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Show Jhorsdby, June 13, 1$63 Page .9 THE VALLEY. VIEW NEWS Legal Notice LEVI SLIM JIMS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of JUSTIN EARL HURST, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 53 East Fourth South, Suite 203, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 4th day of October, AD. 1963. ' Blue, White- Green, Block - 54.25 r- - INEZ T. HURST BENTLEY, Administratrix of the tate of JUSTIN EARL HURST, Deceased. JED W. SHIELDS, Attorney for Administratrix Es- Date of first publication June 13, A.D. 1963. ejEJFA RiTM E N iTJSiTO RE (7-5)- W local V.FAV. Members Attend Moab Convention i V Several members of the V.FAV. rest No. 9322 of Kearns spent the t Cowl Fcmsttt White LEVIS tor boys! ? i i ; Weekend at Moab, Utah, attending the 30th annual Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Utah. Local members attending were: Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rogerson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beech and Mr. Harold Mar- K ft . . ii i .i . i ii i , . tin. of Awards iCtations, presented the awards to the state winners at the banquet Saturday night. Mr. Harold Martin, outgoing commander from Kearns, was named one of the AH American, All State Post Commanders and was awarded a round trip airplane fare to the 64th National Convention to be held at Seattle, Wash. Only eleven commanders from the state received this award. Henry Beech received a V.F.W. Belt Buckle and a star for having signed up 25 ; pew or reinstated members. Keams post also received received a citation for exceeding their 100 percent mark in membership. Tom Porter, ieon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter, ' Entertained during the banquet. At the election of officers held Sunday, Harold Martin was : appointed . the ; Buddy Poppy Chairman. was Beech and Henry coming year Chairman appointed Membership for the Department of Utah, t; During the Ladies Auxiliary session, Mrs. Henry Beech was elected to the office of Jr. for .. the Department Mrs. Beech will also handle Community Service for the coming year. Distinguished guests at the 'convention included: Mr. Byron T. Gentry, National Commander of the V.F.W.; Rudy Otero, Districa No. 13 Western Division Commander; Dee Summers, National Chief of Staff; and Mrs. Gertrude Rhind, Past National President Henryand Beech, chairman ' SUM FITS - ..iS FOR BOYS g timt er cost !, JL, LEVI'S &a Fitt eomt b tough, hand heavyweight trOJ . tht fooka to .best, tssAtog after washing. Choose from the popular v and other top aportiwe&r color. c3-w-hit . . Vice-Presid- dim MACTICAl r ' i ' utv' ,;i t " 'i i i 1 t - it.- if . m m i ent Regular Business meeting of the Post No. 9332 will be held June 1?, 8 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in Granger. All members are urged to attend. Reports from the Convention will be given at this meeting. Plans for the annual party for the children who sold Poppies for the Post will also be completed. V.FAV. Granger Jaycees Date Cotton Candy Booth The date for the cotton candy booth, being sponsored by the Granger Jaycees, has been set ahead one week, according to Cal Youngreen, chairman. The booth will be set up in front of the Valley Shopping Center at Thrift City on June 22. This will be the only location and date for the booth according to present plans. Tentative plans for the month include a car wash to be held on June 29 under the direction of Gene Kirk. Both projects have been planned to raise money for community projects of the group. ' irw f., . u i Mji o ii r ) j f i !, r ) ..; ; i V i ; T ! ' ... M u ! 1 ; I, M . . MVIWT OinM . HMW MVlrrt MM Wit 1 I (VI ftHAuM M., M ntT ., '"-- i i Vi |