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Show Page 6 Thursday, June 13, J$C8 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Anything Goes ! i By ROLF W. KAY I a Lest you think that all teen agers spend their time racing thru town or stealing hub caps, let me tell you about an organization called THE YOUNG PEOPLES SOCIETY OF KEARNS. This organization Started ini Kearns a few years ago and its membership is limited to young people between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. The club was started by the teen agers themselves and their main function is to give the young people something , to do. They hold a dance every Friday night on the patio of the Water Office in Kearns and once a month they hold a bingo game at the same place. Everyone is invited to both the dances and the bingo games. The small admission charge is used by the club for their activities. This summer for instance, the group is planning to visit a ghost town in Wyoming. To earn money for this trip, they plan to have cake sales, car' washes and other fundraising activities. While the club was organized mainly so the teen agers would have something to do, they also realize that they have an obligation to those less fortunate than they. Every Saturday, some of the the girls go to the State Mental Hospital and visit the womens ward. These girls talk to the patients there, fix their hair for them, and just visit with them and try to make life a little more pleasant for them. The club has no sponsor but they have two advisors in the persons of Bill Petusky and Beverly Frick. The president of the club is Tony Montano, the first is Gary Hart, the second is Harriette Friend, the secre-ta- r yis Diane Kay, the treasurer is Karma Atkinson and the historian is Donna Frisk. So one of these first Fridays, why not attend one of the dances held by this club. And the next time you see a bake sale or a car wash sponsored by the Young Peoples Society of Kearns, dig down in your pocket and spend a buck or two for a very worthwhile cause. vice-preside- nt vice-preside- nt RAYS Barber 5460 South 4220 West RAY PETERSON WAYNE HOCDLER Phone 2S8-004- 8 THE GRANGER - HUNTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE . Presents V MR. TED MACK As .Master, of. Ceremonies FOR THE FINALS OF THE . ; , jvvvv. vAV vx Enjoy Complete Home Natural Gas Air Conditioning this summer. Say goodbye to uncomfortable heat. k- . . j f fcV & : Youll have less cleaning to do ivSwYN6mbyifg: . ; -- v X' Sileht dperation j i ; 1 Produced by Eugene Jefesnick MGER HIGH SCHOOL 8:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th ALL SEATS RESERVED Row Row Row Row 1 to 8. .$3.00 ... 2.75 ... 2.50 ... 2.25 ... 2.00 9 to.16 17 to 24 25 to 33 Balcony i ' Tox Tox Tax Tox Tax MAIL ORDER: Enclosed Check or Money Order for ! Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Tickets Total$ Price$ For Ted Mack "Talent Show Case" Name Address Mail to: GRANGER-HUNTE- R CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P. O. BOX 19013 Fordetails onCOMPLETE HOMENatura Gas Air Conditioning, contact your local Mountain Fuel Supply Company office. ; . ' - 4 1! 1! Talent Show Case 't ' - A Television Program v v . |