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Show Thursday, June IS, 1963 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page Garden Club to McDougal Funeral Home River Trip Scheduled for Buys Downtown Mortuary Explorers and Fathers Almost 13 years ago Mr. R. David McDougal opened the McDougal Funeral Home at 4330 South Redwood Road on Nov. 19, 1950. Business came to the new funeral home, and the new funeral home was able to survive when in the same year two other funeral homes closed their doors in Salt Lake City. With the growth the McDougal Funeral 'Home experienced, soon expansion of the building was in progress. Then in 1962 another major addition was completed, this time a beautiful new chapel finished in woods, and carpeted with a rose carpet, this being UTAH'S LARGEST FUNERAL CHAPEL. Again the McDougal Funeral Home has expanded, this time to downtown Salt Lake City, with the purchase of the Platt Brothers White Chapel Mortuary, located at '124 South 4th East. Platt Brothers have operated this mortuary for over 30 years. Since the purchase of the mortuary by McDougals, an extensive re- - modeling program has taken place. All new evening rooms have been created, a large chapel now is in use; in fact the whole building has been completely remodeled, with beautiful new wood paneling, carpeting, and interior decorating. The White Chapel has also acquired access to ample parking, with a new foyer leading into the mortuary off the parking lot Beginning July 8, will be the Middle Fork of the Salmon river float trip. This trip starts at Dagger Falls in the wild, primitive area of Idaho where you will enjoy the smell of bacon and eggs frying in the pines; fishing in myriad pools and deep holes along the Middle Fork for Salmon and Rainbow Trout; enjoyment of wilderness scenery and wild game such as When asked what the advantage mountain goats, deer, bear, running of having two locations would be, breathtaking rapids at Tappan Falls, Mr. McDougal explained that many Aparejo, and Bernard Rapids as families in this area have relatives well as many others; panning for living downtown and having a gold along the way; warm springs downtown location he would be able for bathing. to serve them either place. When Beginning July 17 will be a float asked what he contributed his suc- river trip of "The River of No cess and growth to, Mr. McDougal Return. On this trip you will enreplied, he thought it was personal fishin for mansized sturgeon, service. On the mortuary staff he joy Salmon River rainbows; you has two of his brothers, Richard bass, will see Mountain 'Sheep and Goats; and Daniel, along with Mr. Arlo ride through the twisting 'James, Mr. Merlin Ellis, and Mr. youll cascades of the mighty Salmon Barlow F. Muir. River. off-stre- et These rivers have been run by many famous Outdoor Adventurers such as Del Roby, John Goddard, Lowell Thomas and Governor George Romney. Beginning July 29 will be the We will Restore your OLD CLOCK to Working Condition White Chape! 124 SOUTH 4H EAST FUNERAL HOMES Snake River Float Trip. This trip begins at Buffalow Creek will go through the Teton National Forest and on through the Grand Canyon of the Snake River. You will enjoy excellent fishing, grassy campgrounds, good swimming, seeing wild moose and hearin the howls of coyotes at night, good food and restful sleep, thrills of the rapids in the narrows of the Grand Canlow. yon of the Snake. Deposits for these trips must be paid by July 1. Call William Hancock, CY for further information and Classified Ads Get Results ATTENTION EXPLORER SCOUTS and FATHER 'MIDDLE FORK OF THE SALMON' RIVER FLOAT TRIP .. .. JULY 8 "MIDDLE FORK OF THE SALMON" JULY, 17 'THE RIVER OF NO RETURN" JULY 2- 9- 'SNAKE RIVER FLOAT TRIP" For Reservations and Information Call WILLIAM HANCOCK - CY 4844 South State St. With 2 Locations To Serve You 6-54- 72 VIRGIL STEADMAN 1950 WEST 3500 SOUTH The SOUTH REDWOOD FUNERAL THE GOLDEN We carry a ONLY THREE DAYS COMPLETE LINE OF For Your New & Recap CAR HOMES RULE GW CMi Try U$! TO Durfey Dry Cleaners And SHIRT LAUNDRY AND 3980 West 5415 South LOUNGE - Kearns 3217 WEST 3500 SOUTH OPEN 6:00 A.M. Serving: BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Evening Special PIZZA PIE - Children Under 12 FREE! Adults $1.25 Now You Don't Have To Drive To Town TO SEE FIRST RUN! SANITIZING . . . Inhibit, pm DEODORIZING... for edorndsUm MOLD PROOFING... Mmutfcr MILDEWPROOFING... prm pntt r i ALBERT R. BflOCCOU Mb HOPE BVHSBCffrf tocokritiai THIS FREE M0THINE PROTOTISN is evidence of th quality dry daanlnf every-(bis- g entrusted to our can receive! - Companion Feature "THE YOUNG DOCTORS" . . . with FREDERICK MARCH - BEN GAZZARA - DICK CLARK STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 FOR SEVEN DAYS Close 1:00 AM. PHONE CY 71 Tires FOLLOW THE STAB wHBHBnnBHnMHni ftARRT SALTZMAN 43 cnuriEs sracuun service WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRING AM ' 8-52- NO ONE WILL RIDE IN OPEN TRUCKS ON MY TRIP o DIAMONDS JEWELRY - GIFTS jftfcSS&i'TXS ORDER OF A Garden Club workshop will be held at the home of Mrs. Thurlyn Christensen, 4376 W. 5055 South, Kearns, on Thursday, June 13 at 8 p.m. This will be the first meeting under the new officers of the club. The meeting will be held outdoors if weather permits. Everyone who attends is asked to bring his own flowers and instruction will be given on corsage making. The club will furnish wire and other materials. A summer flower show Is being planned by the group, to be held on June 29. More details will fol- RALPH Steadmans Jewelry 4330 Hold Workshop Don't Throw It Away! O 11 |