com- pletely remodeled, all new kitchen Finished up and down $62,900. Rick or Bambi 298-0- 1 19, Lynda 298-424Canyon Oaks Realtors C8-- 298-342- TWO BEDROOM, full basement. Garage. Oak ask for John BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH BRICK FIVE bedrooms, three baths, large family rooms, double garage, etc. By owner, $124,000 C8-1- 2 or Oder 295-642- 9 kitchen. ley or Bambi Lance Canyon Oaks Realtors C8-- 9 LOCATION, LOCATION, Large brick rambler. Main floor family room secluded back yard. Completely remodeled. 2 car gar. Bountiful High School area. $109,900. Don 292-717Phyllis 295-572Canyon Oaks C8-- 9 Realtors 298-342- C8-- 9 295-341- Ful- finished basement. Double garage Lovely home. $71, ly 500-offe- r. C8 295-800- 295-075- 9 $52,900 WINNERI Three bedroom starter. New carpeting, possible con- C8-1- 1 tract. Dean Earnshaw WELL DECORATED 9 years old, 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, family room, large 298-177- C8-- 9 295-341- COUNTRY COTTAGE FOR SALE. Three bedrooms, newly decorated, large yard, garden and $69,500. C8 neighborhood Larsen Real- 295-083- 8 tors single garage, nice 298-011- 298-342- Shir- Larsen FARMMGTON QUICK SALE 5 BEDROOM, 2 bath. TWO STORY STARTER BY OWNER. 5 years old. Disconnected twin. Nice Farmington location, 3 bedroom, 1 car garage, 1454 S 35 E. Come and seel $51,900 Call $60,000. 295-635- 7 Realtors 9 LOTS OF square footage for the money, 1650 sq. ft. main level. Large home or could use part as rental $63,000. Rick 298-941- 142 9 GREAT STARTER eve 364-188- New Mouse In The House WEST BOUNTIFUL, Choice Must sell dscaping. 7 $69,900 WEST Bountiful, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car gar, V acre lot, one year warranty, Bambi or Hick 298-011Don 295-052Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342C8-- - Farmington location, two new homes, 2 BR, 1 bath, fireplace, full basement, garage, and lan- OVER 1700 Sq. ft. brick rambler, three bedrooms, 3 baths, unfinished basement, area of newer homes, profes-sionall- y sandbox space. Automatic sprinkler system, Whos the new mouse in the house? It's the big cheese, Fievel Mousekewitz. Hes the star of Steven Spielbergs first animated film, An American Tail and hes ready to meet his fans. Fievel is showcased here, along with Michael Barlow of Sears, in an plush toy version made in his image. As exclusive licensee for the film, Sears has set up American Tail shops in its stores. 18-in- great neighborhood C8 451-593- decorated $139,900 owner-age- 292-606- C8-1- 2 FORECLOSURES! WE SPECIALIZE in fordo-sureCall Dixie 451-591- 4 7 or Tom Hooper Ballstaedt 266-247C8-- 9 142 ORIGMAL BOUNTIFUL HILLS home for sale. By appt. only C8 $195,000 295-321- LOVELY WELL kept home, storm windows, lots of storage and parking. Fruit trees, must see to appreciate $68,500. Bambi or Rick Geo 292-700- 298-0- 1 1 9, Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342- loom, loft, utility C8-and double garage. Lots of extras. Close to all LOTS OF space with this Services Owner nice home on Vi acre lot. $119,500.00 Large back yard, 4 bedC8 rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, $69,9090 Bambi CHOICE: LG. FAMILY 9 298-495- The and Babylonians Egyptians brewed beer more than 6,000 years ago. or Rick 296-011Don 3800 SQ. ft. finished. Lots 295-052Canyon Oaks of storage. Many extras, C8-- 9 Realtors 296-3422 kitchens, 2 family rooms plus game room, formal dining, extra large ELEGANT TWIN HOME living room. R.V. parking BETTER THAN NEW! automatic Fully strip. Dormer windows, sprinkling system 295-563- 8. beautiful fireplace, plush C8-- 9 carpets, 3 bedrooms, 2 BARGAM PLUS baths, garage. Call Gary 292-448QUALITY Shiner 292-666$10,000 BELOW appraisCentury 21 Grimal. 4 bdrm. Jacuzzi, 2 shaw. C8 kit., generous oak cab AFFORDABLE throughout, family CONTEMPORARY! neighborhood $97,900 C8-1- 2 ONLY $79,900. Excellent BEAUTIFUL in Centerville. Choice area close to school, shopping and church. Only one year old. 3 bdrms, 3 baths, lots of room to grow. Lee CaPhyllis nyon Oaks Realtors 292-777- 295-572- C8-- 298-342- 9 LARGE 4 bedroom, 2 bath home in Bountiful. New carpet, wall paper, paint only $63,000 over 1600 sq. ft. Lynda 298-424Lee 292-777Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342- east bench location! Beautiful view from 3 decks! Hardwood floors. Wood stove. Double garage. Call Gary Shiner 292-448- 8 292-666- Century 21 Grimshaw C8 three large bedrooms, two baths, main floor family, large formal dining, covered patio, mature landscaping, fenced yard, spnnkler system. Great neighborhood. C8-1- 292-528- ONE acre horse property, qreat buy assumable. .ow 1 BEAUTIFUL down, priced way below appraisal, remodeled Victorian home $112,500. Lucie Lynda 298-424- Canyon Oaks Realtors C8-- 298-342- Vs . acre C6-- 9 142 NO QUALIFYING BY OWNER 4 bedrooms, 1 Vi bath, fireplace, family room, fenced yard, assume FHA loan $71,000 758 West 1950 North, West Bountiful finished, fenced yard. Garage $76,900 546-471- C6-- 8 DANBURY LANE LANDFORMS REALTY GROUP Gregg Revel - Agent 2921326 Life on Danbury Lane offers a lifestyle of freedom and mobility, yet with all the warmth of an honest to goodness home. You never worry about snowy sidewalks or a lawn which needs to be cut. Its called maintenance-fre- e living, and it is very to. to used get easy SOUTH KAYSVILLE We Build New Homes from $59,900 on beautiful large lots with secondary irrigation water, Close to schools and churches. Great sweat equity programs. Lots of floor plans to choose from. Come See our Model Home. John L. Higley Const. Phone 451-045- j THE INSIDE STORY How does a two-ca- r garage with a door to the ; kitchen sound for openers? Youll also find a full unfinished basement, oak trim, and General Electric appliances in every home. And thats just for starters. Come and take a look for yourself today. Youll see how little you have to give up, to get a lot. state-of-the-- owner agent. 4, S Danbury 295-977- 4 Lane 9 BY OWNER, 4 bedrooms, IVi baths, family room, walk out basement, cooler, fenced yard, fruit trees. Reduced to $47,900 for quick sale 142 family home. 4 bedrooms, 2 14 baths, formal dining, large family room adjoins Kitchen. Extra Kitchen cabinets. Heeds to be refinanced. Good Call Fred Landform Realty Group 292-084- 1- -6 295-508- 467 West 950 North 142 C5TAT 835 North 200 West Bountiful 11-- 7, Model Hours: Monday-Saturd- ay Sunday Call 4 for more information. Broker participation invited. From the $80s. CENTERVILLE C8 250-976- 0 AUHT , GLAD1S PCtL South 400 High on Bountiful s South East Bench. East Only one year old and Ilka new throughout. Large Whirlpool tub In master bedroom. Fantastic View of Valto ley. Large wooded lot with Private Rear Yard. Priced sell quickly at $1 35,000 00. 3581 heated garage, large yard. Call C8-1- 2 f TO LIVE ON MULTI-LEVE- L CENTERVILLE $59,000 Starter home, 3 BR, appliances 4 dishwasher, new roof, new paint, new floor coverings, Z'k car FOR SALE BY OWNER BOUNTIFUL 295-595- 2 355 West 250 North $5,000 below appraisal. Big kitchen, main laundry, 4 bedroom rambler. iBUil.i SPACIOUS C8 142 292-919- C8-- KAYSVILLE HOME BY OWNER QUALITY NEIGHBORHOOD, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1,800 square feet ' ALOT 9 home, 3300', 5 bedrooms, main floor sewing room, office, and laundry. 4 car garage with shop, YOU GIVE UP HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER Two story Close to church and park C8-- 9 Travis and Twiia TwitwiHow r 298-424- 292-630- BY OWNER were transferred to Cleveland. They thought It would be nice to use Aunt Gladys to sell their house. After a year, they were still making two house payments and Gladys had gone back to work at her husbands bait shop...they should have CALLED nm acre horse property, large six bedroom, brick rambler, 40x80 metal building Lots of potential. Secluded, $179,000. Lucie Lynda Canyon Oaks LAYTON FIVE 292-166- r SSt HOMES FOR SALE 142 BRAND NEW HOMES LOW 60 s to low 70 s in Woods Cross. Yes you can work for part of your down payment. Drive by our subdivision at 1225 W. 1975 S., Woods Cross. Broker or call 292-968- 9 C8-- 9 142 $110,000292-2152- By 142 9 292-166- 0, $58,900 BRICK Rambler, ftl C8 298-048- 292-968- 9 BETTER THAN NEW ONLY 1 year old, good 292-219- CIO close to c, EXPERI-ENCE- $400-mont- ing & dining rooms, family room, Vi acre lot. $89,900. W. BtfJ 292-861- 9. BOUNTFUL BY OWNER 4 BEDROOMS, den, family room, fireplace, wood-stov- e, 1 baths, fenced, HOMES FOR SALE 142 WANTED 2 BEDROOM Cedar Springs Condo. Rent & show! or buy for only $36,000. BRICK RAMBLER 5 Call Tom Baker bdrms, 3 bath, formal livCen- EXCELLENT rental area, 1400 South, off of 800 West. Twc just buildings with 1 & 2 bed- room. Owner is very an- 2 full baths, FHA assume. Great location, fenced and landscaped $88,000, by owner C8 142 298-224- $199,900 room units. Covered parking for each unit, coin operated utility car gerage, new 487-202- double garage. Anna 295-580- CENTERVILLE CAPE Cod, 3 yrs. new, 4 bedrooms, 2500 sq. ft., dble Plex, asking $100,000 assume $91 ,000. COMMERCIAL LAND: Adjoins new Albertson's property. $4.33 per sq. ft. Includes home shop and garages. COMFORTABLE HOME CALL JOE Marrs (evenNEAR BOUNTIFUL, Marrs high ings school, 5 BDR., 2 Vi Realty & Inv. Group hook wood stove baths, C8 up, large yard, fruit trees, garden, tr,i HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE DO YOU ENJOY TREES AND 296-346- 8 WATERFALLS?? setting will BRAND SPANKING THIS PARK like thnll any naabsolutely NEyy ture lover. Immaculate $97,900 WHITE Brick landscaping with an imrambler in Duncan maculate home to go Estates in Centerville. with it. Big white brick Main floor has three bedrambler with a total of 1V rooms, bath, large 4400 square feet kitchen, fireplace, spefinished. Mother-In-lacial entry with double accommodations down doors and stained glass stairs with lovely kitchen. windows Double garFour bedrooms (with lots of and other age room for more) 3 baths, Let us put things. special 2 family rooms, plus a lot you in this lovely home of extras you'll have to and start you on the road see to believe. Family of home ownership. room with woodbuming Anna 295-580Bee stove on main floor, for292-500- 2 mal dining room nght off FUSSY BUYERS the kitchen. Everything $61,900 OVER Sized twin is nice, home in Farmington.1 in this house nice, nice. Call for appt. Lovely and clean as a and private showing. pin. Four levels with Anna Bee 292-500close to 2000 square 295-580feet. Hard to believe for GET AWAY FROM this price. 2 bedrooms THE with a possible 2 more. HUSTLE AND BUSTLE Family room, fireplace AND SETTLE in beautiful and even a fenced yard. Fruit Heights. Lots of Owner is anxious so let's oak-an- d fruit trees on a deal now, while the iron big lot with extra RV is hot and make home parking. Beautiful home owning a reality for you. with almost 1900 sq. ft. Sally Vaughn 298-512on the main floor. A total 295-098- 4 of 3400 sq. ft. all WEST BOUNTIFUL finished. 6 bedrooms, 3 TWO STORY baths, family room and built CUSTOM $94,900 laundry on the main floor two-stornot the ordinwith a big deck off the inone that is ary kind, kitchen. Formal dining with deed roomy, great room too. All this for only rooms and a great big $124,900. Call me, I to kids the raise place would love to show you with a little extra land for this beautiful home Bee them to romp and grow 292-500Brent 295-119on. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, C8-- 9 lots of extra shelving and storage and so many extras only a look see, will LOCATION, LOCATION! EAST BNTFL help you to make up your mind on this really truly $79,900 lovely home. Vaughn LOVELY FAMILY home 298-512on beautiful lot. Great Anna 295-580schools and neighborhood. Call Louise 292-013- 7, KAYSVILLE Lane Realty 298-700- 0. $59,900 NICE Split entry C6-- 9 with good square foot-aqwith 4 bedrooms, garage, storage shed 1 4x20 security system and lots of other extras. Owner is anxious and will take a look at most any kind of financing. Maybe this is the perfect time for you to get into that first home and start building your life. Hal 295-268Sally SOUTH DAVIS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 25, 1987 FEBRUARY 24, 1987 7. 298-224- 0 Free: COLOR TELEVISION SET To anyone who purchases or lists a home through Bill Hoagland. Coupon redeemable at closing of your new home or sale of listed home. (and) LORRAINE UNDERWOOD REMK professionals 4514 toutti 700 Mil, ajfle 390 olMak cfty Utah 447 UMfent Member SNt Like Boerd MSon Oder Club Theres nobody more quitted to sell your home than...Lorraine Underwood 292 - 0294 268-466- 6 Free: Buyers Sellers Counselling and Advice This certificate entitles you to free advice and counselling in determining your price base, current available listings, and financing plans and techniques, and pitfalls to avoid. Office 292-040- Bill Hoagland 1 Packard Inc. Realtor OUR CREED 18 TO Urge selection of homes Low interest rotes VAd selection of building lots Dsvia Countys best builders THY UG Your Meal Estate Headquarters Smoot Office Building 200 West 400 North, Centerville YOUR DEEDS pO? service Computerised Ksting Property menegement Ritoccen service FHZ: merkst cpprdieis YOU'LL LIKE (IS 292-210- 0 |