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Show Thursday, June 13, 1963 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page'2 i granger Attack Bat SERVICE RADIATOR ACROSS FROM GRANGER HIGH SCHOOL 3663 South 3600 West Jaycee-of-the-Mont- June 1962 - 8-88- VALLEY VIEW NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING er dt 8-- . Your present Home on one of these Terric values Western Auto In Kearns. EAST CY 4949 So. 4380 West. offer. CY LINE POLES Swings, Porch Columns, Mail Box Stands, Ornamental Railing, Basketball Standards. Free Estimate & Free Delivery. Phone CY CLOTHES 1 WEST SIDE 2 la bedroom, room, built-i- n CR FOR SALE New by Rug. Made by Deseret Industries. 9 NICE mattress REST BEAUTY & MARINE SERVICE 359-957- 9. USED Exc. Cond. box GRANGER RENTALS CARS ton long wheel '60 base 298-196- ' SALE OWNER Near school. 2 flowers, home, landscaped, EY bedroom fruit. Will consider trhck in trade. CY 8- - 1954 STUDE. 6 CY 6427. R. H. OD. 3310 W. 3500 South TR. 1960 TEND Child or children in my home. Granger area. Mrs. Davis. AM Good condition. LEAKY FAUCETS repaired. $1.25, labor and materials included. Call EL After 5:00 P.M. CleantCar NEW 2 BEDRM., close to school and shopping. Air condition, disposal, Carp. & 3. CY WILL in Town. Must see to appreciate. Best offer takes. See at 1962 West 3500 So. Granger. FOR RENT Brimley T.V, Service MISCELLANEOUS $ 595.00 refrig. '56PONTIAC Stick Real Sharp drapes, carport, patio, range 795.00 SAND BOXES & SAND DELIVERED, also '57 FORD 9 Pass Sta. Wgn, Clean Child O.K. 2298 W. 3650 So. HU 1 sand, gravel, top soil and road base fill 595.00 owner '56 UICK 2 dr. Hd. Tp., EM dirt. CY or CY '59 BUICK 4 dr. Hd. Tp. Electra 1595.00 MAGNA, brand new 2 bedroom apt. '58 OLDS 2 dr. Convertible, Sharp 1295.00 Drapes, gas heat, and storage. BY DECORATE Your Yard with Modem DecREDWOOD AUTO SALES BY orative Gas Lamps. Easy Terms. Call 3380 South Redwood Road CY M.F.S. Representative. SALES - SERVICE MERRY TILLERS RENTALS GRANGER RENTALS CY 3310 W. 3500 South SERVICES WE NEED REAL ESTATE LISTINGS. 2 Offices to Serve You. 4080 West 5415 4845 South 4775 West, iBouth, CY COMPETENT PIANO instruction, latest techniques, modem method. Beginners specialty. Miss Frances Collins, near Grang RESIDENTS, Want A New Home In Granger or Magna? We take Kearns Homes on Trade Several Models to Choose From. Reed Davis Inc. CY 8- -. 3591. KEARNS er Medical-Dent- Center. al Earn up ito $5.00 per hour demonstrating famous Studio Girl Cosmetics. Full or part time. Phone CY BEAUTY CY SERVICE, 4795 GRANGER W. 3500 Po. Cleaning, Recuring. All work guaranteed. Free pick up and deliver' CY $50.00 REWARD for any aewtng machine ar.d model. I can't repair. All make Wo:k Guaranteed. Email Jadteon, Move in for Closing Costs. W. 5615 So. CY Newly carpeted, drapes and new pamt, Landscaped and well kept. Monthly FHA of our Carpet Shampooed payments approx. $80.00. 4566 W. 4385 Use one Blue Lustre Shampoo. with So. close 4534 fara B. Mqs.s AM CY CY CY 20 53 - 4153 5842 4534 4220 3905 W. So. So. So. 4960 So. . Contest. Apr. 1963 Dave Rodrigues, Religious Activities at State Prison. May 1963 LaVar Smith, Teen-Ag- e iRoad-E-- 0 : cn House LADY, OPENING for experienced 1st with growing food operation. Permanent position. Fringe benefits. Growing cafeteria operation. Sperry U'ah. Apply Claiks Inc., personnel of- fice, 1331 So. 4 p.m. daily. Mam St., KEARNS HUNTER 9:00 a.m, to , - 41 GRANGER MAGNA Dutch, CY CALLS IMMEDIATE FREE 8-22- 09 OPTOMETRIST EXAMINED Glasses Fitted Contact Lecrer EYES Oovnitolrj Keorni Medico Ctsr Phone CY s 5666 SOUTH 4540 WEST ALL MAKES T. V. and Hi FI RACK and CUE MOUNTAIN SOIL Fine Recreation in a Clean Atmosphere 5470 SO. 4220 WEST RUSHTON Phone CY or fertilized top soil. Special price. Located west of Redwood Road. CHRIS 75 G,E,M. Music Studio 2700 West 3500 South a Investigate Out Summer Program ACCORDION - GUITAR and BAND INSTRUMENTS PHONE CY SNOOKER and POOL Serving SERVING BREAKFAST, LIGHTfj LUNCHES and DINNER WESTERN AUTO I.! We Kearns Carries a Complete Line j Redwood Road 3200 West Kearns 4015 West So, 000 West Hunter-Magn- In his final report, President Castillo reviewed the year which featured over 30 successful projects. Kearns Jaycees marched 6th in the Parade of 58 cities at Utah State Convention with a total of 1250 points ou of a possible 1550. (Kearns Was actually 4th in points but faced two ties in the leading clubs). Kearns entered 10 books in the Records and Recognition program and emerged with three first places (Publications, Community Health & Safety, and Americanism and Public Affairs) and one second (Public Relations). These books have been entered in National competition, to be judged at the U.S. Jaycee Convention, Louisville, Kentucky on June 25th. Cec and Jeri Otte were in charge of arrangements for the dinner. Each Jaycee was given a carnation and each Jaycee-ett- e received a corsage. Arrangements of the beautiful table decorations was aided ' by Mrs. Harold Rushton of the Kearns Green Thumbers. Duane's - $3.00 Dr. T. Chlepas Kearns Bennion 3. - with bookkeeping or teller experience to work Mon. & Friday each week. American Savings & Loan, Granger Shopping Center. CY cook Salt Lake County, Utah Post Office Box 1S513 - Kearns, Utah Arisen Merrill onna Tfcteda lean Tracy Park Area, or Kearns 7:30 a.m. to 1031 74 CY Rose Baby Sitters. Also Call Teresa or Rita. CY MATURE ESTABLISHED Published weekly by Valley Vew News Publishing Company at CY OF CY HELP WANTED JOSEPH L. SLOAN, Publisher Entered as 2nd Class matter at the Post Office at Salt Lake C:ty. Utah under the Act of March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year: Single Copy 5 oyco Stout Ride to by. From EXPERIENCED Vaileij Vim flettJ , ALL KINDS 4:30 p.m. CY - ee-ut- Harry Hudson, Bowling Tournament. Dec. 1962 Cec Otte, Xmas Home Lighting. Jan. 1963 Jerry Kalm, DSA Feb. 1963 Carl Nelson, Community Development Survey. Mar. 1963 Mel Orton, Miss Kearns - WANTED RADIATOR bedroom home, 2 baths, BY OWNER, TV room, carpet, drapes & carpet. Excellent condition. Senced & landscaped 4051 West 5540 So. CY W.-s- WANTED Work. 3 Nov. 1962 . t 3575 South 4000 Call Vao Bowers Sprays. DEMONSTRATORS: RADIO REPAIR T.V. GODWIN Free Tube Testing. 4983 W. 3500 So. you are looking for a new home, or want to trade into a better home, in area call CY the Granger-Hunte- r Dean Baker. BOUQUETS, Plants, Outs, $4.50 Up $15.00 Up. So. C200 West, CY 5250 $3.0fr INSURANCE CORSAGES, Casket Phone CY SPECIAL PRICE MIDWEST INSURANCE CO. FLOWERS 298-022- HAVE HOMES in Kearns and Granger For Dean Sale or Trade. Call CY VERN Baker. Galaxie Realty & Investment Co. ' :all WEDDINGS WILL TEND children, my home. CY Westridge Realty. CHOICE HOME -- FLOWERS, BACKGROUNDS, Reasonable. Short Notice O.K. Oakeson FloraL 5250 So. 3200 West. CY REAL ESTATE CY Guaranteed Work - Fast Service CY CY 3310 W. 3500 South All Makes Repaired Have the convenience of automatic washing in your home. Rent a washer for $3.00 per week and matching dryer for $5.00 per week. Western Auto in K earns SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS NEW & USED - GRANGER RENTALS Bill Lemmons, Political Activities. Presidential Awards of Honor were also awarded to Jerry Lindhardt and Walt Deal for their support to the President as State Vice President and Secretary-Treasure- r. Exhausted Rooster certificates secretary-treasureand pins were presented to two Jerry Lindhardt served as a scinwho look as though they Cees tillating master of ceremonies for Jay 'have a little life left in them despite the installation. having turned the ancient age of W. Special guest speaker was . Hughes Bhocktoank, past president, 36 Darr Harward and Bob Harri-son! Utah Jaycees. He was introduced The coveted Key .Man award by Orin Hunter. Other special guests were Mr. and went to George Slack for his outMrs. Joe Sloan. Joe, as manager standing support during 1962-6awarded their Key of the Valley View News, has given The Jaycee-ette- s Girl to Marie Lindhardt for Award outstanding publicity coverage to Kearns Jaycee projects during the an outstanding 100 points of acpast year, and was awarded a certi- tivity. A thophy fo outstanding memficate of Appreciation by President bership recruitment during the past Ed Castillo. year was awarded to Cec Otte by Jayceeof the Month Awards A feature of installation cere- - President Castillo. & LAWN MOWERS ng- . Sept. 1962 - Chev. Truck. Low mileage. Good tires. Reel good. $1375.00 Packard Radiator. springs. $25.00. Call CY fOR Complete CY WESTRIDGE REALTY 2'A ft. CY ft. 8 inch, . . baths, large amusement range & oven. Fenced & landscaped. CY LaVar Allred, Miss July 1962 Kearns Float. Aug. 1962 Geo. Slack, Family Outi- r. IRONING DONE. Call CY SIDE Vi baths, full basement, block Radio & T.V. homes, carport, fireplace in living room. GUARANTEED SERVICE Service. Auto Radio Repairing. Valley Carpeted & draped, large lot. LandT.V. 5450 South 4220 West CY scaped. 2 Bedroom, Comet. Real Buy. Make LIKE NEW Goson Orin Hunter, Orienta- tions. 1 HAMBURGERS h past year. Recipients are: Installation, ceemonies for the ONION RINGS to Kearns Jaycee and Jaycee-ette- s FISH & CHIPS serve during 1963-6- 4 were held on June 8, 1963, at Lowell's RestauSHRIMP rant, Murray. Orin Hunter, new president, received the gavel from RADIATOR or outgoing prexy, Ed Castillo. Other CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM BRAKE SERVICE officers installed were Bill Lemor (Cones Bulk) mons, 1st VP; Cec Otte, 2nd VP; La 298-1962 Call Var Smith and George Slack, dirTAKE OUT ORDERS ectors. Dave 'Rodrigues will serve PICK-U- P CALL CY 11 and DELIVERY as secretary-treasure- r with Ed Castillo going into the position of sate director. Other outgoing officers were 1st VP LaVar Allred; 2nd VP Place your Want Ads by calling CY 82032 or mail them with your George Slack; Directors Orin Huntremittance to P. O. Box 513, Kearns 18, Utah er and Bill Lemmons, and secretary-treasurOEADLINE IS MONDAY at 8:20 p.m. Walt Deal, and state di- Classified rector Bob Harrison. Advertising: 15c per line, with a minimum of 45c per insertion Jaycee-ette- s installed Marie Lind-harCLIFF WOODALL, 4631 West 5100 South, FOR SALE "Settle In The Modem Wssl" as president, with Marilyn LAWN MOWER SHARPENING SERVICE. SUNDOWN HOMES BENNETT'S Western. Auto. PAINTS A New Home Before Don't Buy Free Pickup and Delivery in the Kearns Xalm, vice president; Connie LemCY You See the Beautiful and Granger area. Call CY 1 15S. mons, secretary, and Wanda Deal, Maintenance Free Sundown Homes treasurer. Outgoing officers were TRASH BURNERS from Heavy Drums. Only $14,100 to $19,400 HAROLD F. STEAB t; $2.95. 5856 South Redwood Road. 4018 South 4300 West V. and RADIO Electronic Servicing. 4140 Betty Jo Andrews,-presidenBetty West 5780 Sourh. CY Castillo, VP; and Charlene Hunter, TRADE USED WASHERS, Dryers, T.V.'e and Stoves 6 Delicious the presentation of awards for the was monies Kearns Jaycees Hold Installation For 1963 Officers 2504 WEST 3500 SOUTH Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy, Proprietors fe Kearns Jaycee PACKARD BENNETT'S Colorizer PAINTS Specialize in cI PIZZA i one 298-004- 8 . |