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Show FEBRUARY 24, 1987 L, UDDde! ttnn anrv Connie Toyn succumbs; services held He married Salome Helen Adams Feb. 23, 1916 in Ogden. The marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She WILLIAM F. KING died Feb. 2, 1958. He had been a lifelong resident CONNIE LEE KIDD TOYN Eb Davis officiating. Family prayer was by Elton B. Kidd; prelude, Reva Killian; Beautiful Zion Built Above by LaMar and Ruth Ann Evans, Ralph and Carol Anderson, accompanied by Pat Beecher; invocation, Richard Toyn; remarks. Bishop Eb Davis; speakers, Randy Kidd and Sherman Smith; How Great Thou Art by Carolee Schofield and Church, serving as Young Womens president. Primary president and Primary Teacher. At the time of her death she was a member of the Kaysville 25th Ward. Surviving are her husband, one son and one daughter, Christopher Paul Toyn, Candice Lee Toyn, all of Kaysville. Also surviving are her parents of Layton; two brothers and two sisters, Randall Randy Kidd, Col- Kris Talbot accompanied by George Rytting; benediction, Bishop Glenn Taylor. Dedication of the grave was by Bishop Howard Smith with interment in the Kaysville City Cemetery. Pallbearers were Randy Kidd, Jason Kidd, Cort Barnes, Keith Toyn, Ken Toyn and Tracy Hansen. Funeral directors, Lindquists Kaysville Mortuary. orado Springs, Colo.; Jason Kidd, Mrs. Cort (Lori) Barnes, both of Layton; Mrs. Daniel (Marcia) McNeill, Glendale, Ariz. Services were held Feb. 14 at the Kaysville Tabernacle with Bishop Family prayer was by Dale King; prelude and postlude, Mary Talbot; violin duet, Somehwere My Love by Carmen Dibble and Patricia Sargent accompanied by Marianne Call; invocation, Brian King; remarks, Bishop Eb Davis; eulogy, Rulon King; speaker, Ira Egbert; In the Garden by Harris Adams accompanied by Mary Talbot; speaker. President Gary Telford; I Know That My Redeemer Lives by Elaine Adams accompanied by Mary Talbot; benediction, Vance King. Dedication of the grave was by LaVar Adams with interment in the Kaysville City Cemetery. Pallbearers were Conrad King, Vance King, Brian King, Brett of Kaysville and had attended ktefcw.... School. She had also attended Weber State College. She had lived in Ogden and in Kaysville the past 2xh years. She had worked as a bank teller and safe deposit clerk for First Security Bank for five years. She was a member of the LDS Davis County Schools. He had been a farmer and a member of the Davis Farm Co-o-p for many years. He was also retired from the Navy Supply Depot. He was a member of the Kaysville LDS 25th Ward, serving as a high priest. Surviving are two sons and one daughter, Dale A. King, Phoenix, Ariz.; Rulon A. King, Kaysville; Mrs. Norval LaVar (Afton) Adams, Anaheim, Calif.; and 10 25 grand-childre- n greatg- randchildren. Also surviving are one brother and two sisters, Chester King, Nellie Nelson, both of Kaysville; and L. T. Wade years. ter with Bishop Robert Woodbury of the Layton 16th Ward officiating. Family prayer was by Dale M. Perkins; prelude and postlude, Tauave Leota; medley of songs by grandchildren accompanied by Patty Paskett; invocation, Michael Folsom; remarks. Bishop Robert years. She was a member of the Layton 16th Ward where she had served as Woodbury; eulogy, Florence Hammer and Pat Perkins; tribute to Grandma by Karie Gibbons and Sally Tilton; speakers, Fred Hansen and Joseph Perkins; Somewhere My Love by Mel Teeples accompanied by Patty Paskett; benediction, Christian Whitesides. Dedication of the gpve was by David Perkins with interment in the Kaysville City Cemetery. Pallbearers were Lee Hammer, Martin Hammer, Michael Folsom, Billy Folsom, Christian White-sideChad Perkins, Joseph Perkins, David Perkins, Daniel Perkins and Shane Perkins. Funeral directors, Lindquists Layton Mortuary. chorister, Primary teacher and visiting teacher. She had worked at Hill Air Force Base for 27 years, and for the school lunch program in Thatcher and Garland. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Jack (Florence Mary) Hammer, Eagle River, Alaska; Mrs. Dale (Patricia A.) Perkins, Layton; 19 grandchildren, 35 greatgrandchildren and four She was a member of the Clearfield 7th LDS Ward and formerly a member of the Clearfield 11th Ward. She served as ward organist, stake missionary, Primary and Sunday School teacher and had been a visiting teacher for 40 years . She worked in food services at the University of Utah, retiring in LaFevre; benediction, Lewis K. Fredrickson. Dedication two Pallbearers were Don Sawyer, Bob Sawyer, Ray Mikesell Jr. James Mikesell, Harry Mikesell and Dale Mikesell. Honorary pallbearers were Jeff Wade, Joshua Hurst and Michael L. Hurst. Flowers were cared for by Terri L. Hurst, Melonie Hurst, and Janet Also surviving are one brother Jack Thorpe, Helper; Alice Bowns, Citrus Heights, Calif. Services were held Feb. 14 at the Clearfield 7th Ward with Bishops Counselor Gam Fryer of the Clear- E. Reeve Waite dies 1346 N. 475 W., Sunset, died Monday, Feb. 16, 1987 at her home of a rup- tured aneurysm. She was born Aug. 13, 1953 in Salt Lake City, a daughter of Dale B. and Ina Skinner Reeve. She married Paul Waite on April 21, 1978 in the Ogden LDSTemple. She was a member of the Sunset LDS 3rd Ward. She had served an LDS mission to the Guatemala-E- l Salvador Mission from 1975 to 1977. She had held various positions in the church including Primary organist, MIA organist and ward organist. She had been a Sunday School teacher and Primary teacher and had served in the presidency of the Primary. She was a graduate of Clearfield High School and LDS Seminary. She graduated from Weber State College in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science degree in business admi- - nistration. She was a graduate of the Ogden LDS Institute of Religion where she had sung in the Institute Chorale. She had lived in Farmington and Sunset. Surviving are her husband of Sunset, one daughter and three sons, Valerie Waite, Christopher Paul Waite, Curtis Paul Waite and Nathan Dale Waite, all of Sunset. Also surviving are her mother of Sunset, two brothers and one sister, Brent Dale Reeve, Sunset; Robert Keith Reeve, Ogden; Annette Reeve, Sunset. She was preceded in death by her father. Services were held Friday, Feb. 20 at the Sunset 3rd Ward Chapel with Bishop Ronald E. Opp officiating. Interment was in the Syracuse Cemetery. Funeral directors, Myers Mortuary of Roy. . Funeral directors, Lindquists Clearfield Mortuary. fPrices dll Retirees to meet The Golden Years Center has scheduled events for the early part of March. The blood pressures will be taken March 4 and 18 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. NARFE meets after lunch 10, in the Art Room. Dean Jones of Farmington will present a program of songs on March 12 at 11:45 a.m. J. Alden Bower will show films of Mexico and a fine program March 19 in the Art Room. Everyone is invited to this presentation. The Davis County Chapter of American Association of Retired Persons meets March 16 in the Art March advance. All senior citizens in the South Davis area are invited to come in and enjoy the fine facilities, classes, and recreation provided for all the older people. The Golden Years Center is located behind the Bountiful Library at 726 South 100 East, kj LAYTON-KAYSVU- 15 Special 03 Interior and Exterior Painting Wallpapering FREE Estimates' Quality Materials Used ' CALL NOW 298-707- 5 j e STEPS TO A QUALITY JOB. CLEAN SURFACES SCRAPE ANDOR SAND !3 PATCH AS HOMED 4. PRIME EXPOSED AREAS 5. EXPERT FINISH APPLICATION S. CUSTOMER COMPLETEI.T SATISFIED 1. 'j. View-Maste- live-actio- . . MORTUARY IE patient is provided an active treatment program that enhances their ability to enjoy life something they may have forgotten about. THATS ONE OF THE REASONS PRACTICE AT BENCHMARK REGIONAL HOSPITAL. "Every I ROBERT C. MOHR, M.D. Medical Director Affective Disorders: Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Anxiety Disorders: Phobic and Panic Disorders M.D. degree from the University of Utah J! Benchmark Regional Hospital 592 West 1350 South Woods Cross, Utah 84087 298-284- 4 800-433-14- 72 ex- panded into the home video market because they sensed parents concern for quality educational entertainment. Videos can be valuable learning tools for children. for example, has produced a new line of childrens videos entitled Kidsongs, which encourage children to sing along to new and n classic songs while watching a cast. By choosing quality innovative videos parents can better select what their children are watching and contribute to their overall development. After all, children are what they watch. 250 North Fairfield Road funeral 'Directors Who Care THE QUALITY OF A PROFESSIONAL Winter View-Maste- r, eMr tions for lunch at least one day in Randy Hoover - Painting Contractor nCSIpEIfTIALCOMMERCXAL Marketing Director of Companies have Can Afford. Room at 12:30 p.m. Howard Stringham is in charge of the program which presents outstanding current events pertaining to the elderly. Everyone is invited to this very informative program, and anyone over 50 may join the chapter. Vern Pickering, the popular organist will provide music March 19 during the lunch hour. Come in and have lunch and enjoy these special events during the lunch hour. Make your reserva- - "Serving All of Davis County Institute for Childhood Resources in San Francisco, VCR programming for children offers parents a viable alternative to television since they can control what their children are watching. The consumer need fc high quality innovative programming for children has prompted many respected toy companies to enter the field. According to Elliot Keyne, Complete Considerate funeral Service at Thorpe. s, Also surviving is one sister, Kathryn Hartley, Ogden. Services were held Feb. 14 at the Layton Holmes Creek Stake Cen- - Funeral directors, Lindquists Layton Mortuary. Robert greatg- field 7th Ward officiating. Family prayer was by Howard Blaine Thompson with interment in the Richmond Cemetery. Pallbearers were Dan E. Jonas, Paul Jonas, Terry Jonas, Robert Jonas, Randell Anderson and Larry R. Talbot. Cemetery. n randchildren. and one sister, John of the grave was by Jack Thorpe with interment in the Salt Lake City Surviving are one son, William E. Wade, Clearfield; two and Family prayer was by Ellis Jonas; Beyond the Sunset by Denise A. Olsen accompanied by Barbara Hester; invocation, Terry Jonas; remarks, A. J. Mendonhall O My Father by Kendall J. Anderson; speakers, Floyd Coley and Joseph Jonas; Thy Will Be Done by Dan E. and Ronald N. Jonas accompanied by Jamie Baxter; benediction, Larry R. Talbot. Dedication of the grave was by Express your Viewpoint in a Letter Flin- ders; poem. Bishop Clifford John ten Also surviving are five brothers and one sister, Lloyd Coley, Salt Lake City; Roland Coley, Mesa, Ariz.; Arthur Coley, Ogden; Golden Coley, Hyrum; Mrs. Lance (Carrie) McMurty, Buhl, Ida. She was preceded in death by two sons. Services were held Feb. 16 at the Richmond 4th Ward Chapel with Bishop Scott B. Smedley of the Layton 4th Ward officiating. Pointers for parents selection, Luan Fredrickson; speaker. Bishop Milton J. 1967. grand-childre- en Over the past two decades, parents and child experts have become increasingly concerned with Glen King. the effects of television programming on children, since many youngsters spend hours watching violent and stereotyped cartoons. The producers of Sesame Street, The Electric Company and Mrs. Rogers Neighborhood recognized this growing trend and created innovative programming for children. The popularity of these types of programs increased significantly as parents became more aware and concerned with what their children were watching. Today most child experts believe keeping an eye on what children watch is one of the important responsibilities facing parents. The advent of the home video recorder has aided this trend toward the monitoring of what a child watches. By 1990, some experts project that over 70 percent of families with TVs will own VCRs. LENA THORPE WADE According to Dr. Stevanne AuStevens; prelude, Mary Budd; inerbach, Ph.D., noted author of ten vocation, Stanley W. Bushnell; childrens books and director of the Della Miller and Michael Weller accompanied by Wilma LeFevre; speaker, Clyde Stevens; musical Sept. 27, 1956. She had lived in Winterquarters, Sunny side, Price, Castlegate, and in Salt Lake City for 42 years. She had lived in Clearfield the past 12 URILLA THORPE CHRISTIANSEN Ogden; Spencer G. Jonas, Evan R. Jonas, both of Clearfield; Ellis S. Jonas, Smithfield; Lillian J. Talbot, Layton; Mrs. Lowell (LaReta) Andersen, Logan; 39 grandchil- and dren, 120 Engledow, Noall Hyde, Garth King, Ray Lee, Hal Moon and Lena Thorpe Wade, 82, of N. Lake view Drive, Clearfield, died Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1987 at Humanq Hospital Davis North in Layton of causes incident to age. She was bom Dec. 4, 1904 in Higham Yorkshire, England, a daughter of John and Eva Hall Thorpe. She married Ernest J. Wade Dec. 30, 1925, in Price. He died Urilla Thorpe Christiansen, 88, of 98 Dixie, Layton, died Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1987 at the St. Benedicts Hospital in Ogden of causes incident to age. She was bom Oct. 27, 1898 in Pleasantview, Ida., a daughter of Joseph and Mary Mason Thorpe. She married Aaron Wilford Christiansen June 12, 1923 in Malad, Ida. The marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. He died Jan. 25, 1975. She was reared in Pleasantview, Ida. She had lived in Malad, Ida. for eight years, Butte, Mont., for one year, Ely, Nev., for two years, Ruth Nev., for two years, Thatcher, Utah, for six years. Garland, Utah, for four years. She had resided in Layton for the past 45 daughters, Joseph H. Jonas, King, David Arnell and John dies, rites held Ogden Hospital died April 5, 1966. She was reared and educated in Richmond, Utah. She had lived in Ogden and Layton for seven years. She was a member of the Layton 4th LDS Ward. She had also been an active member of the Richmond LDS 4th Ward, served as a visting teacher for over 60 years. She was a member of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Surviving are four sons and two Shoemaker. Honorary pallbearers were Tom Bessie Moon, Salt Lake City. Services were held Feb. 17 at the Lindquists Kaysville Chapel with Bishop Eb Davis of the Kaysville 25th Ward officiating. of Clearfield U. Christiansen dies at 88 in of of 24 Ronald, Layton, died Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1987 at a nursing home in Clearfield of causes incident to age. She was bom Aug. 26, 1898 in Lewiston, Utah, adaughter of Herbert and Martha Christiansen Coley. She married Joseph N. Jonas Sept. 6, 1916 in the Logan LDS Temple. He died Sept. 6, 1932. She married Lorenzo Bowcutt June 19, 1953 in Preston, Ida. He Rose Barnes King. graduated from Layton High 33, Lillian Coley Jonas Bowcutt, 88, William F. King, 91, of 142 W. Mutton Hollow Road, Kaysville, died Friday, Feb. 13, 1987 at Humana Hospital Davis North of heart failure. He was bom Oct. 31, 1895 in Kaysville, a son of James F. and Connie Lee Kidd Toyn, 25, of 680 N. Main, Kaysville, died Wednesday, Feb. 11, 1987 at the Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake City of renal failure. She was bom April 18, 1961, in Ogden, a daughter of Elton B. and Zoma Astle Kidd. She married Paul G. Toyn March 25, 1983 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. She was reared in Layton and Elaine Reeve Waite, L. Bowcutt succumbs William King dies at 91, services held r, |