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Show FEBRUARY 24, 1987 Humana Handicapped will present Sego Legend January 15, 1987 Weldon and Denise Hudson, Layton, boy Patrick and Sharon Dowdle, Layton, girl David and Marian Merkley, Layton, boy Nearly 60 handicapped youths from the northern Davis County area will present an original operat-tThe Legend of the Sego Lily in the Clearfield High on March School auditorium. Curtain is 7:30 p.m. nightly. January 16, 1987 Rulon and Laurie Gardner, Syracuse, girl Charles and Barbara Buck, Evanston, boy a, 5-- 6 David The musical production is free of charge and is guaranteed to be entertainment the whole family will enjoy. The show, written and directed by Beverly Olsen ofKaysville, features a cast of youngsters from the North Davis Area Mutual for the Handicapped. All of the youngsters, regardless of how serious or limiting their individual handicaps may be, have some kind of part in the production - and many of these kids demonstrate a remarkable amount of talent. The plot of The Legend of the Sego Lily is based on an old poem Mrs. Olsen read several years ago by a woman from Huntsville. Ive long since lost the poem, but I remember the story, Mrs. Olsen says. The poem recounted the tale of an Indian maiden named Raylonna who, because of a jealous medicine mans rage, was turned into a seagull. Thats about all of the plot well divulge, except to mention that the operetta also involves a band of Mormon Pioneers crossing the plains and sequences about Nauvoo, the westward trek, a Pioneer boy falling in love with a beautiful Indian girl and the historic confrontation of the hardy, early settlers of the Great Salt Lake Va- with the crop-devouri- crickets. Mrs. Olsen explained that when she sets about writing a production such as this, she first chooses music that the audience will enjoy, then she writes the play around the various songs she has selected. Her accompanist, Helen Farn22 different sworth, has songs for "The Legend of the Sego Lily. n Several songs Waltzing Matilda and Chattanooga Choo Choo to 42nd Street and Ghostbus-ter- s (or, in this case, Cricket- well-know- Dennis Lamboume, 43:19; Reeder, 27:26; Gary Berkner, 28:56; Ed Verschoor, 31:29; Roger Buhrley , 30:42; Jack Holley, Au34:03; Bill Terry, 34:16; gust Veltman, 33:01; Manny Garcia, 34:55; Steve Saxton, 35:04; Fred Holcomb, 31:25; George Hutchings, 31:49; Larry Keller,' 30-3-4, 35-3- 9, 40-4- 4, 45-4- 9, 34:12. Gail Anger, 35:29; Men John Cushing, 38:01; Rod Ollis, 39:56; Jerry Stuart, 40:14; Bill Collings, 39:08 50-5- 4, 55-5- 9, 60-6- 4, January 21, 1987 January 22, 1987 Terry and Jerry Strickland, Ogden, boy January 24, 1987 Scott and Chris Parkin, Layton, boy 5-- are woven into the action, with revised lyrics to fit the theme of the play. The handicapped youths will perform several dances as well as choral numbers. This marks the second year the busters) North Davis area youths have staged their own musical production. In previous years, there was one county-wid- e Young Mens and Young Womens program and the annual family musical was traditionally performed at the Bountiful-Woods Cross Regional Center (the old Valley Music Hall in North Salt Lake). There are now two separate Young Mens-Youn- g Womens programs for handicapped youths in Davis County one in the northern half of the county, involving communities from Kays-vill- e and Fruit Heights north to the Weber County line, and another in the southern half of the county. The North Davis Area Mutual for the Handicapped is sponsored - 15-1- 9, 20-2- 4, 25-2- 9, Melanie Miner, 41 :48; Kristi McCloud, 46:41; 30-3- 4, Becky Millet, 38:28; Donna Mirabelli, 38:45; Linda Vance, 35-3Brooke Ollis, 39:13; Sigrid Wamack, 41:59; Mindy NelMaude Norman, son, 42:34; 40-443:54; Lynne Lybbert, 48:17; 50-5Winnie Neilson, 49:51; Elaine Stewart, 44:20. 42:16; 9, 4, 4, 55-5- 9, Non--Morm- 7th-2n- twice-month- Female overall, Colleen Hoffman, 32:09; Laurie S. Carter, 34:18; Karla Meyersick, 38:26; Janet Reinard, 42:01; Laura Fuhriman, 38:59; Ann Oshiro, 43:22; Tawni Hanseen, 44:18; by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. It provides, a program for complete YM-Yyouths 12 and up. It does differ slightly from other LDS YM-Yprograms in that it encompasses a broader age range, taking in those who would otherwise be involved in Young Adult or Young Special Interest activities. Families with either mentally or physically handicapped children, who are unable to participate in their local church youth programs, are encouraged to take part in the North Davis Area Mutual. youths also are invited to attend. The handicapped Mutual meets on a weekly basis on Thursdays at d 7 p.m. at the Sunset Ward LDS Chapel, 338 W. 1800 N. There are classes and activities for the Young Women and a full range of Scouting activities for the Young Men (although in the weeks preceding the musical production, the Thursday evening time was utilized for rehearsing rather than the regular classes). One activity which draws considerable interest is the Sacrament meeting program which several members of the Mutual present in wards throughout the area. This program, which includes short talks by some of the youth along with music, is usually booked several months in advance. ke ly Another major project for the group is the annual summer camp, scheduled this year for three days and two nights during the first week of August at Camp Woodland near Morgan. During the camp, the Young Women work on their certification requirements and the Young Men are involved in merit badge work and other Scouting, activities. Two of the North Davis Area Mutual for the Handicapped boys have received their Eagle Scout awards. Two handicapped youths have also served missions for the LDS Church and another youth recently submitted his application papers and hopes to be called to serve a mission. The North Davis Mutual also has d its own insignia - a emblem with the youths motto inscribed inside: HUGS - Hearts Undergoing Growth Success-- triangle-shape- -- fully. For further information regarding the North Davis Area Mutual for the handicapped, contact Ron and Renee Nelson, 47 N. 750 E., The couple Kaysville at heads their respective Young Mens and Young Womens presidencies. Counselors, advisors, leaders staff assisting and other YM-Y544-533- W the Nelsons are called from throughout the Mutuals area. NSSrtV LEV0L0R8 MLM BUNDS and LEVOLOR MICRO MINI BUNDS FULLER PAINTS INC. 359 South MaluBountifol t9ttUl To Introduce you to Butlers Travel Station, fill out the coupon below and bring it to our office at 300 S. State in Clearfield by March 15, 1987. You will receive a FREE QIFT plus be entered in our drawing for a COM PLIMENTARY TWO NIGHTS at Sunny Green Valley Resort in St. George. 21 stakes with -- Assertion classes set Davis County Mental Health is offering educational classes In Assertion Training for adult men and women beginning Tuesday, March 10th, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The two-hoclass will meet once a week for eight consecutive weeks. All classes will be held at the Davis County Mental Health Center in Bountiful at 470 E. Medical Drive. Assertion Training is designed to increase the ability of the participant to appropriately express himself or herself and to communicate in a more direct and open way. This course helps and control over their lives, people to acquire more without denying the rights and feelings of others. Instruction and practice will be provided in such skills as saying no, coping with criticism, making requests, expressing feelings, handling anger and anxiety, and giving and receiving compliments. Cost is $32 per person. Interested parties should call Bill 6 Patenaude at to preregister or for more information. Dental screenings slated LAYTON National Preventive Dental Health Month will be observed at Layton Hills Mall Saturday from 10 a.m.-- 6 p.m. The Weber District Dental Assoc, is sponsoring an exhibit that will delve into cavity prevention, gum disease and unnecessary oral trauma. In addition, free screening examinations will be held. Dr. Carl Shoff, Major USAF, HAFB dental health officer, is coordinating the exhibit along with Dr. Eric Anderton, Weber District Dental Assoc, chairman. Dr. Kirk Allred, orthodontist, and Dr. Terry Preece of Layton will join in providing information. The public is invited at no charge. CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION DAVIS COUNTY BANK in the State of Utah, at the close of business on DECEMBER 31, 1986 published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Statement of Resources and Liabilities Thousands of dollars ASSETS Cash and balance due from depository institutions 2,476 Noninterest-bearin- g balances and currency and coin 1.700 Interest-bearin- g balances 782 Securities Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 9,540 Loans and lease financing receivables: 12,831 Loans and leases, net of unearned income 124 LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses None LESS: Allocated transfer risk reserve Loans and leases, net of unearned income, 12,707 allowance, and reserve None Assets held in trading accounts 1,103 Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 198 Other real estate owned Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies None None Customers liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding None Intangible assets 248 Other assets . . , , . . 28,754 Total assets of FARMINGTON, the LIABILITIES Deposits: In domestic offices Noninterest-bearinInterest-bearin- g Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury Other borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness and obligations under capitalized leases Banks liability on acceptances executed and outstanding Notes and debentures subordinated to deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities Limited-lif- e preferred stock None 100 1,000 2,023 3,123 28,754 We, the undersigned directors, attest to the correctness of this statement of We declare that it has been examined by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief has been prepared in conformance with the instructions and is true and correct. resources and liabilities. CARL W. BUCHANAN HOWARDS. CLARK EZRAT. CLARK I, Avon T. Francis, program specialist, do hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of the statement of conditions of the above named bank, filed in this office on February 2, 1987. AVON T. FRANCIS Program Specialist We Are Proud to Present you the best of Chinese ReSTftuRAwr r LOCATED AT COLONIAL SQUARE 547 West 2600 Clearfield, Utah Airline Ticket at no extra charge Cruiaee a Car Rental HotelMotel Reservation a Tour .None KAY M. CHRISTENSEN January 27, 1987 i One Entry Per Family Uml t 773-043- 3 622 . 25,631 above-name- Cantonese, Mandarine and Szechuan Style HOME TEL State None .None .None .None d I, KAY M. CHRISTENSEN, ASST V.P. & CASHIER, of the bank do hereby declare that this Report of Condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ItIMiniMmilllllllHMHMMIMimMHI 300 South .None .None EQUITY CAPITAL stock Perpetual preferred Common stock Surplus Undivided profits and capital reserves Total equity capital Total liabilities, limited-lif- e preferred stock, and equity capital Now ADDRESS 25,009 5,288 19,721 g Food, INCOME NAME 4 Comptroller of the Currency Western District 1. 298-344- w January 26, 1987 Richard and Lisa Hansen, Layton, boy David and Gayla Carlton, Clearfield, girl January 27, 1987 Carl and Tina Barber, Roy, boy Dean and Donna Tolman, South Weber, boy January 29, 1987 Rick and Cathy Barlow, Layton, girl Anthony and Laureen Stoddard, Sunset, girt Dean and Jeannine Baker, West Point, girl January 30, 1987 Scott and April Keene, Layton, boy Mark and Debra Peterson, Plain City, boy Robert and Brenda Buckley, Clearfield, boy Preparing for the production Legend of the Sego Lily to be performed March 6 at 7:30 p.m. at Clearfield High School auditorium are these four Davis North Area LDS Mutual for the Handicapped members: front, Roben Rogers of Clearfield, portraying a cricket; back, Indian maidens Ileen Kendall, left, of Layton; Jennifer Tarbet, Kaysvil-l- e and Kathryn Seely, Layton. self-respe- ct BUTLER'S girl David and Sheryl Kippen, Layton, girl ur IMMICKS NOIPURC girl Douglas and Natalie Smith, Clearfield, Presidents Day race Continued from prevlom page January 18, 1987 and Randy Allen, Coalville, boy January 19, 1987 Kerrie and Lasley, Layton, Cody -- lley births South, Bountiful verv'' APPLIANCE DISCOUNT CENTER 829 S. 500 W.. Bountiful mil Telephone: 2920975 2950977 Hour Moa-Thu- 11 a.nt-1- 0 Sundy 11 10 10 p.m. .m.-1- 0 Fri-S- 11 a.ia-1- 1 p.m. I p.m. Off Every Take Out Order Off Senior Citizens before 5 p.m. |