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Show I CONDOS FOR RENT LOVING CHILD Cara In my home. Lunches, snacks, and preschool activities dally. Near Meadowbrook tary. 290-474- ElemenC7-- 8 Centerville LDS Home, easy treeway ac- IN MV CEDAR SPRINGS yard. Any age accepted. Call Jeanie Stevenson 295-170C8 142 WOULD LIKE to tend your 3 or older child in my LDS home near Hol292-224- C7-C- 0 ROOM FOR one more. Former elementary Centerville, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, garage, air conditioned, clean. 3 Bonded Realty $650.00. C8 CENTERVILLE child care In a loving home atmosphere with advantages of learning 1 KOMS LlfiJ FOR RENT age. Good references. Call C7-- 8 546-322- 142 C7-- 8 295-354- ROOM FOR rent, washer C4-C- 8 W-- Bus routes, shopping, 8 142 C4-C- SPRMG WOOD APT. 4 2 BEDROOM luxury apartments, W-- hookups, dishwashers, spa, weight room. Call about our winter special. Furnished or unfurnished. 1230 S. 500 W., 298-761- 12 C5-C1- 0 85 Ford Bronco 5,900 86 Chev. Cavalier $6,295 Auto., AC, stereo 85 Ford Escort 3,350 Stick shift 7,295 5 spd., air, stereo 86 Pontiac Fiero GT 4 spd., loaded 9,400 m i wa Auto, air, stereo 4x4 86 Pontiac Sunbird L.E. OR Lift pass-- , wagon, auto, 6,600 air, loaded 86 Chev. Nova 5 85 Chev. Cavalier 2984302 3,995 4 door, auto., air 3747 So. Hy. 89, Bountiful 55 W. Center 5,995 spd., stereo tape 298-422- apts In nsL Minutes from town e Tree Cable TV e W-- hookups t Sauna, hot tubs, rec. room and fitness room Tamllles Welcome 85 Chev. Caprice Classic 9 Passes 2 bedroom Ask for Roger and Brian for details 2 Bountiful. Call 968-828- 8 hook-uCenter, gas log fireplace, swimming pool, tennis W-- ' TOYOTA TtRCIL 3 dr. deluxe, air cond. 86 TOYOTA TERCEL 86 PLY COLT Std. very clean 86 TOYOTA COROLLA 3 dr. std. 4 dr. air, auto 85 DODGE COLT Very clean 85 CHEV. SPRINT Ready to roll 84 PLY HORIZON 4 dr. air cond. 84 PLY COLT 4 door. std. 84 TOYOTA TERCEL 3 dr. 84 DODGE See It 83 CHARGER RENAULT ALLIANCE 4 door 83 CHEV. CHEVETTE 4 dr. air cond. 83 TOYOTA COROLLA cond PLY RELIANT 4 dr. air 82 4 dr. air cond. 82 VW RABBIT 4 dr. air cond. 82 PONT J2000 2 clean dr. o COROLLA 86 TOYOTA silver SR-- 5 7495 Coupe, btocksilver Llfttoctc air. 86 PONT.TJL silver loaded, OLDS 86 extra 4 CALAIS dr. clean 86 TOYOTA MR-- 2 Sun root, red 86 TOYOTA Silver MR-- 2 6995 5995 5495 7995 4795 3995 3295 3495 3995 3995 3495 2995 4395 2495 3995 3495 10 8495 11,495 84 CONQUEST white Loaded, 84 CHEV. Z-- 28 std. trans rose 84 CHEV. silver Z-- 28 84 cond. TOYOTA SUPRA 84 ISUZU IMPULSE Auto, air Sun roof, loaded, blue Loaded, red 84 TOYOTA CEUCA GTS silver blue 86 TOYOTA SR-- 5 11,995 Lifttxick very low miles 86 DODGE LANCER 4 dr, air cond. under 10.000 miles, like new 86 TOYOTA TERCEL 3 dr. air cond 8695 8795 6995 4IDO0RSI&tiWA'G0NS G assengerjypeehicles 86 TOYOTA COROLLA Silver, auto, air cond. AMFM, cloth 64 ARIES Red. air. SE STATION WAGON auto, cruise, cass. 8295 hSAE w 6995 7995 7995 9295 7995 7495 5795 7695 12,495 5995 3988 3788 5495 4995 2695 7495 8495 5995 9795 7695 8995 8695 10,995 6995 8495 More Than 150 Used Cars o GSHUfUKiB o lSOlUsedjGac 546-656- 6 or 142 C7-C- 8 292-111- 5 142 PEACHTREE 1 and 2 bed- 292-266- I'i smokers. Call Greg (Agent). C8 In Farming-to- port. Phone C8-C- room apts. Hookups, free cable closet, pool. Close to downtown SLC. 75 North Orchard Dr. NSL. 298-876C7-- " 142 A-- n C8-C1- Call SO. FARMINGTON 3 Bdrms, garage, great 0 ADULT APARTMENT heart of Bountiful, IN THE very nice apt. Carpet, drapes, fireplace, dishwasher, microwave, washer, dryer car-- t AC, no smok- ers, pets, $330.00. Phone 3. C8 142 FARMINGTON A.C., dis- hwasher, garden area, no smokers, pets, phone 451-256- $330.00, C8 142 D 298-106- 142 9 C8-C- 296-135- C8-C1- 292-267- 8 CENTERVLLE 4 PLEX UPSTAIR UNIT, large two bedroom covered parking, cable; fenced yard, washer-drye- r hookups, private storage $330 per 298-221- 0. -- bedroom duplex. hookAttached carport ups, good closet space. 292-891- dble garage, $725.00 mo. C54 CONCORD MOBILE home 14x70 single, A.C., 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, sunny front area, total- utility, kitchen-livin- g ly fenced yard, storage shed, double carport, quiet Camelot.playground. Oners considered. C7-1- 298-782- CNTVL: BEAUTIFUL dean 3 bdrm 2 bath, clean, hook-up- 292-627- down to buy with payment at $360.00. 2 bedroom condo with large kitchen and livingroom, pool, covered parking, W-hookups. Call after 8. 8 Call 295-939- 0 2 2 BEDROOM, W-hookups, $250 month. 9 Cindy FARMMGTON LOTS OF STORAGE NICE DUPLEX 2 bdrm., 1 bath, garage, stor- TOWNHOUSE two Bedroom, W-- hookups, age, air, extras. $425 one car garage, very mo. indudes heat - water. No smokers dean, no smokers, pets. C8 1 $450.00. 142 LOOKING FOR a quiet side street and your own 2 BEDFtOOM new paint, outdoor space? Excepcarpet, miniblinds, no smoking, pate, or drinktionally pleasant neighing $285 per month borhood. Lovely yard C8 sprinkling system two $340 RENT or $1000, MILLION DOLLAR VIEW 3 BDRM, 2 bath, full base- ment, 451-258- Inquire 467 W. 1800 So., 298-059C8-C- BOUNTFUL, $650 THREE BEDROOM, living, dining, fireplace, basement, carport, storage shed, large yard, comer lot. CaN after 4:00 C7-C- 8 142 clean, dishwasher, 295-155- 298-910- 3 C7-- 6166. C7 2 C8 1 NEW USTMG BNTFL HOUSE (or rent, OWN YOUR own land lease or sale. 3 bedplus darling mobile room, 2 bath, family home, nice comer lot, room, utility area, garwood burn stove, RV Call and age large yard. parking and more. Must after 5. 292-706- 3 or see $30,000.00. Debbie C7 2 C8 1 292-357- 2 Lane Realty swamp cooler, huge 2 s, bath, private carport, Camelot $16,000, best offer 298-700- and extra storage, pets. Call 5:30 9:00 evenings or weekends 142 hook-up- REDUCED, MOVING out of state by owner. Double wide, 3 bedroom, 2 family neighborhood. No smokers $495 - mo. 451 -- 142 hook-up- s, age accepted. Jeanie Stevenson C7 2C81 yard. Any A-- 723-222- 295-638- 7 IN MY CENTERVILLE LDS home easy freeway access, enclosed back- 9 Phone 295-237- 9 nice $265 super clean carpeted, appliances, dipatio 4 sposal hookups, fenced yard. dishwasners, DELUXE DUPLEX 4 ex- cellent neighborhood, dose to schools, shopping, bus. Dble gar, fam EXCELLENT TERMS rm, food storage rm. No ON THE following choice smoking or pets. Ref. review lots. quired. Call Frank New- $10,000 LEVEL 82x121. man 0 or Cherry Lane, Layton. C6-- 9 $13,000 KAYS CREEK, Layton. Approximately FRUIT HEIGHTS deluxe Vi acre and small duplexes, 2 large bedatrflflm rooms, IVi baths, stor$19,900 BY Centerville's age areas. Appliances, Farms. Level tots washer and dryer, city Smoot in subdivision of nearly utilities furnished. $340 new homes. month plus lights, gas. REDUCED from References, no pets. $22,000 $32,000 Bountifuls 0 Call or beautiful Chelsea Cove. C6-- 9 115x146 oak covered, gorgeous view of lake and sunsets. Ideal for level front yard and STORAGE driveway with walk-oFOR RENT basement. $33,500 OVER y. acre in 295-121- 292-621- 546-174- 544-405- 3 2 BDRM. 1100 sq. ft. air W4D hookBountiful's secluded Carpeted. $300.00 fridge, ups, carport. No smok- WEST BOUNTIFUL storWood Hollow. Oak co$75.00 deposit. 115 ers or pets 682 W. 1400 age located at 72 S. 500 West 1950 So. with gentle slope vered W. In Bountiful has a So. $305.00. C8 and spectacular view of C6 142 security guard house at valley and lake. the entrance to better FARMINGTON new 2 PLEASE CALL Mel Hama, 2 Bdrm., fireplace protect your property. bedroom $300.00. CLEAN 6 lor addresses W-Walk-i- n hookups, poofl Dis5x9 $15.00, 5x18 closets, hookor additional information covered parking. 9x9 $25.00 $20.00, on bus posal; ups, carpet, on the above special No smoking or pete. CaN C4--8 route, no smokers, pete C8-1- 2 priced lots. (Century 21, ENCLOSED STOFtAGE ' Grant Davis Co.) C8-- 9 SMGLES UNDER $200 FREE GIFT for new resiAND R.V. SPACES dents In new 2 bedroom UTILITIES Induded. StuPER month and up. BOUNTIFUL view lot, $8.00 -' hookapt. washer-drydio apartment, bright, Convenient; east of freepretty neighborhood, upe, free cable TV, spa dean. Close to freeway, 4 3577 Oakridge Drive, way. Please call C6-1buses, shopping. No sauna fitness room, tot (About 400 East) anytime. pets, smokers, drinkers, 142 $28,500. Cal C8 8 142 . 295-072- 142 LARGE TWO BEDAOOII EXCELLENT location, covered parking, private 295-190- 299-272- storage, cable, large fence, yard, washer hookups $295 month 451-266- ' CLEAN ONE bedroom apt. $215. Convenient Bntfl. Location. 560 So. 400 East. Low deposit. 296-575- 6. C8-C- 9 TWO BEDROOM 4 plex BEAUTIFUL 295-011- 298-303- 8 298-232- No smoking or pete. 295-496- C7-C- 8 HOMES 3 bedroom, duplex, nice, $350.00 plus $175.00 security deposit. Call 7 or laundry C8-C1- 0 Call tor details C6-142 451-266- FARMINGTON, NORTH SALT Lake Area -2 bedrooms, all appliances, utility room. hookups, no pets or smokers $295 rent s, 295-038- 1 295-646- C7-C- 8 CLEAN AND roomy. apt. in Bount- month 9 maintain yard, no smokers, pets $425.00. 295-133C8 142 1&2 walk-i- C8-C- baths, nice neighborhood, carport, dishwasher, etc., basement laundry and storage. We laundry hookups, large kitchen with loads of No cupboard space.295-6229, smokers or pets TV, 544-255- DUPLEX 3 bedrooms, 2 carpet, drapes, dishwasher, disposal, A-- n C5-C- 296-281- er 292-2431 298-564- 1. C5--0 292-510- C7-C- FREE STORAGE ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Bountifuls Nicest Great amenities. Very affordable See everything A Springwood Apartment offers. Ten minutes from downtown. 292-903C4-C- 4, Springwood Apartments BOUNTIFUL'S DESIGNER apartments, two bedroom, two bath, microwave, fireplace, dishwasher, storage, enclosed pool with lawn area, carport. Gray tan, or rose interiors 292-739- 7, C7-C- 8 292-675- 142 2 BEDROOM Apt. V7E ARE DEATIHG THE COMPETITION Stor-ag- e, laundry hookups, gas paid, air, no pets $305 . 546-230- 4 298-290- 1. C6-- 8 FARMINGTON, Deluxe, two bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, deck, hookups, carport, storage, welkin closets 451-522- 3. C5-- 8 BOUNTIFUL Clean 2 bed-roo- m W-hookups, co- vered parking, pool, plenty of storage 262-431- 968-995- 2, C5 2 C6-9- 1 LAYTON NEW LUXURY 2 BR, al appliances, storage, carport, drapes, see to appreciate. $330.00. C7-Gary 9 544-686- Large 2 bedroom apt. Starting for as little as $250 on 6 mo. lease ONLY A FEW LEFT! Bountiful, Utah 202-432- 7 Emerson Realty k Management $25, 10x15 $30 10x22 $35, 10x28 $40 open $15 Self Storage 157 S. C5-- 8 500 W. 292-410142 2x2 WE have two 2 bedroom condos for rent $375 and $385. Rent Includes utilities except lights. Call Dawson Real Estate Company 295-237- 7. C8-- 9 NICE 2 bedroom apt. near Layton Hills Mall. Di- shwasher, disposal, washer dryer hookups, no pets $305.00 544-556- 8. C7-- 8 FREE FEBRUARY RENT NICE 2 bedroom, pool, spa, covered parking storage, cable $300-m- KAYSVILLE KING Clarion lot.. Oak covered with genUe slope area ot Beautiful homes. Terms. $20,000.00. 8. C7-C1- 0 LOT FOR sale. Quafibrook FARMMGTON 3 BEDROOM, newly remodeled. No smokers, no pets $395 per month plus utilities QUA1.LANE 1230 South 500 West 298-761- 4 PAY 2 MO. Get one free 5x5 $15. 5x10 $20, 8x10 8 ONE MONTH FREE 453 West 1500 So., ci AVAILABLE NOW WONDERFUL neighborhood. Dishwasher, disposal, carports spacious two bedrooms by kitchen, low heat bills. C4-- 8 WECTMINOTER PARK APT8. fee CQ5 MR-- 2 loaded TOYOTA COROLLA 86 Sun roof, 11,495 11,295 85 8 8995 Pontiac 8495 12,495 CHEVZ-2Iroc. Wawl Blue 86 GRAND AM available immediately $525 per month $379 DELUXE Apt. In new C7-C1- 0 12,495 86 PONT.TJL loaded, very low mileage 85 CONQUEST sliver Loaded, selected:for;qualiiy 3 BEDROOM Duplex with garage. Lots of storage, in Kaysville. Nice yard, 3 BEDROOM iful. NO MONEY DOWN CLEAN TWO bedroom condo split bath, nice area, close to downtown, schools and parks. $250.00. cardosete, hook-uppel, on bus route. No smokers, pets. C5-C- 298-532- 2 C5--6 bed-roo- Walk-I- Washer, dryer, car- hook-up- court, play area, 2 children acceptable - no pets. $325.00 mo. $150 deposit. Call 862-117- 9 collect afler 5:30 for anointment. FARMINGTON - 2 s storage, new unit $400 month. A-- Steve 292-648142 C9 84 NISSAN 200 SX 649-756- 2 BEDROOM Apt. 314 W. 5:30 Jeff 0 A-- 2C8142 C7 lease. Charlene C7-1- 0 3 BEDROOM apt., WD hookup, disKAYSVILLE, Deluxe 2 bedroom 2 bath town-hous- e, hwasher,292-012-disposal, 909 main floor laun$360.00. W. 4100 S. No. 4. C8 dry, lots of storage and full bsmt. Available im142 mediately. No smoking FARMINGTON $425 per month. 546-656- 6 3 BEDROOM Townhouse, or 544-255- 98 East 2290 So., collect after 6:00 1 bedroom, no pets, no smoking, new carpets, electricity paid 110 S. $210. 00-mOrchard, NSL 298-771- 295-323- 7. 292-823- MAPLE HLL8 CONDO LUXURY 5 bedroom, 3 bath. Viewl intnegod-- i lengm of CLEAN, C8 cable, laundry facilities, etc. $290.00. No pete or smokers 295-- 1 065. C8 bedroom, carport, range, refrig. 298-493- 2 Free jxOU 6,666 Auto, air, stereo V-- 86 Honda CRX H NORTH PARK VILLAGE Free Wendover Weekend $240.00, 292-586- 0 interest 6Vi Utah Housing loan. 298-632142 C3 2 C4-C- 6 CZ 9 kitchen appliances, L 1 drapes, air condition- GRANADA 900 SQ. FT. 2 bdrm. apt. located at 1792 So. 200 W. in Bountiful. Bath, living room, kitchen, dinette, carpets, drapes, LARGE APT. ACCEPT DAVIS COUNTY covered parkHOUSMG hookups, ing, Ig. yard. Bttl. utilities. $255.00 2 BEDROOM 142 W-- assume CONDO FOR SALE WE'VE GOT the condo line. For any condo in FOR RENT South Davis call Pam KelSessions 2 bedroom apt. WX. or ly Price $250 - mo. Available $395 PER Month - Duplex, Dawson Real Estate now thru July. No 3 bedroom, bath, Company C8 , pets. garage, 393 N. 100 W. C6-Bountiful. No pels, C7-1- WX-- clean, very beck yard, path. Cenjer-vtltlocation. $58,000 or hwasher, playground, 380 North 100 West, Centerville. 2 BEDROOM duplex with fridge, water heat, rnished. Close to town basement, 2 car garage, C7-C- 8 298-848- 9 $250.00, private back yard, fire 142 place, cathedral ceilings. $410.00, 787 W. CLEAN ONE bedroom 4050 So.. Bountiful 292- walk-i- n basement apar1729. C8 tment in Farmington. No SHORT TEFtM RENT smoking, Carpeted. 451-265- 8 NEED A place tor ust a pets. drinking, C8-C- 9 few months? Nice dean 0 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Vi block, 2 bedroom W-- NSL, TWIN HOME Townhouse condo, 3 bedrooms, 1 Vi baths, garage, front,o dis- hookups, W-- duplex hookups, no pate, nice yard $300 per month. $100 deposit (Ogden). C8-12 BEDROOM near 5 Points, Bountiful. $270 carport, storage w-- d hookup pet, drapes, stove, fu- 596-332- tness room, families welcome. 55 W. Center, 298-430Ask for Roger or Brian for details. C6-1- 0 2. C9-1-3 ONE BEDROOM apt. Car 359-406- car- hook-up- ' D&UXE TOWNHOME 2 BEDROOM first two months Vi price, utilities extra. IVi baths, storage, covered parking, 2 bedWalk-I- n 451-266- hookups, ing, prate patio, 1 child ok. No pets. Available C7-C- 6 March 1 295-710142 wisa FOR RENT pet, on bus routs. No smokers, pats. DUPLEX Appkances, ca- rpets, APARTMENTS FOR RENT closets, MCE 2 KDROOM 296-744- 1 5 speed, AC, s, hookups, patio, no pets, one child. Come see and compere C7-C- 8 142 295-493- C6-1- 292-953- 298-740- 86 Ford Tempo GL carpets, dishwasher, W-fireplace, air,twocar-port- APARTMENTS . FARMINGTON room, $250.00. CLEAN ONE bedroom duplex In quiet Centerville Neighborhood. No amokers, drinkers, pets. C7-C- 9 $200.00 292-425- 8. 365 TWO bedroom plus new (ton, 1,000 sq. It., 295-928- 295-430- 5. 292-542C7 MUST SEE! 2C8 142 CLEAN 2 BR condo for rent. Newly decorated. Excellent Bntft. location. $225 INCLUDES utilities, furnished studio apartPatio, fireplace,- - W.D. ment for one adult. No hookups, air, storage. Quietl No children or smokers or pets, waterbeds 295-876pets. $360 month. $175 C7-- 8 C7-- 8 142 deposit. 292-832- WILL TEND your children in my Layton home. Any 295-676- m APARTMENTS. FOR RENT 298-749- microwave $130.00, C5-C- 8 pets, smokers or waterbeds 298-740- 4 dryer, dishwasher, program to develop chine mental and social awareness. $225 INCLUDES utttbea. furnished studio apartment tor one adult. No s, 295-407- 298-000- 9 FOR RENT 292-040- pheasantbrook" comer unit, teacher. Lots of TLC. I teach as well as tend 2, 3 or 4 yr. old. 292-290C7-C- 0 142 APARTMENTS FOR RENT CLEAN 2 bedroom, hookups, new main floor 4 plex. COZY CLEAN one bed0 $275.00 kitchen-famil- y room basement apt. Large 142 area. Large lot for kids, Carpet, drapes, dose to bus. No pets smokers fireplace $350 month NEXTTO Fred Myer, large 2 C8 1 rent $200 deposit. Call 2 bedroom, hook-upBill new carpet, paint, coC6 142 vered parking. Quiet residential neightut. very cute. One bed NORTH SALT LAKE borhood, trees, yard, room, wooded area 2 BDR. Apt. Free cable, $255.d0. $325.00 covered parking, kids C7 2C6 1 142 and pets welcome. one bedroom RENT FOR PPRRI P mFFK Starling $290 mo. Call C6-- 8 apartment, new carpet for details NEW 14 2 bedroom famiand linoleum. Very 142 ly apartments. Beautiful clean, ground level, utilfloor plans. W-waaher-dnfe- r ity room VILLAGE NORTH PARK hookups, dishwashers, no pets. Call hookup, FREE WENDOVER air conditioned. Enei C7 2 C8 WEEKEND OR efficient. Covered locaFREE DELUXE 2 ing. Convenient bath, UR PASSES tion. Open Monday 2 BEDROOM, IVi hook-up- s r washer-dryeIn N. 2 BEDROOM apts. through Saturday 850 $375 mo. 1191 No. NSL, minutes from town, Hwy 89 NSL Main, Bountiful, C6-1142 free Cable TV, hookups, sauna, hot 0 2 CHILDRENS DELIGHT tubs, rec room, and fi- 142 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT DUPLEX LARGE 3 bedroom duplex for rent. Upper unit. e two bedroom BEAR LAKE Sweetwater $385 fee paid afler 5 Condo, May 29 June 4, sleeps six, swimming, p m. and weekends 292-012mini golf, C8-C- 9 142 golf, tennis, and more. 292-660CONDO C8 2 BDRM. $250.00. CEDAR SPRINGS Town-hous- e, remodnewly NEW 5 bedroom luxury eled, lots of storage. condo, beautiful view up Pool, tennis, carport. Mueller Park or of city Available Immediately 292-363- 6. $1 1 $375 mo. Call 292-901292-208C8 142 cess, enclosed back brook Elem. Call Town-hous- APARTMENTS LARGE APT. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, chil-- . dren allowed, no smokers or pets. $450.00 per CO-I- I mo. Call 292-659- CEDAR SPRMGS 2 BDRM. Centerville CONDO Townhouse, IVi baths, 2 BDRM. IVt bath, carpool, tennis, clubhouse port, clubhouse, swim$375 mo. plus gas and Us. No smokers or pets. ming pool, hookups. Call 295-736359-7736 or Erma Call Susan 292-110C8-C- 9 142 C5-- 0 142 AUVtMlltitH, FEBHUARY 25, 1987 &UUIM UMVI& FEBRUARY 24, 1987 COUNTY CUPPER, TUESDAYDAVIS o. TV, Deposit. C7-- 6 NSL Sub. below the "B." Disc, to $24,900 ' acre 292-305- C4 2 C5-C- 6 CENTERVLLE NO DOWN, moving RESIDENTIAL LOT near must sell, 2 bedroom, schools 4 easy access to freeway. 410 South pool, weight room, Jacuzzi, covered parking 400 West. Call 295-- 1 001 for more Information. cable, 296-944- 7. 142 C7-C- 8 C7-1- 0 2 BIG ANTIQUE AUCTIONS Friday, Feb. 27, 1987 5198 S. State Utah National Guard Armory 7 P.M. Murray, Utah Sat., Feb. 28, 1987 130 N. Main, Farmington City Hall Farmington, Utah 12 oclock Noon These fine antiques have been purchased from estates in Illinois. Ready for your home and shops. Dont miss these big auctions. Oak, pine, walnut, primitives glass, collectibles, quilts and much more. Bert Cook Auction |