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Show Whats bread without jam, jelly Nupitals exchanged ped and saved recipes use combinations of fruits rather than just one fruit or berry. They have a little bit of variety that is missing from By DONETA GATHERUM Homemade bread, the topic for Kelly A. Frost and Bryan E. Peterson exchanged wedding vows Feb. 21 at the Radisson Suite Hotel. the past two weeks, is best when it is served with a homemade com- the standard, excellent recipes found in the pectin packages. Next time you make homemade bread, try one of these sandwich spreads along with the bread. You should be pleased with the results. - panion fresh jam or jelly. These popular sandwich and bread spreads are easy to make. Recipes that never fail can be found with each package of pectin. Freezer jams are becoming more common and recipes for them are now given along with the traditional jams and jellies in each pectin package. The results when you use these proven recipes are great. The methods and ingredients A reception honoring the couple followed. The bride is the daughter of Jack A. Frost of Reno, Nev. and Bill and Bridget Dodge of Fruit Heights. The groom is the son of Blaine and Patricia Peterson of Kaysville. Attending the bride as matron of honor was Billie Jo Dodge and Paula Peterson was the bridesmaid. Mark Peterson served as best man with Keith Peterson and MR. AND MRS. BRYAN E. PETERSON Michael Frost as groomsman. A graduate of Davis High School High School and is currently employed at Bakers Diesel Injection Service in Ogden. and Utah State University, the bride is a tax consultant at Deloitte Haskins and Sells in Salt Lake Following a honeymoon in Hawaii, the couple will reside in Clearfield. City. The groom graduated from Davis 3!6 2V4 MINT JELLY cups sugar cups unsweetened grapefruit juice 1 box fruit pectin Vi to 1 V2 tsp. spearmint flavoring Green coloring have been used and tested 1 lb. (4 cups) cranberries, rinsed and picked over 3 cups sugar 1 tsp. ground cinnamon y-tsp. each ground cloves and nutmeg Measure sugar and set aside. Measure grapefruit juice into a large saucepan. Add cup of water and mix well. Place over high heat, add powdered fruit pectin and stir until mixture comes to a hard boil. At once stir in sugar. Bring to a full boil, stirring constantly for one minute. Remove from heat and skim or stir down the skimmings. Add spearmint extract and enough green coloring to give desired shade. Pour into glasses and seal with parrafm wax. CRANBERRY-APPL- E i Combine all ingredients in a large, heavy kettle or Dutch oven and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until juices form and mixture comes to a boil. Boil gently, stirring occasionally, until mixture is thick and soft, about 25 minutes. Ladle into hot, sterilized jars while mixture is still hot. Cover with paraffin or seal in the same manner as cold packed foods. BUTTER McIntosh apples, cored, peeled and pared 3 lbs. thousands maybe millions of times. Some people like to be different, however, they are not satisfied with perfect, packaged recipes. They search, clip and save recipes from less proven but often just as good of sources. In the came of jams, jellies and fruit butters, many of these dip- - mtmmmm'rjmmmim EBRUAFM23JHROUG ,.,w' A,,;1 KATHLEEN KITTY HART STEPHEN ODA DR. JOHN TAYLOR Board adds members A hospital volunLAYTON teer, an attorney and a physician have been named as new members of the Humana Hospital Davis North Board of Trustees, serving positions through 1989. Kathleen Kitty Hart, Layton, has been active in the PTA, Cub Scouts and Jobs Daughters organization, and has spent almost 10 , years as a volunteer for the hospit- al. She has been honored as the. Volunteer of the Month by an Ogden newspaper and radio station. Stephen Oda, Layton, received his B.S. degree from Weber State College and graduated from the University of Utah College of Law before forming the Layton law firm of Holt and Oda. He is a former president of the Davis County Bar of Association, is president-elethe Ogden Buddhist Church and is currently a board member of the Childrens Aid Society of Utah and Atlanta, Georgia. A member of the Crestwood Medical Group in of Kaysville, he is a the Humana Hospital Davis North past-preside- nt medical staff. The three new members join a board which includes Dr. Jack Cox, Farmington; Dr. Bruce the Buddhist Churches of America. Dr. John B. Taylor, Kaysville, graduated summa cum laude from Presbyterian College and received his medical degree from the Emory University School of Medicine in . . LOGAN The fifth annual Utah State University Rodeo Queen Clinic will be held March 1 at USU. Anyone who plans to compete in a rodeo queen contest, coach a contestant, or manage or judge a contest is invited to attend the clinic, which is also sponsored by the Miss Rodeo Utah Pageant Committee. Among the clinics staff members will be Vicki Vest, Miss Rodeo America 1986,Tauna Blair, Miss Rodeo Utah 1987, Kristy Hughes, Miss High School Rodeo 1987, and Kristin Haney, Miss High School Rodeo 1986. 19-2- SOLID LINEN LOOK Full Bolts Full Bolts Suggested retail to $5.98 yd. Suggested retail to $6.98 yd. Formal RIDE SPARKLE NYLON LACE SATIN Full Bolts WHITE ONLY Suggested retail to $5.98 yd. Suggested retail Nolan Karras, Roy; Sheldon Child, Syracuse; J. Spencer to 69 yd. IP Kinard, Fruit Heights; Dr. Harold Hansen and hospital executive director Dean Holman, Kaysville; and Humana Inc. Pacific Region Senior Vice President James Boha-noNewport Beach, Calif. yd. n, PRINTS CDAMBRAY DENIM Full Bolts R.O.T. Suggested retail Suggested ifetai ; to $4.98 yd, HAWAIIAN Queen clinic set - ct Neville and Ann Harris, Layton; LAUNDERED DENIM lesimssv imswffi Elaine Miller, coordinator for the Miss Rodeo Utah Pageant, will also speak at the clinic and narrate the fashion show. y ( Participants will be instructed in modeling, speaking, personality, appearance and horsemanship. The clinic provides the horses. The clinic will begin at noon March 19 and end at 1 p.m. March 2 1 . Cost is $ 100 for girls and $40 for to $4.49 yd. ' parents, committee members, judges and coaches. To register or obtain information, write to Rodeo Queen Clinic, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 5 or call or 84322-481- 752-125- 5, 750-214- PRINTED CS-IG- O JOGGING FLEECE TDNSULATE 1. Full rolls Designer lengths Suggested retail to $8.98 yd. Suggested retail to $5.49 yd. FUlgflfli? ilWTDg 0 yd. 45 in. wide STRIPE AM) SOLID CAMOU FLAGE DENIM BROAD- - R.O.T. CLOTR - Bibb Samples Suggested retail to $4.49 yd. R.O.T. Suggested retail to $3.98 yd. CLOTR Designer lengths. Suggested retail to $8.98 yd. R.O.T. only Suggested retail to $3.98 yd. 51 0 45 yd. in. wide SPECIAL Natural Only BURLAP PRICES! CASE-LO- T Large rolls Suggested retail to $1 .49 yd. On GE Light Bulbs, Fluorescent Tubes and Ballasts HUNDREDS OF POPULAR TYPES AND SIZES INCLUDING: GE GE SP Watt-Mise- r Color-improve- Energy-savin- g d Bulbs and Tubes yd. Fluorescent Tubes 36 in. wide Incredible Values Buy Now! Original Factoiy Cartons Live color demonstrations Experts on hand to help you a m 0 39 iUTOD WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING DISTRIBUTOR 295-554- 8 Jl v oHktHAiiW SEP! cii v CEP D Q .1 SM'i 45i m s(si! 13 "SI 0 |