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Show TUESOAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER. m HELP 9 WANTED PROSPEROUS experienced agents. Don't Hmit yourself. Call John for a confidential 295-237- C6-- JOIN THE excitement of Selling! We train completely. You must want to work. Call 292-929C7-C- 9 LIKE SAILING? This fun family in Phil, has the have a yacht! They now housekeeper, they need a super nannyl Two darting little girls! $175 wklv salary Starts 4-Call details 2C8 142 for C7 943-444- OF SPECIAL interest to mature women Memorial estates 1967 expan- sion plans and new, office require 10 additional lady counselors Average over $20,000 commission first year. A and service product ladies are comfortable and effective with, flexible hours fit family sche- dule, training, proven lead system, medical ins., retirement and fund. For interview Mrs. Chom phone 298-156- 142 C7-C1- 1 FULL TIME workers wanted for outdoor nursery work hours 5 Mon., thru Sat. Must be willing to work in all 8-- weather conditions. Apply in person at Pineae Greenhouses, 675 North Main, Centerville, Ut. C5 2 295-559- C6--8 IMMEDIATE AVON opens and earnings up to Shirley 50. 544-549- 7. C5-- 9 LIFES MAINSTREAM Salesl Experience not necessary. Whether you have ever "Sold" or not come aboard. Will train. Call C7-- 9 295-515- DISCOVERY TOYS. Fun part time job. Flexible hours. Good income. Must be 18. Call 292-224- C7-- 8 BURGER KING IS HIRING for part time help. Apply at 1100 N. 590 E., North Salt Lake. C6-2C- 7 1&2C8 AVON WANTS YOU START YOUR own business for $ 1 5.00. Join No. 1 districts in America, sell m your own neigh- borhood, friend, relatives, or sell at work. The choice is yours. Call or 295-88- 298-355- 1&2 C7-- 8 C6--2 WANT WORK SERVICES SERVICES PANTING THOMAS REPAIR BRUSH, ROLLER, spray, ELECTRICAL Appliances, residential 4 commergarage door openers inlent opportunity for you cial, int ext. clean, fast stalled, rewiring and all call 292-791- 8 C8 298-2053 service Call Joie types of lighting Instal266-823or Mike led. 5 Sr. Citizen disLAUNDRY HELP wanted C8-- 9 count through Feb 28th. 142 to process shirts. Apply Call Mike 295-570- 1 at viking Cleaners, 273 BABYSfTTMG West 500 So. No. 3 295-682MY HOME. Large fenced C8 JOHN 4 BROS. yard. Expenence LDS. ASSISTANT MANAGER Centerville Debbie 292-619PROF LANDSCAPING trainee for pizza take out C7-- 8 TREE'S SERVICES and delivery Must be 21 THIS IS the time lor prunor older. Also part time tMiPKa ing and tree's topping delivery for Bountiful. EXPERT WORK. RefeCall lor free estimate, Must have own car and 292-619rences Debbie 4 C8 experience and fast serinsurance C7-- 8 vices Hauling, garbage, 1&2 limbs, construction deBOUNTIFUL CITY is now bris, (etc ) 292-484C7-- 8 accepting job applicants for summer employment as lifeguards and swim HOUSEKEEPMG instructors. Advanced WE HAVE happy customlife saving certified and TAXES WSI certified preferred. ers! Experienced relHOME TAX Service Fed, Send applications to iable, quality work, busstate, personal, Bountiful City Hall loaffordable rates Call 15 iness, yrs expericated at 790 South 100 Nowl References upon ence. $10 up Free esti0 East, Bountiful, Utah request 295-789mate 298-796C8 142 84010. C8 1&2 PLUMBMG BOUNTIFUL CITY Golf REPAIRS AND installaMCOME TAXES Course and Parks Detion, affordable, licensed PROFESSIONALLY pree partment are accepting pared, over 30 years explumber. -Call-Erm295-154Anderson applications for part time perience, most reasonC8-Csummer employment. 142 able rates, call Curt or Interested individuals Chris at C.R. Johnson 4 A PLANNING Great Par return and may pick up Associates 295-155Call a band Bountiful at ty? great C5-C- 9 applications 142 295-8484 The Squad city offices, 790 South ce 100 East, Bountiful, Ut. SOLAR NAILS $10 OFF regular price of Applications will be FAMILY atmosphere $25. Cali Marm to make accepted through March 298-750Care Elderly reMinimum 12, i987. an appointment for C8-C- 9 142 17 must be quirements 4 Saturdays evenings of older. or 292-6883 age MCOME TAX years Exp. Feb. 28. Must have a valid drivC5-C8 RETURNS 142 er's license. Interviews 25 YEARS expenence, will be scheduled from FREE ROOF Repair. Estpartnership, eligible applications. C8 imates Wind damage, corporation, 3 yr. look ahead CA Rich - CPA mended leaks, sealed 295-2792 142 Please leave phone No. THE BOUNTIFUL 773-360C7-C- 8 Center is now CARPENTRY 4 Remodel-mg- , accepting applications textunng, painting, 30 YRS. GEN. CON. for summer employment drywall 4 patching, BUILDING NEW or update positions Available are rooms basement arts and craft, archery, kitchen or bath, change finished, also new coninstructors softball, the flat roof to 4x1 2 5x1 2 struction Reference 4 C8 scorekeepers licensed 295-189pitch, siding, sofit, facer, what do you have a need umpires teams instrucTREES AND BUSHES tors if interested in apof Call for quality 298-033plying, one must fill out TRIMMING. SHAPING, C6-- 8 142 removal, and hauling applications at Bountiful Can Karl Chase for free City Hall located at 790 MODELING or 40 PERCENT Off Call now So 100 East, Bountiful, estimate. 298-041- 3 292-0741 Utah. C8 142 142 for free orientation treat yourself or son or daughPOLICE EMERALD DUCK ter. Phone 298-250DISPATCHER C5-C- 9 BOUNTIFUL POLICE De- HOUSEKEEPMG WC. cleaning partment is accepting TOP QUALITY for homes or businesPAINTING AND applications for the posises. We'D come in and TEXTURING tion of Police Dispatchcleando your everyday SPECIALIZING in quality er. Qualifications are that extras intenor No job too small. ing or those high school diploma or you can't find time for. equivalent, type speed Guaranteed workmanWe work on a one time 40 wpm, 1 year secretarship. Call Scott Wray ial or computer related or a regular basis. We 298-257C6-- 9 in comremoving radio specialize experience, munications experience hard water deposits from PERSONAL INCOME Tax helpful. Starting salary sinks, tubs, showers, preparation, my home or r. $7 toilets and faucets. Our Salary alloyours, discount rates. wance for previous disstaff of experienced girls , Call Robert Rice 292-353consibut patch expenence are not contractors, C6-- 9 dered. Applications may fully licensed, bonded be filed at Bountiful insured and employees CONCRETE Police Dept., 745 So. of the firm, and take a GET YOUR bid now beMain, Bountiful. Ctoang conscientious interest in fore it's too late. Patios, date for accepting applithe quality of their work. floors, walks, steps, at 5 cations is Satisfaction guaranteed. curbwall, drives, 30 P.M. C8-C- 9 Your satisfaction is our LaVOY S HAS Dawson Real Estate Company Is a 33 year old institution In the Bountiful area We work in all areas of real estate, not ust one. We have Immediate openings for interview at HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA INCOME? REAL ESTATE WHY LIMIT yourself? an SOUTH DAVIS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 25, 1987 FEBRUARY 24, 1987 L, excel- SERVICES CLEANING DO YOU work, too tired to do your housework, a wedding coming up, 'i West, Inc. at 295-326- 6 for information, or apply in person at Bountiful Gateway Park Suite 350. (30) 1 IMMEDIATE positions available for nanny-mother- cants 's helper appli- in New York City, California, New England area, Georgia, Montana, and Utah. Children ages from newborn to ten. All families have been carefully screened. Call today for information He295-326lpers West 1 HELPERS WEST is need-in- g several local people to fill temporary or Irve-o- ut childcare positions with local families. Excellent opportunity for a student, a mom wanting to work a few hours a week, or a Grandma If you would enjoy being on our for income these roster opportunities call today. We have several im(Granny-Nanny- ). mediate openings. call Please (60) 295-326- C8-C1- 1 LOVING GEORGIA family with gentle six year old cerebral-pals- son y immediate help. Responsibilities would Include care of Nickolas, needs light housekeeping, and dnv- some cooking This will "be a won-UDffexperience for the right person. Salary is Air fare to negotiable. and from the position is provided. Please call6 Helpers West at 295-326- for further (57) C8-C- 1 Informa-tto1 CHILD NEEDS sitter after-nooor occasionally la- ter. Also replace ride (pay way) downtown 12.f5 to sitter C8 298-438- MODE SALES SALES SERVICE PREFER experience in packaging For Information call 1A2 ' 1 298-250- C8 BOOKKEEPER WANTED OR 2 days a week Call C8-C- 9 Dixie 451-59118.2 r; s, o 295-199- on 30 yards No job is too spring cleanups, lawn LOVEABLE LOPS. small or too big Call Purebred Pedigreed mowing, lawn fertilizaMike anytime, tion 4 pest control, minilop rabbits Pet and C4-show quality Cages and sprinkler repair and in8 supplies stallations, landscape WORLD BOOK SALE 142 designing and installa1986 EDITION - $150 off tion. Call Jim HELP LACY find a home World Book Ency. while C6-for her little ones Cute last Combo savthey medium size puppies ings on Childcraff, TAX RETURN PreparaCall Matt Dictionaries. tion by C.P.A. Profes$5 00 C8 142 For rep nearest you, call 2 sional work. Call 1 2 C5 2 LOVABLE LOPS. workdays or week nights - ends. Purebred Pedigreed 142 9 minilop rabbits Pet and MOVING MUST SELL! show quality Cages and KING SIZE waterbed, 6 supplies. HOME remodQUALITY drawer pedestal, bookeling basement to attic case headboard $200; CreaRemarkable 6 by PAIR OF zebra (inches aueen size waterbed,canfor tions. Call pedestal, $10; pair of parakeets free estimate. Also upon frame. nonball $150; $12, young guinea pigs C8 microwave $6 each. request design consultaC8 142 $75 00, tion by Vivian. 142 new SOFTENER WATER ADORABLE CUTE, still in shipping crate 2 male, CARPENTER TO finish 1 female Building contractor has basements and remodC8 one extra Save Call 292-906- 8 292-229- 6 Company ly Commissions. Week- Set our own hours No Investment or Collections. No experience necessary. Write Kevin Peska, Newton Mfg. Company, Dept. E 1211, Newton Iowa 50208. C8 142 142 2C8-C1- 0 292-130- 9 292-480- 3 eople. 584-713- IF YOU anything. CaH 295-028- 4 C5-C- 292-229- 298-902- 1 292-918- C7-1- 1 Lasa-poodl- 292-937- eling. Painting, wallpaper, sheetrock repair, bath tile and home repairs. Free esti- mates and references. Dave 292-018- FREE TO good home 4 year old lab Female All shots Call after 4 pm. 292-693C8 ployment agency has the following openings. - for PARTY CHIEF- Housecleaning PROFESSIONAL TAX reasonPreparation able rates! Evening and Saturday appointments available in your home. C5--9 Call 546-354- C7-C1- SPRAYED CEILINGS DIRTY? Start your spring cleaning at the top! Sprayed glitter, and tile stains, yellowness, odor, smoke and cobwebs. CALL Call Ramona 295-975- Lawrence 7 Experienced Dependable Look-Up- -- Bonded - Insured A Deserved Luxury 142 PAMTMG crew - 2 yrs. exp. AND PAPERMG MECHANICAL DRAFTER QUALITY WORK fast, 1 yrs exp. able to ink 4 dean, licensed contracrun a leroy and do free tor, winter rates. Call hand lettering C3-- 8 Chuck 546-085MECHANIC ASF Certid comm.-goofied Salary plus company. INSURANCE Secretary -type 50, expenence with rating CRT OPERATOR type 45 wpm 40. Clerk type gen. PR POLICY Typist. Type 70 and have computer exp. Excellent salary. FOR INFORMATION ab- n Removes water HOUSECLEANMG IRONING, LAUNDRY, C4-C- 8 $200 00 142 BEAUTIFUL BUFF colored AKC female cocker spaniel. Six months old. Gentle, great with kids Must seTl. Sacrifice at $125 or best offer. Call 295-326- 6 daytime (25) C8-- C8 295-133- Choice FIREWOODI C6-1- 1 accoustical ceilings can be cleaned. Country Ask for Mickie. After 7 p.m. C72C8 1 PUBLIC PHONE etc. New customers, CONTACT ARE YOU enthusiastic special rates: $5 an hour. Limited time only. and responsible? If so, C5-C- 8 Sharon 292-651we need you in our office! Immediate openings for the right persons. Mon. thru Fri. 9 FREE ROOF a m. to 3 p m. or 5 p.m. to MSPECnON 1 West 9 p.m. Apply at 46 DON'T WAIT for leaks to 360 So. No. 107, Bounti-fu- l have your roof checked. C8 or call 292-406Residential or commercial, ask for Bruce 298-886JOB SPECIALISTS - em- C6-C- 292-169- 451-03- blown-o- want handmade crocheted items, dolls, afghan, holiday, almost C4-C- 9 hardwood logs, cut, split and delivered. For only $55 a half cord. Call 2 or Nowl 359-455- C5-- 8 TOP SOIL PREMIUM QUALITY soil best for lawns and gardens. Also fill dirt, sand and gravel, road base. Please call 292-737- 7 FOR C6-1- SALE 0 BLANK CASSETTE CB BASE station and mobile unit almost brand new 451-294- 9 C8 15 cents each, ri length, finest quality Buy 1 or 10,000. 295 1572. C4-C- 8 The Emerald Duck Housekeeping Co. When you decide on who you want to clean your home. Please consider: Are the housekeei insured or only tne company? Are tne housekeepers employees of the company or independent contractors? Does the company and each independent contractor have current business licenses in your community? For your own protection and the protection of your valuables, we are a fully bonded, insured and licensed company. Each employee is trained, experienced and reliable. We clean homes, offices, and businesses and specialized in removing hard water deposits from sinks, showers, toilets and tubs. Tour Satisfacton Is guaranteed -- -- -- Call Vicki Young or Janet Jarvis 292-661- 1 & QteEEoGMSlO Q cfiSjQnnSHttESiQ 09 EE5EI Setback Therm os tat with each furnace replaced with a 01 efficient Furance NEEDED, FULL time used Insurance deductible when we reploce your All work windshield guaranteed for 90 days with our windshield repair process Call for an appointment '84 MERC LYNX below bluebook Excellent condition AC PB 2 dr., 5 spd , low miles $2950 00. PINTO wagon runs great, reliable transportation, good condition $400 - offer C8 142 76 - 544-845- 3 298-927- C8 m 5 p m. JEEP CHEROKEE PIONEER . AM-F1984, cassette, many extras. 295-321- 2 Sharp! $7,995. Call or 142 C9 1 offer condition C7-- 295-256- 4 DOUBLE BED with spring and mattress Maple finish $50 00. Call 295-978- 3 C8 RECREATIONAL TEN MAN rubber raft with VEHICLES DODGE ASPEN WAGON air, auto-mati- Heavy duty 4 H P. McCullocri trolling motor Recurve bow, arrows C8 LARGE, HEALTHY ficas tree $45, ladies clothes -others size formats 2 1 C8 9 thru 22. FOR SALE: gym bags special pnee $5.00. Call 295-848C8 SKI'S excellent shape, been used 3 times Nor-dik- a boots, Scott poles, Bindings C& $200 00. 298-891- ton truck. SHELL FOR All metal with lights 8 ft long, must sell, also C B. radio C8 295-121- C7-- 00292-886- 546-383- 1985 NISSAN King Cab, 5 74 CHEVY crew cab, large cabover camper 450 engine, utility cabinet bed $3000 speed, cruise control, stereo, A.C., P.S., camper shell 5 year warranty $7150 AM-F- 9 C6-- 292-692- 2 YAMAHA PHAZERS 1985 ELECTRIC and manual, low miles, mint condition, hand mers. Trailer C8 c, good tires Call $950 00. C8 142 8 oars, bellows pump, motor mount C8-C1- 2 451-261- 78 excellent appreciate, 544-808- C8 142 C8 71 VW 1200 rebuilt engine, just over 10,000 miles, good tires, $600 or PIANO BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT $600.00 Must see to s, 295-174- 9 321-124- INSTRUMENTS Ford P.U., two one double bed, coffee and end tables fwin-bed- combo 292-437- 5 MUSICAL 80 GAL PROPANE tank IMCO carburetor for 292-670- C8-C- 9 C8 TENT TRAILER like new, Ford extra long family van, Isuzu utility dox van 295-843- 4 evenmts. C8 142 8 KENWORTH TRACTOR; excellent condition lots of extras evenings C8 142 77 CHEVY 4x4 295-843- war- 451-593- 4 SELDOM used 4 INCH lift, big kittires, shell and carpet Asking Skidoos, nice condition. work $4,600, Covers, trailer $950 00. 5 C8 home. C8 ton camper 1975 FORD 1 985 8 FT. x 20 ft. snowspecial 460 cu in automobile Trailer, two axle matic trans , fiberglass 80 gal fuel tank built in camper shell 6400 miles $18,000 00. excel, condition C8 C8 $3000.00, 74-7- 5 292-422- 2 295-749- 292-437- 292-846- 292-846- 9 ladies 17' JET TRAILER. MEN'S AND Schwinn bicycles, excellent condition 298-525Call $60 ea C8 142 fndge, spare Propane, 110 volt 4 12 volt power clean. Well maintained with many extras. LaVOY'S SALE LINGERIE AND clothing Spring Catalog. 1 Sleeps four. Heater, stove, oven, shower, 1982 MODEL CJ7JEEP IN GOOD condition Make C8 HARVEST GOLD refnger-ato- brass coat rack, ter, sewing machine C8 COUCH, LOVESEAT, chair - excellent condition $180 for all Call 298-525- 6 C8 142 NEW LADIES motobe-can- e tounng bicycle 10 spd $150 00.292-218- 1977 Puch Moped $75 00, C8 292-218- EXERCYCLE FOR sale $85 TRS 80 color Computer 2 64K memory games, Joystick tapes, work book $250 00 298-308C8-C- offer. Inquire at 84 South Mam, Bountiful, or call 295-335- 1 or 295-201- 0 r, sofa with matching chair, mini trampoline, flyer red wagon, electric neater, waffle, sandwich toas295-013- 6 964 FORD Truck $350 or best offer Needs work. Please call after 4 pm. 292-693C8 451-092- C8 292-791- 9 RIDING LAWNMOWER 1 1 horse 36" used one summer $750; also 31 cu ft freezer upright $250; 19 cu ft Gibson refrigerator $250; 305 Kawasaki 3000 miles windshield $800 00. Make offer moving Feb 28th C81A2 Iced AUTOMOBILES '80 CITATION good dition $800.00. 142 C6-- 9 FOR SALE con451-294- C8 79 COUGAR XR7 PS exc. PB PW air AM-F- cond. $1995 00. C8 142 1980 YAMAHA 850 cc, midnight special 451-575- 5 298-782- 142 C6-- 8 '76 DODGE Aspen C8 1985 250 R. Excellent condition, pipe, radical Dick Cepek 78 CHEVETTE, good port, new less than 30 paddles, condition, new brakes hrs, best offer above and tires, stereo, casset$1500. Call te, luggage rack, 81 ,000 $200.00 9 295-853- miles. Call C7-- C8 295-360- 0 142 8 YAMAHA 350 CC very low miles, excellent cond Garaged $340 or best 75 VW RABBIT 2 door, blue, good condition Call offer Call C8 295-319- C8 298-473- 77 HONDA Accord, Rebuilt engine under warranty, good tires, brakes starter $990 or offer 298 9411. C8 INSTRUCTIONS TUTORING 1978 THUNDERBIRD needs transmission, PIANO 4 ORGAN make FULL PROGRAM tor begood condition offer. 1980 Ford ginning through adv- needs transmis anced levels. Franklin sion. Very good to excelEddings, M A., M. Ed lent condition - make 4 AGO offer. Call Fn or Sat. afC4-- 8 Certified ter 8 pm. Sun. after 2 142 C8 p.m. Mus-tan- GARAGE SALES MOVMG SALE SEWING MACHINE $10; phone answer $10; pi- antiques, houshold Items, king ctures, Salary negotiable Centerville area. 299-554C8 142 7 purchased WANT separately UMTA-MTN- 295-597- JLENNOX W m am oassomotm Residential 2tt Mortk 500 Boaattfol2-M- Funky Workmanship. References & Reliable, 292-091- 2 FREE ESTIMATES I rwi LEARN TO singl Qualified voice teacher accepting students. Natural technique. Beginners welcome Rebecca McGar-r- y C8 142 4 1980 FORD Mustang low mileage, sun roof tape deck, great condi tion, $1995 00. Call 292 2452. C8 LICENSE Box 93, Farmington 84205. C7-- 8 C7-C- Wsst M freezer 21 cu. ft capac- Moving. ity. Frost-fre- e $200 00. ing, watercolor days. Much more C7-- 8 142 athy 298-227- 8 C8-C- 9 SERGERS FOR SALE Whirlpool dryer, good conditon $135 00. Ph. 298-877- i Reg. $549 to $649 Now Only 229 or HOME LOK NECCHI STORES C8 292-445- 295-740- CLIP COUPON Too large for us. BouiWul CalonW 823 W MOO So. Squart n ART CLASSES BASIC DRAWING, foie painting, Sat. class for teens, evening, oil paint- Your Choice SEARS COLDSPOT chil-dre- 9 BABY LOK NECCHI LOK of Rafrigarntlos TO tend and room. Call CHEVY Monte Carlo 78 exc. loaded Vinyl 292-647- 8 in my home, lunch snack and a big play 2 cond. $1900 00 C4-- 298-758- 1985 RENAULT Encore Call me asking $4,800 295-8491 let s talk price Ron evenings 298-515- Farmington, Kaysville, Layton area Send info to C. A. Cadam, P.O. of Hsatiag, Air LENNOX INT.EXT. Specialists. No Bogus Discounts or 295-468- C8-C1- mbatino Harriot oa oil noksa Peerless Painting 1980 PL YM Horizon 4 dr , auto, A C., AM-FP.S., Low miles Excel lent condition $1625 00 TO BUY 115" Coadltloalag Commercial Saturday, 1 acres WANTED with old farm home. W. 500 So. riiilui Bountiful Utoh I 360 292-920- 8 8 plus UT0 GLASS SPECIALIST i a t 000-off- C6-- 8 ANTIQUES 4 valuable sleeted items Claw feet, round coffee table. By appointment only. 10 -prices. Girl's - Infant size 7. Boys Izod, Healthtex, Oshkosh, etc. C8 Sunday C7 2 C8 txplres March 20. 1987 Custom $600 00 size bed $150 00. 781 West 925 South, WX. If LIVE M loaded, $10, 292-231- 7 feminine great used name brand clothes at cheap HAVE excel-len- Joe pecan, nice masculine I SE, condition, fully queen bedroom set. Solid KIDS GROWING? 292-080- opportunities with lots of variety Apply In person at Murdock Chevrolet, 2375 S. 625 W WX. See Blake Murdock. C8 1986 FIERO VERY LOVELY 1 C7142C81 5 295-883- openings call 292-961- 8 Our Fees are lower C8 car person. Excellent 295-739- 8 lamp $25 00. C8 TOP QUALITY top soil, no rocks or weeds Call for 5 "Flandelivery ders Inc.. C8 142 out these and other BRIGHT, enthusiastic female to care for our 4 LDS children ages 2-Some cooking and light FIREPLACE MSERTS CLOSE OUT only a few left save $400 and get free instalation - many brands -- 1 used like new $399 00, 40 days same TOPSOIL Reasonable Rates Federal Computerized . Celt Fr As Apptintment Ron 4S5-6S- 295-471- 295-370- 7 Country Home. 57451-283-N Mam, Farmington. C8 as cash. '80DATSUN 200SX Black and silver Sharp! Must sell lor mission Call Rob. matching chairs $30 after 4 each pm ce 142 FLORAL VELVET sofa $200, 2 velvet chairs $100 ea 30" drop in range $35, hanging weeks. Aunt Addy's (298-4227- ). State IRAINBOW GLASS CO NANNY already low prices for 2 295-567- , PROFESSIONAL TAX PREPARATION surve1 ser, mahogany table, much more. 15 off 9 142 C7-C- 8 MATCHING SOFA and chair, wheat, beige, excellent condition, great tor first set or family room $200 both, two bed, Italian walnut dres- Marker 299-272- 292-869- 1 GORGEOUS OAK sideboard, oak Victorian 9 295-563- AAA-- ANTIQUES SALE C7-- 292-886- PLYMOUTH, RELIANT 1982, air cond, power steenng, cruise control, AM FM Stereo, new tires, new brakes Clean 4 excellent cond $2500 or best offer 972-442- 4 lows, excellent condition 292-494- 5 $300 00. C7 2 C8 142 298-941- C7-1- 298-565- 966-791- and Calendars, Pens and FAST, EFFICIENT referhonest. Excellent Advertising Gifts to local ences. Call Shauna at firms. Prompt, fnendly 7 after 1pm.C7 service from 78 year old Keystone projector 4 camera, Manti temple C8 posts 0 295-839- tops DESIGNER COUCH, creme color - throw pil- motorcycle helmet, 295-222- Hol-li- st TRIUMPH Spitfire Runs well, soft and hard 295-320- 3 1 headboard 4 dresser set, bunk beds, Vask ladies boots 7m, 544-769- 5 8 77 , $59 95 Call C7 2C8 FULL SIZE 298-111- 298-849- 2 9 C7-- or 298-016- 0 292-111- 5 292-121- 4 C7-C1- 1 MCOME TAXES COMPUTER prepared by CPA with fourteen years expenence. Your home or business. Fast service. Reasonable rates. 1987 taxes projected. C52C6-914- 2 Kent 298-359- 9 terest) Call 298-122- 544-100- Micro-wav- 2 C7-1- 0 8 cellent cond e size Frigidaire oven, excellent cond just serviced, berships available at in$6,000 cash o II AM-F- C8 3 full LAKE POWELL HOUSEBOAT BRAND NEW boat - mem- $35-$12- 5 C8-1- 2 Frigidaire, gold, $100 00 al- 2 C6-1- C5-C- 8 CLEAN AND HAUL acopepted until March 6 at 5 00 p.m. C8-C- 9 TRASH REMOVAL seven days a week. 292-749MAKE EXTRA MONEY C7-C1- 1 142 DURMG YOUR SPARE TMEI HOUSECLEANMG SHOW OUR new line of offer Call 295-149- 5 ter 5 p m. C8 1983 TOYOTA Tercel SR5 4x4 wagon, 5 speed, A C., cassette, new tires, ex- used, 18 lb day-be- 298-111- 5 298-849- WASHER AND dryer, new oak dresser, trundle mattress $1100 or best Like C8-1- 2 292-332- C1-C- C7-C- TOO LARGE for room. MILD FLAVORED 1 C6-1- NEEDED immediately. Loving, canng mother s helper for newborn triplets in Tennessee. Please call Helpers GOLDEN HONEY -- 12 lb 1 gal bottle $8 25, 4 12 lb. bottle case $32 50, 3 lb qt $2 50, 1 lb. bottle $1 25 Honey Bears 12 ounce $1 00 CARPET CLEAN MG STEAM CLEANING day or night 7 days a week 292-7491 142 292-661- 292-863- FOR SALE baby on the way or just need a break? We can solve your problem. We do commercial cleaning, empty and full houses, FIREWOOD wash windows, clean LODGE POLE and painting carpets CREEK 'h CORD delivered and Give the Moore's a call CANYON stacked. $50 00 STABLES at HORSE BOARDING 4 days 0 142 INCOME TAXES rentals, full service or eves owner ACCURATELY prepared care FIREWOOD per-mMtn. Riding business or personal reFIREWOOO turns Reasonable rates. Club, Rod FIREWOOO Make your appointment 142 10 YEAR OLD PMON now. Greg Ellis CORD delivered and 5 stacked. $60 00 CARPET CLEANING we days, PETS eves C6-1-0 142 clean your carpet for only 8 cents sq ft. Don't 4 beHONEY LIGHT MLD delay INTERESTED M 48 LB. BUCKET $31 00. a m. or after tween EUROPE 1162 N Main, Farming-to- n 5 p m , 2 years business STUDENT TOUR Greece, 1 quality work. C8 142 Continent, England. CARPET Leaves June 8 Home ADDITIONS, interior, reJuly 7. Ten years tours ANSO IV, Wear-datemodeling, new construcled Vivian Beattie from Antron and Dupont tion. For best quality Stain-MasteDavis High School For available call Rand 7 C8-information cal! thousands of yards all o after 3 pm. Thirty-twdirect from the leading TAXES, Federal and seats filled, eignt carpet mills All first qualpersonal-businesleft! 1 142 state, ity and brand names. I your home or work from my home so DOBERMAN business by CPA call almost no overhead. C6-BLACK AND rust 23 mo. Kent Beautiful plush or multifemale Would spayed colored earthtone sculpSPRING PRUNING SER. lixe her to go to a home with warrantured, with children. Has a CALL LARKIN Landscapliving heart of an Angel. ty. $289 for your ing for personalized care room and hall, includes C7 $250.00, of your fruit trees and 1 100 nylon carpet, pad any other outdoor 2C8 and installation based needs. Snow removal, ALL TYPES years experience business Janet Jarvis ROOFMG FARMINGTON CITY licensed contractor Call Vicki Young. WIND DAMAGE Repairs Police Department is 8 fast fnendly, final. Also accepting applications for reserve officers. Cancomplete roofing gravel, BACK HOE didates must be POST EXPERIENCED Word others shingles, landLARGE AND tree I certified Cat. or II. Pick 142 Processing. Letter Qual27 expenyears 286 scaping ity Pnnter. Thorough and applications up at ence. Shade Instant South 200 East, Farmlocaaccurate. Bountiful QUALITY carpentry, no 8 Landscaping tion. Call ington, Monday through job too small. Call Gary 0 8.00-5.0- 0 142 p.m. Friday, 0 142 will be Applications 292-062- FOR SALE WmI In Mw-4SS- 0 ta to IMmo SkxvJasJtW |