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Show tfe 4 13, 18$$ THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Canyon Marathon Fixes Attention on River Rons Sumtliins Cookin5 High speed power camp in the deep, shadowed canwill roar into yons, family boatmen turn north dozen the boats by River up the Colorado for a cruise to Colorado on the this, port Moab. After threading isolated June 15, where on country for two days, the sight of will hold the stopwatch a mammoth potash mine, a busy the annual Canyon Country River course, we, and 25 million others from all highway and a uranium mill may Marathon. PowTer-boater- s had exactly the same idea, but come as a surprise. But Moab, the thank the Good Lord we were not a two week vacation. They will Pfr;of,;Su of a mining and ranching be heart race that annual all headed East, but as long as it leave by plane, flying to Los Ange- at the hamlet of Green River, region, has a host of other attracis something other than work and Ies, Calif., then to Mexico City, gins on transcontinental highway tions calculated to make the visitor has the tag Vacation attached, While in Mexico, they will join a Utah, extends 128 miles down linger. Back country roads lead to US everyone is for it. group and go through the old ruins little-known Green River, then Dead Horse Point State Park, where To bpgin with, we drove clear referred to in the Book of Mormon. the miles upstream on visitors can camp, picnic, and peer across Wyoming, have never seen goes north 68 River into the river canyons they reso much cattle country with so The North Jordan Stake held its the canyon rimmed Colorado cently rode or they can look aross many sheep, or have never seen so youth meet on Saturday, June 8, at to Moab. the wilderness of .buttes, mesas, much sheep country with so many the School. The meet inImportant as the marathon is to Granger and sandstone pinnacles, to oil wells, or so many small towns cluded track, for both and speed enthusiasts and manufactur- spires boys the snowtipped peaks of the LaSal with No Vacancy signs on their girls. For the the hundred ers of all varieties of boats, motors Mountains boys, and prime fishing counmotels. Never had so much food yard dash, the two twenty, four and gear, the race is increasingly set before us in their cafes, but you forty and the relay were met with useful in spotlighting the beauty try. Arches National Monument, could not have beat your dog and much challenge from all the wards. and safety of y trips with its geological features reached made him eat it. The high jump, broad jump, ball on the Colorado River and its by a fine paved road, is minutes from Moab. South of the commilBut, we, like the other 25 throwing, horse shoe 'pitching and major tributary. lion previously mentioned, were the line munity via U. S. Highway 160 and & A decade ago, before the popular- series casting were, fun for all. of secondary roads Natural hurrying to some place as. far The girls were also' enjoying the ity of well-buil- t, reasonably priced, National Monument, the as it and time Bridges away just many different competitive gomes. !amily-styl- e possible outboard craft, the sole so and could around turn we right The Hunter Ward was very proud visitors to the Colorado and Green Hovenweep prehistoric Indian ruins, get back for Monday workday. to win the trophy presented to the livers were hardy outdoorsmen the scenic Goosenecks of the San Juan River and famed Monument As we headed out through South ward with the highest number of who ventured on the streams in ' are easily reached. r Valley Dakota, when you leave the Black points. Some of the' young teens use by for boats designed specially Hills going East, you can see so did In sharp contrast, family remarkably well. )Larry Moss As a result, an increasing nummany missile installations along was winner in seven events. Nancy experts. Scout of visitors leave their boats at organber groups, jarties, Boy that one cannot help Rydalch won six, every and five, tour Jujine ized Perry just plain Moab for a day or two of land parties but anticipate a tax raise, and just others scoring were now the exploring. Then theyre ready, t are George Doty, enjoying sightseers cant help but feel that some Gov- Joe Hancock, Bobbie Fackerel, Mike and tow their craft north towards gorges cut by 'the Colorado ernment Agency hasnt got some- Schaub, and there be one or Green in the vicinity of Moab. may Utahs new Flaming Gorge lake thing started and just does not more we dont know' about. Were e counFurther downstream, where giant and the quite knowr how to get it stopped. proud of our young peopIe. or over to to Dam has Ksnab Glen and the try, new begun Canyon Bad roads, poor food, high priced 170-miLake Powell. orm Lake Powell, long motels, mosquitos, 6un bum, and The Hunter Ward Relief exhaustion, this is still a great old will hold a special 'Work Society amily boatmen no longer concern meeting themselves with river currents as land we have got. You can go where Thursday, June 13. Demonstration you want to, when you want to, no on hat making and 'decoration will they explore the scenic rimrock Utah Veterinarians canyons from their cabin cruisers Plan Annual questions asked, with the exception )e given. , Meeting or runabouts. you had better go float a loan at The Beehive Girls will leave June Dr. W. P. Peterson, program the bank and pay up your credit 24 for Peruvian v Last years winner of the Canyon Lodge at Alta, Ox-ecards committee y chairman for the Utah where they will have a chance to Country River Marathon, Jack Be as carelesas you wish, kill Los of Angeles, roared from Veterinary Medical Association, is practice swimming an a heated pool. Green River to Moab in three hours finalizing plans ' for the organizayour fellow man with your car and They will return June 29. ' go scott free, kill someone with a and three minutes, and his time tion's annual meeting. Events will gun and you get shot or hung. A The and .Laurels will may be shaved by new boats in the begin at 9 a.m. on June 13 at the little more courtesy by each of us enjoy outdoor unlimited class this season. How- Prudential Federal Building in Salt living .June at all times would surely be in orever, most cruising families will 'Lake- City and continue through der. Lets each be a little more A large crowd enjoyed the North spend three days, rather than a few the afternoon of June 14. 1 enone to to another, try pleasant Jordan Stake along the marathons course Friday, hours, The two-daprogram, includes joy life more each day and not June 7, at Saratoga, since the area is rich ip and the despite discussions on variouj a hurried and on much depend quite so many visitors stay for panels skies scenery, and cool cloudy breezes. revacation to be our answer to weeks or for the entire summer developments relating to the profession of veterinary medicine. laxation. The elders quorum and their exploring Utahs San Juan, Grand, The Utah meeting will be one jartners held an outing at Hunter Emery, Wayne, Garfield and Grand Park. The ladies . played croquet counties adjacent to the canyon of many held throughout the country participating in the' celebration and crazy golf, while the men country. ' ' of the r Typical river vacationists anniversary played ball. put of the founding of the American f in at Green River, make a leisureMrs. Barbara Burnham was ap ly run to 6uch campspots as An- Veterinary Medical Association on erating this year with the Miss pointed chaplain of .the derson Bottom, and loaf along the June 9. . Granger Green Utah for Miss Universe contest Hunter Jaycee-ettes.in a country still untapped " committee. Girls from our comby highways, where the silence is munity who are interested in enter Mr. Mrs. and Reed Winward have broken only by the river. Next day ing the contest can get the neces- returned home after they move downstream into gorges vacationing in that sary entry blanks from their pho California. grow deeper and deeper, untographer or from this newspaper. til, approaching the junction of the Girls must be at least 18 years Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jackson spent Green and Colorado Rivers, the of age and not over 28. They must the mesas topped by Grand View Point never have been married, must be Idaho.weekend visting relatives and Dead Horse Point rise nearly citizens of the United States for Mrs. Ray Stephens of Malta, 3,000 feet above the river in a series at least six months; and of course Idaho, spent a couple of days visit- of highly colored sandstone ter. . . they must be beautiful. She ing relatives in Hunter and Salt races. will be required to give her own Lake. Mrs. Waterbone vacationists Stephens is a sister of here one minute talk on Utah which Mrs. Eugene Moss. Mrs. have the knowledge that Stephens theyre Mon also visitiied her will be broadcast on KSL-Tmother, Mrs. Julia peering into seldom-see- n country A few Behunin 9:30 24 at June p.m. . day, that someday will be Canyonland of the prizes for the winner wil National Park. Conservationists and include a beautiful trophy, a com Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moss anc Washington officials are plete wardrobe, an oil portrait, anc son Larry, spent a week at Fish thrashing out details of a currently park exan all expense trip to Miami Lake and Southern Utah. to atpected protect 235,000 acres of They Florida, to compete in the Miss tended church at Fish Lake, land on both sides of the river. which U.S.A. finals and the Miss Universe is under the direction After making a second nights of the Sevier contest. The winner will be trainee Stake, Church of Jesus Christ o. immediately at the Patricia Stevens Latter-da- y Saints. The church serv Career College and Finishing Schoo ices are Sunday School at 10 a.m.. in Salt Lake City in preparation Priesthood Meeting at 12 noon, and for the competition in Miami Sacrament Meeting at 2 SunFlorida. Deadline for entries to day found over a hundred p.m. and fifty reach Miss Utah for Miss Uni people there. by T. R. MOAB, Utah Broun ranchers-turned-sailo- Vacaltion, what a wonderful wrord! With aj long weekend, with Decoration Dpy included, my wife and I grabbed a hand full of steering .wheel land headed Northeast. Of Methodist Centennial 6-5- Conference Underway in Denver - DENVER, Colo. In 1S63 the first session of Colorado Methodist 'Annual Conference was held, with the Bishop Edward R. 'Ames presiding. The Methodist work in 1963 covered Denver, Golden, Boulder, and the Central City mining area to South Park. There were 12 min- 4, treasurer. for "Miss Utah hi-vr- ay . Jackson-Yellowston- le i Mia-Maid- s1 17-18-- 19. - Nor-J-Es- ta y. Miss Universe1 Pageant Scheduled for June Miss Utah for Miss Uni- The verse pageant originally scheduled for June 17 will be held, instead, on Monday, June 24 at 9:30 p.m. Studios in Salt at the KSL-TV Lake City. Local photographers, members of Inlermountain Professional Photographers Association are coop- - Now... 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU 4080 W. 5415 South Center Kecrrts Shopping 4845 W. 4775 South REALTY WESTRIDGE We handle all your 24 one-hundred- th : , CT 8-20- 42 - a Best Bet! 223 South Fifth East in Salt Lake City by Midnight, June 22, 1963. 51 64 8-11- 54 8-77- 15 Scouting Richard (Ricky) Bertoch received first cl&ss badge plus three metit badges at the last Court of Honor. The troop received 34 badges altogether. Robbie Fackerells patrol rated very high in points for camping and field events at the District Camporee. fcls 68 Dorris CR Wendell CY Toby CY Don CY We Seed Your Listings Classified Ads Your V, REAL ESTATE NEEDS verse headquarters at OFFICE: 0, back-countr- isters present at this first Conference, and the church membership in Colorado totaled 241. The Centennial session will be held at the Park Hill Methodist with Church in Denver June 10-1R.' Glenn Phillips presiding. Bishop There will be more than 250 ministers, more than 275 lay delegates, representing over 111,000 Methodists. These representatives ' will come from Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and one county in Nevada. Rev. L. B. Friend and Mrs. Jacob Huffman will represent the Trinity Methodist Church in Kearns, Utah. The theme for the Conference will he Pioneers Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Dr. Lawrence Lacour f the Methodist Board of Evangelism will be the evening speaker. Dr. J. J. Seabrook, president of Huston-Tillotso- n College will speak dinner at two meetings. The final session will occur on Friday, June 14, when Bishop Phillips will announce the ministers appointments 'for the next year. He has already announced that Dr. Fred Clark of Greeley will be the Denver District Superintendent, Rev. Richard Halbert will be the new Greeley District Superintendent, and Dr. Kenneth Sausaman of Cheyenne, Wyoming will be the new Conference rs Classified Ads Get Results |