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Show I FEBRUARY 24, 1987 And no pay at that Sixth mem prove wontlk Usually the sixth man comes off the sidelines or the bench and provides a valuable dimension to an athletic team, but there are a couple of sixth men that never leave their seat but are as valuable as any coach or player is. Jed Nielsen gives Viewmont High that edge and so does Curtis Pettingill at Davis High. Nielson and Pettingill are graduates of their respective schools, the former having left Viewmont in 1978 and Pettingill leaving the cap and gown behind in 1977. But since graduation, these two have lent such a helping hand to the athletic programs at Viewmont and Davis that it would be hard to find a match. Nielson and Pettingill watch every Viking and Dart football and basketball game like it was a religion and faithfully keep track of the progress by keeping statistics. Theyve been doing this for several years now and there isnt a coach at either school who wouldnt admit their worth. The faithfulness of the former graduates helps support the fact that once a Viking then always a Viking or Once a Dart then always a Dart. And its not just a matter of compiling a few numbers of games and never seeing them used either. These two have developed such a knack at gleaning stats from games Falcons finish season Falcon coach praises teams 86-8- 7 efforts that football and basketball coaches alike make it a habit to review their numbers before addressing their teams during halftime sessions. Its as Davis John Robison said recently, Ill never talk to our basketball team at half until Ive had a chance at reviewing Curtis numbers. In fact, much of what he and John (Christopher) gathers is how By KEITH DUNCAN We did the very best that we could, CLEARFIELD were the words of Coach Craig Hansen a few days after the Falcons 1986-8-7 basketball season came to a close. In fact I feel better about this team than some who'd qualified for the state tournament in the past, because this group reached their potential, continued the coach. Hansen was quite sincere with his feelings, allowing vibes to go out hed enjoyed being associated with this years team, even state tournament. though they didnt qualify for the The Falcons ended a 7 campaign in Region One last Friday The Falnight by narrowly getting beat by Bonneville, cons ended up fifth in the league. Theres no question I enjoyed being around this group, said Hansen, Everyone of these kids did the best they could for this particular time and age they are at. Of course people, including myself and the players, can always look back and second guess about this and that. Its not always possible to do your best when you go out on that court, but no one can stop you from trying. And thats what I respect about these kids, they never stopped trying to do their best. I cant think of a p ne that this group didnt put out an honest effort and give everything that they had. There were a few games that we didnt play as well as others, but overall we did an amazing job in being in nearly every game this year. I told the parents in a meeting at the first of the year, that if our team was staying even or in the games against the teams we were playing this year, then their sons were doing a remarkable job. I told them to recognize that, that equating success to the number of wins this group would end up with, was a mistake. "Only twice were we not in games, once against Ben Lomond and another outing against Layton. (Kurt) Miller just tore us apart in the game against the Scots and Laytons quickness took us apart in the second game against the Lancers. The only seniors on the team were Curtis Hulse, Tommy Price and Brad Larsen. The remaining players are juniors and sophomores who will be back at it again next season. Of course Clearfield will have back three of its starters next season in Bill Spangenthal, Bracken Larsen and Monty Geert-genbut Region One is a place where many returning starters will be back next season. Bonneville will have their two top scorers back in Kendall Youngblood and Jim Woolverton. Weber returns their two big men in Chris Koford and Jason Finder and at Layton, everyone is returning. There will be some outstanding teams next season, said Hansen, And we feel we will be in the thick of it. Hansen again noted hed had fun with his players during record was not a the course of the year and said the teams true reflection of his ballclub. There were a few Falcons who battled among league leaders well plan our second half strategy. Of course the same kind of effort is applied at Viewmont when Jed comes in with first half statistics. 3. s, 7-- n. Ill Craig Hansen in statistics, including Bracken Larsen in the freethrow competition. Larsen led the league in freethrow percentage through most of the year, shooting better than 80 percent most of the time. But on the last Friday of the season, Laytons Rob Trujillo sank 19 of 22 freethrows to edge out Clearfields Larsen by the narrowest of margins. Trujillo finished with a fine .839 average and Larsen netted a .838 mark. Ironically these two players will be back next season and itll be another interesting battle staged between two of the leagues finer freethrow shooters. Larsen was the teams leading scorer as well, averaging 14.4 points per game. Spangenthal and Geertgens also finished in the leagues top 20 scorers, both averaging in double figures for the season. n, hes doing as long as he can get up and go to games on Friday and as long as the coaches want me Ive had a chance at ing Curtis numbers. review- until Nielsons would arrive home from a wrestling meet, eat dinner and head right back to the gym for a basketball game. It was every Friday, no matter Over the what, said Nielson, years there just hasnt been that many athletic events Ive missed. In talking to Jed, Viking sports trivia is his bag and his bag is full of knowledge from the days the school first opened until the pre- sent. Jed didn't play in any Viking athletic programs, mainly because of his doctors advice that sports competition could affect a minor phase of epilepsy he had at the But he didnt allow the phycondition to stop him from staying close to athletics and was always involved in one form or time. sical another. The Viking statistician has such a love of athletics that its not always important whether Viewmont wins or loses. Nielson does agree that he likes that winning, but acknowledges in sports, there is always a winner The way I look at it and a loser. you surely cant win all the time, but on the same hand, you surely cant lose all the time either, he said. my statistics. The reason is, that Ive learned some valuable lessons about life as Ive associated with those guys. The coaches there are such great guys and I learn something everytime I hear them talk to the kids. Maybe later on when I have kids, I can relay some of the things Ive learned from them in raising my children. LHS swimmers take 11th in state Although Brighton dominated swimthe team race at the state ming championships at the UniverDavis John Robison sity of Utah last week, there were some good local efforts. Among the boys, Layton placed to. 1th as a team with 79 points. The Personally, I think Ill be doing Lancers 200 medley relay team it for a long time because the finished 3rd, Aaron Hatch of coaches at Viewmont do appreci14th in the 200 indplaced Layton ate what I do. I take my job rather ividual John Bryant of medley is serious and realize my job 1th in was the 100 butterfanother just like Clyde Nelsons is Layton was 2nd in the 100 Hatch back, ly, said to coach the basketball team, and Scott Morrow was 11th in the Nielson. 100 breast. Layton took 14th in the Pettingill serves his school in the free relay as well. 400 Viewat Jed does as same manner In girls competition, Clearfield mont. He takes his position se18th as a team with 18 points, was take riously and thus the coaches him seriously by treating him as if while Davis finished tied for 20th. he were another coach on the staff. Kim Jeppson of Clearfield placed 1 1th in the diving, while Curtis, who is married, came to Kendell Symonds of Davis was an early understanding with his wife. Cam that Friday nights from sixth in the 100 breast. Geaifield 11th in the 400 free August to March were to be don- also placed ated to Davis High. There was an relay. agreement then and much of the time, Curtis wife is seen joining him as he screens games from the bleachers and sidelines. Winning is always nice, said 4-- A Curtis, But Ill do this sort of thing win or lose. I think the coaches appreciate accurate information when they coach and for that reason I concentrate on games more than most. Its nice if we win, but theres much more to it than that. Maybe I appreciate being there more than the coaches appreciate 4-- A 1 1 one-met- er Look for Basketball Tournament news next week 92-8- 2 victory Lanceirs become lethal By KEITH DUNCAN LAYTON Its been something like a joke lately about which Layton team will show up on Friday night. Well, its not really funny anymore, because Stan Buchanan has pegged it just right. On one particular evening, a Layton High basketball team shows up that cant hit the broadside of a bam with any kind of shot, but then on another, a Layton team shows up that literally scares the opposition to death with the talent that abounds. Which team showed their face last Friday while a state tournament berth was in question? As Buchanan said, It was the good guys. Yes, the team which everyone knows is capable of doing incrdible things appeared last Friday night against the Roy Royals and made quite a splash in beating Ted Smiths club 92-8- 2. The victory earned Layton a berth in the tournament. They must now face the fifth place team from Region Two this week before possibly moving into the tournament at the University of Utah. 4-- A kids are intense for 32 minutes of a game, there are very few teams that can stay with us, said Buchanan. Laytons intensity was really born in the rt of the second quarter where Layton went ahead 8 and never lost the lead the rest of the game. Albert Chappel, Mark Tucker, Trujillo, Ngai Stevenson and Stan Banks spurred a fury of points that fueled the Lancers to a 0 halftime lead. The damage could have been worse too, had Layton not failed to miss so many Trujillo was happy with the victory and his effort, saying his club was super excited about playing in any kind of playoff. Now is now, said Trujillo, We realize were a team most-l- y made up of juniors and that well be back next but who knows what will happen a year from now. We wantyear, to go to state right now, while weve got the chance weve got. We know we re capable of winning big games, especially after getting this one tonight. mid-pa- 19-1- 42-3- one-and-on- 4-- A What an effort, remarked Buchanan after the game, I assumed for a minute that we had things fairly tucked away with lead with just two and a minutes to play, but then again, we were playing Roy which isnt a team to take lightly. Layton had gone up on Roy 4 with 2:31 remaining and Buchanan started yanking his starters out of the game and substituting junior varsity players. But a dangerous Roy team scored 10 unanswered points in 30 seconds, including nine points from Rod Belnap, to narrow the gap to nine points, Buchanan, realizing now this game wasnt put away yet, quickly sent a herd of starting players back into the game and they helped preserve the victory. Rob Trujillo, who scored an amazing 31 points on the night, hit seven of eight freethrows down the stretch to help ice the win. For the night he connected on 19 of 22 freethrows and that helped him earn the title as the leagues best freethrow shooter for the season as he narrowly beat out Clearfields Bracken Larsen for that honor. Roys Belnap also had a great individual performance as the and 39 points on the evening. Roy guard hit five He was everywhere, said Laytons Buchanan, We put our best defensive player, Rod Dixon, on him and that still wasnt enough. Hes tough and proved hes an excellent player. There were no defensive records set last Friday night as both teams got into the flow of the game, unlike the events that surrounded the first meeting between Roy and Layton where Roy was able to shutdown Laytons running attack. The team we all enjoyed showed up tonight, said Buchanan, After a performance like tonight, its hard to figure out how someone could hold us to less than 60 points which is what Roy did the first time we played them. We are our own worst enemy, no doubt about it. If these nt one-ha- lf 83-6- 83-7- There's no question I enjoyed being around this group. Sooner or later things turn around, continued Nielson, Im excited about the future of our football program at Viewmont and the rest of the programs as well. Nielson, who gets some help in Widdi-sokeeping statistics from John what hell doing keep says never talk to our team at half Explode for 4-- A 3-- 55-5- basketball. Nielson has always been fond of Viewmont athletics, which isnt hard to see in light of the fact his father, Art, coached and taught at Viewmont. There werent too many places that the younger Nielson didnt tag along to, including wrestling meets as far south as Tooele and as farth north as On many occasions the both with football and By KEITH DUNCAN three-pointe- rs Were young and we do make mistakes, but as far as talent goes, I dont think theres a team in the state with the pure natural talent weve got. Scott Applegate 4. that con, 5St ISht S,u0tt Applegate greed with Trujillos com- -' year to qualify for state. kidslwho.belor,g t0 mitary families who Tch not!ceanand ,how bout the kids who before next season How h'8 su.ta,nor ,rUury gracs smething else, who knows happen before the start of next season. his is W So why not go for it right now, said Applegate. wJ?h;aSth!ainl coact sat amazed at times last Friday night tear apart the second best team in Region coll natural HnnU,nK TLWe I0 make mistakes, but as far as talent tint li've g' 8?d "am in ,h' s,a,e with " Pre wc are very, very good. that the games weve lost this year, Weve and hav!n t been beaten Main, by the other team. reas.on the kids dont get down, because they know who is &t mult in our losses C .llke c,apablc here isnt anyone in the state who stay uj. WC arLe S ZTi "lre |