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Show Thursday, June 13,.LKi ' . 1 ' THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS Taylorsville News by Heard The Shelby Cook family and a group of Explorer Scouts from Granger returned from a wonderful and exciting trip on the Colora- JOE Its good to see Jerry- Cooper ing to play golf and drive a car back on the ob at the IGA Store. s the golfer wont hit anything. He had a rough session with a Glade Linebaugh dropped in the ; jback injury. ,i' Key Rexall Drug the other day J ISee the Town Council put the dressed in eans. Got to take care pressure on to have the old milk af his prize horses. T depot removed. It has been an eyesore for a long time to say nothing Jim Wilson and wife will leave for a month' vacation the end of V of being a hazard. this month. They plan to visit his i Don Herzog is getting around a hometown and get in a little busi'i lot better after his operation but ness for the cleaning business. ' still dont feel like playing a lot - ; 1 . do River. They were gone nine days. Many changes have come about as the water has been rising to make Lake Powell in back of Glen Canyon Dam. A large boat ramp is being constructed at the Rainbow Bridge site. The water is rising 16 inches a day. Many camp sites and recreation areas are being planned. It know doubt will become one of the greatest vacation spots in the counry. Sgt. Calvin Paxton is on his way home from Europe. He has been gone two years. It will be good to see him again. Elsie Hall, Ron McLeans secretary, returned from a vacation to The Intermountain Fat Stock M Rulon Jenkins reports the open- - California. Says she could not get was a big event for three Show ' ing of the Valley West Hospital a good tan, the weather was as boys from Taylorsville. They came v'is not far off. Work' is progressing bad as we are some up with having. top prizes during the f very well and the contractors show two last Wednesday and day turned the keys over to him Wed- -' The Valley State Bari: is in a Thursday. The boys are Mike, Raynesday. state of disrepair. They have start- mond and Lynne Spencer of 658 W. 4800 South. Mike and Raymond Tickets have gone on sale for ed the new addition and of a!! days both got blue ribbons and were Chamber of to start it rained all tho Granger-Hunte- r day. among the 30 finalists for the rosCommerce sponsored Ted (Macks ette ribbons. There were over two Talent Show Case. The show will Bruce swine entered from all over hundred the Banks, genial operator ;? be held July 24 at the Granger 'J High School. ' Reserve tickets may of the Phillips 6 Station in Grang- the Intermountain area. Trophys are not new to these young men. bo had by calling CY er, has expanded to the Kearns Mike is the holder of the Master area. He took over the station on Duane Catton says the only dif- 4700 South and 4800 West. He is a Stockmans pin and Showmanship Trophy from the County Fair. Mike ference between, a woman learn- good operator. and Raymond won honors in the Science Fair held at Valley Jr. High School this past year and their exLewis Bros. Stages hibit was among those shown with WE NEED other winners from throughout the "BONNIES" State. Congratulations to these fine Depot young teenagers. They are the sons IN KEARNS 360 South West Temple St. of Ben and Fern Spencer. They help and support the boys 100 per cent. Phone ELgiirt Of , -- 1 ' golf. - , 77 v WILL TRADE KEARNS & SALT LAKE CITY SCHEDULES Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jorgenson on the birth of and BUILD a baby boy. YOU A CUSTOM BUILT HOME OF YOUR CHOICE GALAXIE REALTY 3481 SOUTH 2700 WEST Phone 293-907- 6 or Jim Jamieson....: Glen Seel Dean Baker Larry Tuckett KEARNS PHARMACY Phone CY Carol Wilcox 34 CY CY 3 6270 The new time for Taylorsville 4th Ward Primary will be Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. This will enable kindergarten children and those attending summer school to be able to attend Primary. Marvin Kirkham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Kirkham has been called to serve a mission to the Gulf States. They reside at 340 Phillips Lane and are members of the 3rd Ward. Marvin will leave for the mission home June 24. We wish him a successful mission. CY Fifth Ward News CY AM Linda Scovill, Cheryl Phillips and Jean Jones are among a group from the Taylorsville Stake who will participate in the big MIA Dance Festival this Friday night. REED DAVIS REALTOR WE WILL TAKE NO NEED TO SWELTER THROUGH ANOTHER HOT SPELL YORK Page 7 COOL OFF WITH AIR CONDITIONING YOUR KEARNS HOME ON TRADE ' FOR HOMES IN GRANGER HUNTER MAGNA Where We Can Show You 10 .MODEL HOMES 3 or 4 Bedrooms - Split Level 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. All MIA people should attend this. Saturday department sessions will be held in the S.L. area. Sunday General sesThe winning quartet from Taysions at 9:30 at the Tabernacle, lorsville Stake comprised of Ann Brown, Val Chatwin, Earlynn Smart j Various activities will be held and Marie Otteson have been asked throughout the conference. All acto sing at MIA Conference this Fri- tivities are free of charge to the day. On Monday, members of the ' public. Speech Festival The Case Suburban Arts Club and this quartet traveled to the State Hospital of the Unspeakable1 will also be to entertain he patiens. They are held. Explorado will he held the accompanied by MarJean Douglas. held. : The Fifth Ward Primary will be Sunday morning the 61st Quorum held Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. A of Seventies will meet at the Ben-nio- n Ward House at 7 a.m. The separate Primary will be held at will meet at the Taylorsville 491st 3:30 for those children in kinderHouse. The High Priest QuorState garten. um will meet at 6:45 at the Stake Piano and voice students of Mil- House. All these priesthood bearers dred Gerrard were heard in Recit- are urged to attend. al Wednesday at her home. Those who participated were Denton Sunday School preparation will be held June 16 at 8 p.m. All SunThiede, Carolyn Thiede, Gayland Carla Heatday School people are invited to atHeaton, Kathy Heaton, tend. on, Laurel Swenson Bonnie Johnson, Larry Johnson, Patricia Powell Stake Temple Day is June 1 8th. and Kent Powell. Mrs. Gerrard served refreshments after the recital. The Temple is open and is having Congratulations to these fine young 7 sessions a'day. musicians and their wonderful MIA Leadership is being held teacher. Tuesday, June 18 at 9:20 at the TAYLORSVILLE STAKE NEWS Taylorsville Stake House. All M.I.A. M.I.A. June Conference will be officers and teachers are invited held June 13, 14, 15 and 16. Thurs- to attend. day, June 13 will be Y.W. camp Baptism will be held Thursday, day at the Tracy Wigwam in Mill Creek Canyon. From 8 a.m. to 5 June 27th at the North Kearns p.m. Sessions at the Tabernacle at Stake Center in Kearns at 6:00. Salt Lake City Post Office Adds ZIP to Mail Deliveries July 1st That mail delivery zone number, ately following the city and state, currently used by postal patrons Le., Salt Lake City, Utah, 84102, anxious to facilitate Post Office op- if you live in delivery zone two (2); erations will join a five-digcode to become operational nationwide on July 1. The new plan commonly known as the Zone Improvement Code (ZIP) will provide the United States with the most modern system of mail, distribution and dispatch ever devised, Postmaster David R. Trevithick said Wednesday. Utah and surrounding states have been assigned an area number eight (8). Salt Lake City has been assigned the code number 41. Together these numbers (841) form the prefix used with the existing postal zone numbers within Salt Lake City, explained Mr. Trevithick, except where the postal zone number is a single digit. In such cases a zero (0) is interposed between the area and city code numbers to form the complete five-dig- it ZIP code number. For example, if you live in postal delivery zone two (2), the new code number will be 84102. If you live live in postal delivery zone 17, the new code number will 84117. number should The five-digbe added to all addresses immedi it Sait Lake City, Utah, 84117, if you live in delivery zone 17, the post master explained. Mr. Trevithick urged all patrons to include the ZIP code number in aH return addresses to' familiarize their correspondents with the code number, which should be included in reply correspondence. Lifes That Like ALm WITH Y by Neher THERE... HELP m GIVE TO TUB RED CR0S4 it INational Cartoonisti Sodetyl Bruce Banks' PHILLIPS 66 STATION STATION (Northwest Corner in Kearns) Corner 4700 South 4800 West TIRES - BATTERIES ACCESSORIES - TUNE UP BRAKE WORK FULL BASEMENTS HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING r 4774 South fedwood Road Price Ranee from 512,750' 16 $25,000 FHA or G! EFFICIENT - COURTEOUS SERVICE " Where You Always Get A Square Deal " |