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Show Thursday, June 13, 1963 THE VALLEY VIEW NEWS m fn uJ KEARNS AMERICAN LEAGUE WBBA yJ The annual King Contest dance to Proud Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Marks New-bol- d and Mrs. Vera Bench of Ben-nioMonte and Anelar Newbold are the proud parents of a new baby girl born Saturday, June 8th at the L.D.S. Hospital. " Congratulations n. Primary will begin at 11 this next week instead of 10:30. Prayer meeting will begin at 10:30. All teachers are urged to 'at prayer meeting. Primary will last one hour for the summer, all children are invited to attend. There are many fun things 'Last weeks scores: will be held on June 21, at the ents of Bennion are Mr. and Mrs. Catholic Hall at 7:30 to 10 p.m. The Major League-R-ed Sox 14 Indians 0 Pat Orton. King and his two Knights will be Yankees 1 Tigers 0 crowned. There will be refreshsold and the public is invited. Tigers 1 Yankees 11 Everyone had a' real good time ments There will be fun for all, so please Indians 3 Red Sox 7 at the Cinema this week, the money join us will go to the building fund. The games played last week stil had the Yankees in first place, fol Congratulations to Craig Park, son lowed by the Red Sox, Tigers anc of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Park over his Indians. In the Minor League, the Senators and the White Sox are recent" engagement. Who says re tied for first place, with the Orioles turned missionaries have a hard second, Angels, Twins and time getting adjusted. Don't let them down.., Barbara and Easton Blake are ex pecting company this week from California Bargaras sister-in-lais coming to attend June Confer- APPEARING NIGHTLY IN PERSON ence. Eugene w to do. ' a Pago ' June is Dress a Child Month. Money will be gathered at Primary and this money will be used to buy clothing for a child at the Primary Hospital. All children are urged to "participate in this, it is for a very worthy cause. in Bernard Beckstromss parents from Panguitch are visiting this week with Bernard and Leah, they are enjoying them very much. All this rain we are having is washing out Lynn Batemans new lawn, we hope it isnt too much of a loss. He really has spent a lot Belief Society work day will be of time getting it planted. held Monday, June 10th at 9:30. It will be pot luck. There will be one A special wish for all Fathers Belief Society a month which will this week. May all of you spend be a work day. a very Happy Fathers Day. All M.I.A. teachers are urged to Bennion 2nd Ward will hold their attend the M.I.A. department ses- annual Ward Outing at the West sions at June Conference. It will Jordan Park June 25th at 5:00 m. p be a very interesting meeting. All Ward members are invited to (Bxcept funcfey) efe&nlh "MUSIC IN THE CONTINENTAL MANNER" With CARLOS ARROYO (Mexico's Glffd Qvlterht) " attend. X Congratulations to Arthur and La I Wanna Beals. They are the proud Everyone remember Temple Day. parents of a baby girl. The Temple is open now and seven ' t sessions are 'open every day except The Junior Softball team is tied and Get more MILK in Teogra's Beautiful It ! . Satuiday Sunday. for 1st place in the Stake play. f ( They won the Taylorsville 8th Ward Gary Newbold and Orton Payne game and lost to the Taylorsville caught some nice big fish at Rock-poWard and wron from Bennion 2nd. thi spast week. They said fishParents and Ward members are ing was very good. They didnt urged to attend and support these have any trouble catching their 4- - Dining Room for the weekend I V Dad will be home from work. No school for the kids. Sis will have her friends over. Theyll all want plenty of Milk. Get extra Milk now for the weekend. Youll be glad you did! rt boys. Game time 8:30. limits. June 14 Taylorsville vs Bennion June 21 Bennion 2nd vs Bennion June 28 Taylorsville vs Bennion July 12 Taylorsville vs Bennion July 19 Bennion 2nd vs Bennion LaDean. Olson is giving Piano ; .lessons.1 Anyone interested please call her at AM. ' The Bennion 1st Quorum of Elders had a bowling party at the Alta Lanes Saturday night June 8. Everyone had a real good time. The group returned to the home of Fae and Harold Ross and had a pot-luc- k supper." Share the AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION OF UTAH Sponsored by Utah's Dairy Fanners TWIN BENEFITS of a low cost J S3 Home & A . i mprovemesitj Loan Correlations meeting will be held this coming Thursday evening. Officers at 7 and Officers and Teachers at 8. Everyone should be in at- LOW RATES tendance. FAST A speedy recovery to Dave Blanck Blanck who is ill, we hope he soon is feeling much better. CONVEIENT BENNION 2nd WARD NEWS Jerry Orton they are the proud parents of a new baby boy born Sunday, June 9th. Excited grandpar- - June Special! Kitchen Chairs SERVICE KEARNS OFFICE :rr'i . , . The name you Whatever your plans . . . yerd im- provements garage ' patio . . . a Home Improvement Loot! can provide for that much needed space or for the added recreation " and living that helps famlow-co- st "at-home- ily ties. See us at the Kearns Office today t provements RECOVERED IN NAUGAHIDE ONLY $P00 tJChair SUPERIOR UPHOLSTERY Call CY 8-66- NATIONAL The name you can on! 42 Member Federal Deposit lncwar.ee C:rjBi ' ; 1 i, |