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Show TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, FEBRUARY 24, 1987 s m LOTS FOR BUftJMNQ SPECIAL HOMES ft LOTS MORE ARRANGED BY pnoe tor FROM WEST Bountiful to your convenience Maple Hills, we can loCompletely recate the lot for your new $57,000 modeled KaysviNe bun- home. Call Pam Ses3 bedrooms, 2 Salow. sions 292-266Kelly zoned for Price 295-038- 1 or Dawanimals. son Real Estate 295-237$81,000 Bountiful's MuelC6-- 9 ler Park area. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, overSTEAL. JOB transfer sized double garage. forces me to sen tor less than I paid. Fully im- $82,300 New construction. Pick your colors 373 East 650 proved. South, Farmington. C7-C1- and home prices are down. $49,900 THAT'S right, this 2 bedroom home is priced to sell. Centerville zoned C-- Contract. $62,500 PRICE cut SOUTHEAST BOUNTIFUL - 3 bedroom brick ing loan available. $73,000 OWNER anxious on this 5 year old home, rambler, will sacrifice below market BANK FORECLOSURES SALT LAKE Valley, excel582-580- FOR SALE SELL OR Trade, prime farm or subdivision land, 26 acres with water 73 lots. Call evenings 546-448C6-- 9 S 292-044- 4 I RECREATION PROPERTY 292-266- TRADE OR sale for ? eves. 295-256- 4 C7-- 8 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY NEW $15,000 CASH down on fully rented luxury units in Layton. Easy man- agement, good cash flow, trades possible 5 $130,000. Gary 544-869- Lakewood Inv. Co. C7-- 9 600, 1200. 1600' OFFICE-SHO- P rent. Insulated, space for heated, Vi bath. Ideal location off freeway exit. ReasonC7-1-0 able 292-005- LAYTON COMMERCIAL TWO 3000 sq. ft. block buildings, office and shop area, high O.H. doors. Adaptable for most uses. Cash flow colonial 2 story nestled in large pine trees on in C6--9 quiet cul-de-sBountiful's Browns Park. MAKE ME AN OFFER Large combined JOHN DAWSON, Broker room. for Dawson Real Estate $130,000 In Bountiful's Mueller Park Canyon owns a duplex on 700 North in Bountiful. It's setting. Secluded in Vi acre of solid oak with priced at $61,900, rents for $575 per month. No view and pnvacyl Like-necondition with 4 reasonable offer will be refused. Call me at 295-237- 7. bedrooms, 3 baths, foDawson Real rmal dining, double Estate Co. C6--9 garage. $295,000 Luxury out. Unique floor plan LARGE FAM. HOME with exquisite wood5 B.R. 3 BATH BIG STORE ROOM work, breathtaking view, pool, one acre canyon V ACRE, 25 trees. Firelot with stream, in Bounplace. Big family room. tiful's Mueller Park area. Quiet street. Church, Please call Mel Hams 295-190- 6 school close. Owner. for addresses or $74,900.00 292-886C7-1- 0 additional information about the above homes 21, Grant (Century C8-Davis Co.) A QUALITY 292-700- 292-830- BOUNTIFUL EAST LARGE FINISHED home, panoramic view, 3 year old mint condition, many Reduced $18,000 to $137,900 292-484- C7-- Realtors $49,900 9 Lake-woo- CUTE 3 bedroom fenced yard, air, quiet road, newer home. 451-630- 6 $67,500 offer. C7-- 9 8 ESTATE COMPANY 295-237- 7 JUST LISTED. Almost ness $149,000. Terms. 2,000 sq. ft. up and d down. Central Bountiful Gary location. Close to all serDev. Co. C7-- 9 vices. Great buy for home with a full basement $59,900. Lance Geo extras. 292-637- 295-038- rental or move your busi544-669- 4 HOMES FOR SALE vaulted wood ceiling. GOOD STARTER in Beautiful rustic decor, 2 Bountiful, 3 bdrms, 2 fireplaces, big fenced baths, one year warrannice yard, big kitchen, ty, covered patio, fruit shed for lot of storage trees. Lance $86,300 negotiable CaLynda nyon Oaks Realtors 292-830- 298-055- 6. 298-424- C7-1- 0 C7-- 298-342- 8 SUPER BARGAIN $HA ASSUMPTION! QUALITY ON THIS beautiful all brick homel Newly finished APPRAISED AT $107,000 basement, plush carpetasking $97,900 Farmington custom-ma- ny ing. Cozy family room extras. Family neighborwith wet bar, wood C6-- 8 hood stove, and elegant fan lights. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, plus beauty PRICE LOWERED $4500 salon. $89,900. Call STARTER HOME, cute inGary Shiner 292-666terior. Great back yard. 292-448Call Laura 298-836Century 21 Gnmshaw. C8 Packard Realty. C8 1&2 plus HOMES 0) FOR SALE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL Decor. Open and MAKE OFFER NEAT ft Tidy Layton rambCrown ler fully loaded, 5 B R., bright kitchen. moulding, big open kitchen. Great location. Lots of oak RickorBam-b- i 298-019, Phyllis 295-572Realtors Canyon Oaks C7-- 8 298-342- huge family room, carpets and decor fenced back yard, new throughout. Asking $69,000 FHA, VA or contract. N. 1575 Gary Drive by W. then 544-869- 5 BEST BUY 5 BEDROOM deluxe home office study music room, 2 kitchens, prestigious area. Room to develop and grow. Taka over V.A. loan or refinance $146,000.00 appraised $186,000 00. C4-C- at 295-876- Inv. Co. Lake-woo- C7-- d offers considered. 451-630- C6-- 8 7 Vi INTEREST Kaysville Home, 4 bedrooms, fire- place upstairs, 9 wood-burnin- stove BOUNTIFUL EAST Bench, owner transfer- red, 5 bedrooms, executive home, immaculate, g in spacious family room, one-thir- d acre, fruit trees, irrigation $64,800 negotiable. Call 544-537- NEW USTMG $82,900 WONDERFUL FAMILY home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, striking floor plan, excellent condition, 5th bedroom and 3rd bath roughed in, West Bountiful Debbie 292-357- 2 Lane Realty 298-700C5--8 LOOKMG FOR LAND? YOU'LL LOVE this darling home on almost Vi acre Huge RV parking now $69,900. Call Louise Lane Realty 292-013- 7 C7-1- 0 spacious, undivided view $143,000. Lucie Lance 292-830- 292-166- Canyon 1&2 8 1740 call REDUCED FARMINGTON, NEWER home on by golf course, 3 bedrooms, one bath, fenced basement, more $67,500. All 292-044- BEAR LAKE CABIN $25,000 equity HOMES FOR SALE TO 292-056- LAND 01 EXCITING NEW rock con- ASSUME FHA 235 mtg. Nice twin home in Farm temporary with fireplace $146,000.00 5 bedroom, and vaulted ceilings on ington, 4 bdrms, large 3 bathrooms, 4,000 sq. lot acre .42 horse garage, lots of storage. ft. finished double gar$79,900. Vlcor Realty Only 5 years old. Lucie C6-1- 0 292-2881&2 292-166age, needs some work Phyllis 295-572on driveway 295-876Oaks Canyon C7-1- 1 WEST BOUNTFUL Realtors 298-342C7- 1900 SQ. FEET finished 4 8 bedrooms, IK bath, ESTATE ai e REDUCED $5,500 on this 5 bedroom home, great Boun- tiful location. Utah Hous- HOMES FOR SALE LAST CHANCE e Over $3,000 allowance. 4 bedrooms. West Large kitchen, 3 bedlent values and terms Bountiful. rooms, 2 baths, in newer $45,000 up. Lindsey $84,900 1800 Sq. ft. all on Centerville area. Realty Ferrin 1 level. This brick rambnew. like C7-- 8 Large $99,900 Kent ler is on a large CenterBountrooms. spacious ville lot. PRICE iful's Southeast bench REDUCED with stunning view of $93,900 HIGH on Center$2,000.00 ville's bench. Beautiful OWNER SAYS sell this 3 bednew oak kitchen. Breathweek. Choice three bedrooms, 3 baths, double taking landscape. room, two bath home, garage. full basement, located $102,000 Centerville East $159,900 HIGH east bench. Large executive on Bench. New on market. Balcony, home in perfect condiair conditioning, double 5 bedrooms, large family tion. Owner transferred. R.V. parking, room & kitchen comgarage, Price cut $33,000. bined with oak booklarge yard with shade trees. shelves and wood burn- FOR THESE UST1NGS AND ALL MULTIPLE South Davis Realing stove. Located on USTMGS C7-- 8 ty quiet circle with breathCALL PAM SESSIONS South Davis Realt taking view of valley. 7 Over 3,000 square feet. 0444. C7-KELLY PRICE 1 Only 9 years old. KAYSVLLE DAWSON REAL $129,000 Two years old TERRIFIC LOCATION, 3 carpet-applianc- $22,500 Discount for 0 cash. BUY NOW! YOU SHOULD buy while interest rates are low m SOUTH DAVIS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 25, 1987 Canyon Oaks 298-342- 3 bdrm home bedroom, 1 Vi bath, fami- room, sewing room and office, storm winly dows, air, enclosed patio, fenced yard, dose to schools, park church $66,000 ft 546-082- C7-- 8 CENTERVILLE 442 Wst CrMkvItw RcL 3 bedim, 134 bath, $4,500 (otatnabbloan large downdolri family room Farmington $68,000 C4-- offer 451-630- UTAH HOUSING LOANI ph FOR SALE BY OWNER tils hoaw tor oab M M0 Mliah4 isaf? Bay out ' 131 Wm 1000 Nonh, Wm Bountiful 292 3095 Landform Realty Group 298-224- 0 th tone decor,. OwnerAgent Sieve Tibbs 292-798- NEWER HOME quiet road by pnvate golf course in 1 fenced yard, ear- 7 Eijoy life living In thla beautiful home. 4 bedrooms, 2 12 baths, den, large family room, adjoins kitchen plus a super deck and gazebo. Quiet neighborhood no thru traffic. 1391 West Talrway Circle. Price reduced to $119,900.00. Call Fred 292-084- 1 Tibbs ft Assoc. 484-340- 0 8 Straight From The Heart of Texas This Place is Family View Lots HNew Single 4050 South Bntfl. Blvd. jn I rmirmnrmsTTuyjj One of a Kind. . . One of A Class. with payments less than rent. Spanking new twins in quiet Kaysville. Special price and low interest pricing available now. Immediate occupancy. Country kitchens, IVi baths, large patio, luxury extras, best value ever, direct from builder. Gary 544-869Lakewood Inv. Co. C7-- 9 Features Each lot has a spectacular view. Bountiful City power Reasonable prices beginning in the 30's One of the largest and most reliable developers in Utah. V; Bridlewapd minutes to downtown Salt Lake City - No other development above Bndlewood - - J. 5TH SOUTH OFFICE FOR TRADE: 1 ,000 Square Feet - All or Part Insurance - Engineering 292-288- 2 -- Accounting Mortetod by LANDPORMS Realty Group Gragg IteveKI Dale Thompson Frad Shatter 292-132- 6 298-335- 4 7 9 y |