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Show FEBRUARY 24, 1987 t Ti February 27, 1987 to consider such petition PUBLIC MOTKTS' and all objections thereto which may be presented in writing by Public Notice Advertising Protects Your Right to Know F. -- NOTICE OF FILING OF TRANSFER OF Notice of Default CLASS D ALLOTMENT BY WEBER BASIN WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT take notice that there has been filed with the Board of Directors of the Weber Basin Water Conservancy Diap- plying for the transfer of an allotment of Weber Basin water from lands in Section 6, Township North, East, Salt Range 1 1 Lake Base and Meridian, Davis County, Utah, and Sections 24 and 35, Township 2 North, Range 1 West Salt Lake Base and Meridian. A copy of the petitions for the transfer containing the description of lands to which such water has heretofore been allotted and the lands to which it is proposed the said water be transferred and the terms and conditions of which the transfer is petitioned for is on file in the office of the Weber Basin Water Co- nservancy District, Layton, Utah, for pub- lic inspection. The name of the petitioners and the amount of water, in acre-feetfwhich the transfer applies is as follows: Amell E. Heaps and MKC Construction Co. 12.6 a.f. Dale W. Ford, 26.5 a.f. The Board of Directors of the District will meet in public session at District Headquarters, 2837 E. Highway 193, Layton, Utah, at 9:00 A.M., Friday, February 27, 1987, to consider said petitions and any and all objections that may be presented in writing by any person showing cause why said pet- itions for transfer should not be granted. All persons interested may appear at such hearing and show cause was recorded November 3, 1986 as Entry No. 759092 in Book 1 2 1 at page 878 of said Official Records. Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable in lawful money of 1 All persons interested will please strict, petitions se- cured thereby. in writing why said petitions, or any thereof, should not be granted. Failure of any person to show cause in writing as aforesaid, shall be deemed an assent on his part to the granting of said petition. The Board will at such meeting, or at a the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, the following described property at 1649 East Oaks Drive, in the City of Fruit Heights, County of Davis, State of Utah: All of Lot EASTOAKS, Heights, according to the official plat thereof, for the purpose of paying obligations secured by said Deed of Trust including fees, charges and expenses of Trustee, advances, if any , under the terms of said Deed, interest thereon and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as in said Note and by law provided. Dated: February 9, 1987 Security Title Company, Trustee By Gordon Gurr Its Owner and Sole Proprietor Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication Feb. 10, 1987 Last publication Feb. 24, 1987 Weber Basin Water Conservancy District 3 R-- ll NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the re- quired to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the Court on or before the 27th day of May, 1987, or said claims shall be forever barred. DATED this 27th day of January, 1987. Robert Blattner Personal Representative 915 South Orchard Drive Bountiful, Utah 84010 Heinz J. Mahler Kipp and Christian, P.C. Attorney for Estate Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication Feb. Published in the Davis 10, 1987 10, 1987 Last publication Feb. 24, 1987 Issue No. 3 R-- 6 12, 1987 Last publication Feb. 26, 1987 Issue No. Reflex Journal First publication Feb. Last publication Feb. 24, 1987 R-Issue No. 3 7- Published in the Davi$ County Clipper First publication Feb. 3 C-3- 8 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE The following scribed property NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON REAL PROPERTY Civil No. 36203 will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 10th day of March, 1987 at 11:00 A.M. at the North front door of the Davis County Court House at Farmington, Utah in the County of Davis, by SECURITY TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by EDWIN M. HAYES aka EDWIN HAYES & LAURA W. HAYES, HIS WIFE, as Trustors, and recorded November 21, 1984 as Entry No. 688257 in Book 1013 at pages 1446 of the Official Records of Davis County, Utah, given to secure an indebted- ness in favor of BARNES BANKING COURT OF DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH RAYMOND L. HOLMES AND BE- VERLY B. HOLMES -- vs- GREGORY L. KESLER, WILLIAM LEONARD SKIDMORE, RICHARD E. LEWIS dba TEE-TO- P INVESTMENTS and RICHARD B WAL- LIS AND CLARA A. WALLIS TO BE SOLD AT A SHERIFFS SALE on the 26th day of February, 1987, at the hour of 11:45 AM at the north front door of the Davis County Courthouse in Farmington, Davis County, Utah, all the right, title and interest of non-exem- pt COMPANY (now the defendant, BARNES BANKING Leonard Skidmore, owned and held by COMPANY) by reason of the breach of 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, U.S. Survey: Beginning at a point 150 feet East of the East line of 250 West Street: said point being 739 feet South and Greg- ory L. Kesler, William Richard E Lewis dba Tee-To- p 592.20 feet; thence more or less, from the Northeast corner of Section 26, Township 5 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, and show cause in writing South 45 degrees petition. feet to the point of beginning. Parcel No. 2: A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 5 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON REAL PROPERTY Civil No. 38862 R-1- ning; thence East 150 TY, STATE Meridian, U.S. Survey: Beginning at a point 150 feet East of the East line of 250 West Street, said point beginning Investments Southeasterly line of said road; thence North 45 degrees 1335" East 20.0 feet along said road to the . point of beginning. V AKA 1191 West Webb Lane, Kaysville, Utah 84037 PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN lawful money of the United States of America. SUBJECT TO any liens. DATED AT FARMINGTON, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, -- Robert L. Burton, Judy Burton, Transport Clearings Intermountain, Inc., Monroe Metal Products, Inc. aka Aughwick west, more or less from the Northeast comer of said Section 26, running thence North 82.5 Machine & Fabricat- ing Co., Inc., First Security Bank of Utah, N.A. Bishop Machinery Supply Co. Ltd., & Penske Tank Co. TO BE SOLD AT A feet, more or less, to the South line of Morby Park Subdivision; thence West Sheriff By: Phil Leanard Deputy Sheriff Attorney: King A King Glent T. Celia 251 E 200 South Clearfield, Utah 84015 825-220- 2 SHERIFFS SALE March 3, 1987 Issue No. 4 R-2- 0 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder in cash on the 26 day of March, 1987, at 3:00 oclock P.M., at the Front Steps of the Davis County Courthouse at Farmington, Utah, in the County of Davis, by The Home Abstract & Title Co., Inc., Trustee, under the Deed of Trust made by Ronald C. On the 5th day of Jagger & Dayna J agMarch, 1987, at the ger, husband and wife, hour of 12:00 AM at trustor(s) recorded - East lie of 250 West Street; thence the north front door of South along said the Davis County East line 82.5 feet, more or less to a point due West of Courthouse in Farm- ington, Davis County, Utah, all the right, title inand terest of the defendant, Robert L & Judy Burton etal, in and to the following described real property, to wit: non-exem- begin- ning; thence East 15010 feet to the point of beginning. AKA: 2164 and 2180 North 250 West, Sunset, Utah pt EXHIBIT 84015 PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN lawful money of the United A The land referred to in this Report is situated in the State of Utah, County of Davis, and is described as follows: Beginning at a point States of America. SUBJECT TO any liens. DATED AT FARM- North 89 degrees INGTON, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, 1350 West 157.08 feet along the Section line to the center of the D. & R.G.W. Railroad right of way and North 34 degrees 4033 West 143.56 feet along the center of said railroad right of way to the this 27th day of January, 1987. Brant L. Johnson, Sheriff Davis County By: Stan Tebbs Deputy Sheriff Attorney: Timothy W. Blackburn 2605 Washington Blvd Suite 320 Ogden, Utah 84401 center of a County Road and South 45 grees 1335 de- West 855.47 feet along the center of said road and South 44 degrees 4625 East 578.70 feet from the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 3 3 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication Feb. 10, 1987 Last publication Feb. 24, 1987 R-- 9 Notice of the filing of Class B Petition by CLINTON CITY, for the allotment of water by Weber Basin Water Conservancy District. All persons interested will please take notice that on 1987, there was filed in the office of the undersigned a petition by CLINTON CITY applying to Weber Basin Water Conservancy District for the allotment of Weber Basin water in the amount of 100.0 acre-feannually for municipal use, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the petition, a copy of which is on file in the office of the undersigned for public inspection. The Board of Directors of the District will meet in public session at District Headquarters, 2837 E. Highway 193, Layton, Utah, at 9:00 a'.m., on Friday, January 20, et Aug. 1, 1983, as Entry No. 647225, in Book 952, at Page 841 of the official records of Davis County, Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of Federal Employees Credit Union now America First Credit Union, Beneficiary. Notice of Default was recorded Oct. 30, 1986, as Entry No. 0758596, in Book 1120, Page 980 of said official records. Purchase price is payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances. Said property being located in Davis County, State of Utah, to-w- it: Lot 187, CAME-LOTN- 2, Layton City, Davis County, Utah, according to the official plat thereof. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, and vill be for the purNorth, Range 1 West, pose of paying obligaSalt Lake Meridian, in tions secured by said the City of Kaysville, Deed of Trust, includand running thence ing fees, charges and North 41 degrees expenses of Trustee, 3535 East 105. 15 feet advances, if any, to the center of under the terms of said Holmes Creek; thence Deed of Trust, interest North 35 degrees thereon and the unpaid 1145 West 330.92 principal of the note feet along the center of secured by said Deed said creek; thence of Trust with interest South 55 degrees thereon as in said note 2920 east 991.32 and by law provided. DATED this 4 day of feet; thence South 51 degrees 49 West February, 1987. 245.74 feet; thence South 54 degrees 4730 West 216.53 feet; thence North 33 degrees 3936 West 587.90 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO A RIGHT OF WAY: Beginning on the Southeasterly line of a 2 rod county road at a point North 89 degrees TRUSTEE Home Abstract & Title Co., Inc. T. Maughan President President Right of Way and 34 degrees 295-239- OF APPOINTMENT Probate No. 3478 1 Last publication March 3, 1987 Issue No. 4 ceased. Centerville, Utah, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BE .84014, has been appointed Personal HEARD!! of the WHAT WILL BE DISCUSSED: The Board of Trustees for Central Davis County Sewer District (includes Farmington, Repre-sentativ- or to the Last publication Feb. 24, 1987 Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication Feb. C-3- PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE line of Highway Right of Way; thence Easterly Council of Kaysville City will hold a public hearing to consider the designation of zone for the annexation on Haight Creek Drive and amendment of the Major Street Plan regarding Haight Creek Drive on March 17. 1987 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room (Room A) of the Kaysville City Municipal Center, 23 East Center, Kaysville. The agenda shall be as follows: 1. Opening. 2. Consideration of zone designation for annexation of 4.370 acres located at approximately 1250 South Haight Creek Drive. 3. Questions and comments. 4. Consideration of amendment to Major-StrePlan regarding Haight Creek Drive. 5. Questions and comments. 6. Adjournment. et said Highway to South line of Syracuse Road; thence Easterly 191.50 feet more or less, along .Southerly Right of Way line of Syracuse Road to the point of BEGINNING. DATED this 2nd Bryan C Robinson Successor Trustee 180 South 300 West, Suite 120 Salt Lake City, Utah Au- Notice of Default was recorded February 5, 1986, as Entry No. 726223 in Book 1073, Page 71 of said official records. 84101 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication Feb. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, re- 24, 1987 Last publication 1987 OBTAIN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: March 10, Issue No. Copies of the engineering evaluation are available for inspection at the City Offices of Farmington, Fruit Heights, and Kaysville. Questions 3 R-1- garding title, possession or encumbrances and only the real property described above will be sold. No personal property is subject to this sale. DATED: February 5 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE The following de- scribed real property will be sold at public auction to the highest or additional information can be obtained by calling Leland Myers at 13, 1987 bidder, payable in 451-219- 0. Philip C. Pugsley, A Member of the Utah State Bar Successor Trustee 310 South Main Street, Suite 1200 Salt Lake City, Utah lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, March Published in the Davis Reflex Journal on Feb. 31, 1987, on the front 24. 1987 R-2- 142.70 feet, more or less, along South limited access land of day of February, 1987. TO Issue No. 5 1600 paying obligations secured by said Deed of Trust interest therein and the unpaid principal of the note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as is in said note and by law provided. Offices located at 130 North Main, Farmington. WHERE North 84015 ditorium is in the Farmington City Notice is hereby given that the City degrees 2950 for the purpose of the Farmington City The along arc of a 748.51 foot radius curve to right. (NOTE: Tangent to said curve at its point of beginning bears North 29 West) thence North 0 degrees 06' East 99.50 feet to South The public hearing Auditorium. road; thence North- West Point, Utah will be held on March 12, 1987 at 8:00 p.m. at 9 erly 386.66 feet OAK-CRES- T West, AND LOCATION 12, 1987 SUBDIVIEION PLAT 01 Property Address: HEARING DATE steps of the Davis 4 County Courthouse, Farmington, Utah at NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE EXHIBIT A 84101 10:00 a.m. of said day, Published in the Davis County Clipper. First Publication Feb. for the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed executed by Layton Motor Hotel Associates, Ltd., a Utah limited partnership, Trustor, in favor of The following described real property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on 24th day of March 1987 at 11:00 41 ESTATES 137 the alternatives. Last publication Feb. 18, thence North office of the county Recorder of Davis County. The engineering evaluation includes both a technical and economic review of R-1- 0 West of the East line of said Section recorded in the These alternatives are: 1. Refurbish the existing plant and expand process units, 2. Construct a new parallel plant to the existing plant, and 3. Abandon the existing plant and build a complete new facility. 10, 1987 thence South 581.1 feet, more or less, along West line of a Street to a point 614.13 feet South of the North line of said Section 18; thence West 51.37 feet, more or less, to a point 84.37 feet official plat thereof, alternatives for upgrading the plant. 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian; running A, which looks at three 4 18, Township North, Range according to the has been prepared Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication Feb. 3 from the Northeast corner of Section West degrees 183.67 feet along the East line of a Lot 25, ment concerning the various methods of upgrading the District's overloaded wastewater treatment plant. An engineering evaluation Frank D. Richardson Personal Representative 26, 1987 Issue No. Fruit Heights, and Kaysville) are interested in receiving public com- Clerk of Court, within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred, Date of first publication: Feb. 12, 1987 DATED this 12th day of February, 1987. 3 Section line and South 33.0 feet Notice of Default was recorded November 21, 1986, as Entry No. 0761567, in Book 1125, at Page 960, of said official records. Trustee will sell at public auction to highest bidder in cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, the following described property: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING son, whose address is East 1200 South, Issue No. deecribed as: Beginning at a point 33.0 feet West along thereby. 218 Representative Littletree Inn, and more particularly obligations secured R-1- 9 D. Richard- com- monly known as the March 24, 1986 as Entry No. 0730741, in Book 1079, at Page 997, of the official records of Davis County, Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of PETERSON MORTGAGE, by reason of certain 17, 1987 Lowrene Rowley Richardson, De- Layton, Utah, Trustor, recorded Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication Feb. Estate of Harriett The real property covered by the Trust Deed is located at 1965 North 1200 West, 24, 1987 Second Publication Mar. 3, 1987 Last PublicationMaf. 10, 1987. STATE SAVINGS Issue 5 R-2- 1 Linda Ross City Recorder CounseLine Published in the Davis Reflex Journal on Feb. 24, 1987 2 Issue No. 5 R-2- you suffer from depression, anxiety, or stress or have an emotional, drug or If NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE alcohol problem, ON REAL PROPERTY CALL US. Civil No. a IN THE DISTRICT OF DAVIS TY, H-i- l COUN- STATE UTAH Professional al Collections OF Medic- Wehus TO BE SOLD AT A SHERIFFS SALE On the 5th day of March, 1987, at the hour of 11:45 AM at the Davis County Farm- ington, Davis County, Utah, all the right, title Our CounseLine service is free! Benchmark Regional Hospital 592 West 1350 South Woods Cross, Utah 84087 lilSytt itll the north front door of Courthouse in 298-31- 13 - lllttJI i i ! 801 1 298-28- 00-233-1 HSA (Utah) HSA (Surrounding States) :)U.. ju.. JI If inand terest of the defendant, non-exem- pt Jeffrey Wehus, in and to the following March 3, 10, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Last publication 1987 4 R-1- 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Kaysvil4033 West 143.56 le City Council has feet along the center of adopted the amended said railroad right of Fiscal Year 1987 Reway to the center of a venue Sharing Budget. The adopted budget County Road and South 45Megrees is available for public North CORP., as the current Beneficiary, under the Deed of Trust made by BERLIE DOVER and CYNTHIA DOVER, husband and wife, as By: Phil Leanard Deputy Sheriff ANNOUNCEMENT Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication February 17, 1987 1350 West 157.08 Issue No. feet along the Section line to the Center of the D. A R.G.W. Railroad Utah, by GOLDOME REALTY CREDIT Attorney: Richard K. Spratley 110 West Center St. Bountiful, Utah 84010 Brant L. Johnson, Davis County of Davis, State of Brant L. Johnson, Sheriff Davis County NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Frank UTAH, this 10th day of February, 1987 Linda Ross City Recorder Published in the Davis Reflex Journal on Feb. 24, 1987 Issue No. 5 3 .named decedent. Creditors of the estate are hereby notified to present their claims U) the e above Personal Last publication vs- COUNTY, AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Beneficiary, which Trust Deed is dated February 15, 1984, and was filed for record on February 16, 1984, as Entry No. 664537 in Book 978, Page 1054, of the official records of Davis County, State of Utah. a.m., at the North front door of the main entrance of the County Courthouse, Corner of State and Main, Farmington, in the County INGTON, DAVIS ville. estate of the above 17, 1987 OF liens. DATED AT FARM- regu- y, Feb-rua- Reflex Journal First publication Feb. UTAH Kenzie W. King and Kaye King 656.5 feet South and 1145.25 feet 3 de- Published in the Davis IN THE DISTRICT OF DAVIS COUN- 2 West, Salt Lake Issue No. 44 grees 46 25 West 592.20 feet to the 1987. Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication February 17, 1987 Last publication February 24, 1987 Issue No. 4 4 393-846- thence North this 10th day of feet to the East line 250 West Street; thence South along said East line 82.5 feet, more or less, to a point West of the point of begin- the point of West 20.0 feet; 1335 Ivan W. Flint Secretary Weber Basin Water Conservancy District running thence North 82.5 feet; thence West 150 North, Range 4, and interested may appear subsequent meeting adjourned therefrom accept or reject the 1145.25 feet West, NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT de- North, Range line 150.0 feet to the above estate are at such hearing and inspection during lar business hours at the Kaysville City Municipal Center, 23 East Center, Kays- the Northwest Quarter running thence South 44 degrees 4625 East reasons and arguments to show that said City and its inhabitants will not be benefited by the proposed petition and order to the amount pf the taxes, which will be imposed as a result of the granting hereof. Failure of any person interested to do so shall be deemed an as-- .. sent on his part to the granting of said petition. The Board will at such meeting or at a along said South Estate of Hildegard Ingeborg Emilie Trost Hill, deceased. Probate No. 3480 petition. Ivan W. Flint, Secretary , City of Fruit subsequent meeting adjourned therefrom, accept or reject the 1 a subdivision of part of Section 1, Township 3 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in the Issue No. of said Section petition should not be granted, and may advance and Richard B. Wallis and Clara A. Wallis, in and to the following described real property, to wit: Parcel No. 1: A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 5 16.5 feet from the Northeast corner of any person showing cause why said petition should not be granted. All persons why said certain obligations 1335" West 855.47 feet along the center of said road and South 44 degrees 4625 East de- scribed real property, to wit: Lot 317, Meadow Part No. 3, Section Meridian, contains The tax changes for 1987 are the lost sweeping in history. We now youre concerned, and well nswer your questions. This year iut H&JR. Block on your side. .189 acres, aka: 1248 West 1045 WHERE MORE AMERICANS FIND A BIGGER REFUND. South, Clearfield, Utah 84015 PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN lawful money of the United States of America. SUBJECT TO any HR BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 27 South Fort Lano - Layton 546-309- 1 WKKDAYS 9 om4 pm. SAT. 9-- 8 Appointment Avollabl, But Not NMNay |