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Show THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Page 10 Thursday, June IS, 1963 guilders Ready Plans for Home Show and Parade of Homes "Construction progressing rapidly, and we have every indication that the 1963 Salt Lake City Home Show and Parade of Homes show will be a total success. With these words. Jay D. Hansen, president of the Home Builders Association of Greater Salt Lake, explained the current show situation. For the first time in the Salt Lake area, the two shows are beat the same time ing combined . . . at the same location . . . 4975 West 4100 South. The 1963 extravaganza will feature 70 displays of new building materials, designs, products and concepts. In addition to the Home Show, the Parade of Homes will feature 17 new homes, each completely furnished and landscaped. "We were fortunate this year, in that each builder seemed to select a house that .was different from all the others. "Consequently, 'we have a Parade that has ramblers, split levels, 2 stories . . . about everything being built in this area. Mr. L. H. Brock-banof (June), secretary-treasure- r ... k, the Association, was quoted as say- ing. The show is scheduled to begin Sunday, June 23 . . . and will con- ... tinue for 15 days up to and including Sunday, July 7. Show hours are as follows: weekdays, except holidays, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays (July 4th) the show will open at 1 p.m. and close at 10 p.m. Ample parking is being provided, just across the street from the entrance. Parking attendants will be there to make parking as easy and quick as po6sibile, and the Salt Lake County Sheriffs office has promised to assist with traffic conto prevent traffic jams. trol Entry into the Parade of Homes and Home Show will be from 4100 South. The Home Builders have been fortunate in securing a large tent red, white and blue circus-lik- e All Home Show. Home the for Show displays will be featured within this tent. Once inside the Parade itself, visitors will be greeted by clean, orderly streets and off-stre- et ... DO YOU WANT A NEW HOME? Are you aware that you can gat ON THE SPOT APPRAISAL walks, enhanced by the beauty of the many homes and landscaping. Visitors will be able to purchase light refreshments in a special area designed for the purpose . . . and the smaller children will have a so they can have play area Mom while and Dad leisurely fun, stroll through the Parade of Homes. Without Cost as Trade on a NEW HOME IN .GRANGER? ... When asked the purpose of the Parade of Homes and Home Show, Mr. Wallace V. Jacobson, of the HBA, replied, "The Home Building Industry is the largest single industry in the 'State of Utah . . . and the many people connected with home construction use this combined show as a showcase . Mr. Jaobson went on to invite everyone to drop out to the show . . . and see what is new and exciting in new homes. Show hours have been selected to make it easy for everyone to attend. Both the parking and Parade of of Homes will be well lighted for the viewers evening pleasure. vice-preside- You can paint or do other work REDUCE YOUR PAYMENT COSTS nt FULL BASEMENT - BRICK HOMES MIDWEST REALTY & FINANCE CY 41 CY 8-3- CY CY 8-4-954 KEY REXALL DRUGS Makes a Suggestion: You know, your Dad is a pretty swell guy, and as long as you're going to give him something for Father's Day you want to be sure to give him something that he'll really like. Just in case he's like some Dad's we know kind of hard to please why don't you drop in and see our gifts for him Our gifts are priced right! How many times do you get out of your easy chair to answer the phone each week? Instead of jumping up each time the phone just reach! An inexpensive extension phone in the living room helps save your CY evenings for the relaxation you need. To order, call us or ask a telephone serviceman. 8-35- 44 CY 8-35- 45 a s x FOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE 23 |